27 - General Flashcards
What is HMP Whitemoor?
HMP Whitemoor is a maximum security prison for men in Category A and B. It is one of eight High Security Prisons. The prison focuses on settlement (helping those convicted of serious offences to make positive use of long sentences) and resettlement (reducing the risk of reoffending through assessment, work, education and offending behaviour programmes).
What are the Eight High-Security Prisons?
Full Sutton
Long Lartin
What are ‘Category A’ prisoners?
A category A prisoner is an offender who’s escape would be highly dangerous to the public or the police or the Security of the State and for whom the aim must be to make escape impossible.
What are ‘Category B’ prisoners?
Category B prisoners are prisoners for whom the very highest conditions of security are not necessary but for whom escape must be made very difficult.
HMP Whitemoor Prison Population
Operational Capacity = 458 prisoners
Our current unlock is 434
High Risk Category A = 10
Category A = 132
Category B = 292
TACT prisoners = 15
E-List prisoners = 3
High Profile prisoners = 18
HMP Whitemoor Sentence Breakdown
2 prisoners serving more than 4 years but less than 10 years.
85 prisoners serving 10+ years
40 IPP’s
307 Life Sentence prisoners
334 – Violence against the person
26 – Burglary / Robbery
19 – Drug Related Offences
18 – Sexual Offences
28 – Other Various
Units within HMP Whitemoor
DSPD (Dangerous & Severe Personality Disorder)
PIPE (Psychologically Informed Planned Environment)
CSC (Close Supervision Centre)
Segregation Unit
3 Main Residential Wings
Hierarchical components of a rehabilitative prison
Safety and Decency
Rehabilitative culture;
Rehabilitative staff prisoner relationships
Address drug and alcohol
Address, Attitudes &
Role of the Offender Management Unit (OMU)
All prisoners no matter what their offence or sentence undergo a comprehensive risk assessment using a process of OASys (Offender Assessment System).
This assessment results in a Criminological Needs Assessment based on the information that is recorded within the assessment.
The OASys document assesses the following to determine risk factors:
Accomodation Education/Training/Employability Drug & Alcohol Misuse Finance Family & Relationships Attitudes/Thinking and Behaviour Lifestyle and Associates Emotional Well-being
Risk is….
An uncertain prediction about a future event or behaviour, with a potential for the outcome of that event or behaviour to have a negative or harmful impact. Risk has two dimensions, the likelihood of something happening, and the impact of the event or behaviour should it occur. The risk assessment must assess both components and a risk calculation must assess the probability that a future event or behaviour will occur and the likely extent of the negative impact.
What is the aim of the Offender Management Unit?
The aim of the Offender Management Unit is to help prisoners to work towards reducing their Risk of Harm, their risk of Re-Offending and their risk of Re-Conviction. This is done by identifying the criminogenic factors that have been key to why they have offended in the first place.
The OASys document defines the Risk of Serious Harm as…
‘A risk which is life threatening and/or traumatic and from which recovery, whether physical or psychological can be expected to be difficult or impossible.
Thinking Skills Programme…
TSP targets male and female offenders’ age 18 years and over who are low risk of re offending and above, and are assessed as having the treatment needs in:
Stop and think Emotional awareness Problem solving Perspective taking Seeing the whole picture Offence free relationships
A short motivational intervention (not accredited) to encourage change in individuals. This is not offence specific and can be used to motivate individuals in a number of ways. It could be used to encourage offenders to take responsibility for their choices, develop their readiness for accredited interventions and encourage engagement in sentence planning objectives.
Self-Change Programme and RESOLVE…
RESOLVE is the moderate intensity programme aimed at those with a moderate risk of future violence (one or two violent offences committed).
SCP is the high-intensity programme aimed at those with a high risk of future violence (three + violent offences committed)
Why do interventions?
To prevent offending behaviours and attitudes becoming more entrenched
To reduce problem prisoner behaviours and increase safety for staff and prisoners