Deferrals Part 1 Flashcards
Abortion/Miscarriage ( w/o Dilatation and Curettage )
6 weeks from incident
Abortion/Miscarriage ( with Dilatation and Curettage )
12 months from procedure
Acne vulgaris : Lesion not active or infected but on topical medication
Acne vulgaris : taking cyproterone acetate ( an anti-testosterone)
Acne vulgaris : taking tetracycline or erythromycin
2 weeks from completion of treatment
Acne vulgaris : taking isotretinoin , tretinoin , adapalene
4 weeks from last dose
Acne vulgaris : taking acitretin , etretinate ( Neotigason )
3 years from last dose
Acupuncture ( Needle Sterilized practitioner certified )
Age : 16-65 yrs old
Age : more than 65 yrs old
At the discretion of physician
Chronic Alcoholism
Permanent deferral
Alcohol Intake
12-24 hrs after last intake
Allergy : Hay fever with minor symptoms with/w/o medications and donor fit and well
Allergy : Hay fever with more than minor symptoms with/w/o medications and donor fit and well
1 month from last incident
Allergy : moderate allergic reaction ( including drug allergy)
1 year from last incident
Iron Deficiency Anemia
After treatment with Hgb of 125/L
Anemia any other cause
Angina pectoris - diagnosis confirmed
Permanent deferral
Antacids - taken occasionally for indigestion or heart burn
Depends on the condition for which antibiotic is taken
Anti-inflammatory medicines
( Underlying condition acceptable)
NSAIDS - if blood donation not for platelets
NSAIDS - if blood donation for platelets
Defer for 24 hours from last dose
Aspirin - blood donation not for platelets
Aspirin - blood donation for platelets
Defer for 72 hrs from last dose
Platelet Apheresis
72 hrs / 3days
Double Red Cell Apheresis
16 weeks from last apheresis provided height , weight and Hgb ( > 145 g/L) criteria are meet
Single Red Cell Apheresis
12 week
Single Red Cell + Platelets Apheresis
12 week
Plasma Apheresis
4 week
12 months after surgery
Arthritis not on medications
Asthma , Mild ( Donor fit and well )
Anytime - if not on medication , only on inhaler maintainance
Asthma , severe
Autoimmune Diseases like SLE
BCG vaccine
2 weeks from last vaccination
Biopsy Benign and Healed
12 months from the procedure
Blood donation , Whole Blood
12 weeks from last Donation ( ISBT ) . shorter interval may be allowed provided frequency does not exceed 6x in the entire year
Whole blood , Packed RBC , Platelet Concentrate , Fresh Frozen Plasma transufusion
12 months from last transfusion
Transfusion of Clotting Factors ( Factor VIII & IX )
Permanent Defferal
Blood transfusion given in France , Ireland & United Kingdom
Permanent Defferal
Body Piercing
12months / 1 year from procedure
1 month from completion of antibiotics
Brain Surgery
Permanent Defferal
Permanent Defferal
Acute Bronchitis
1 month after complete recovery
Chronic Bronchitis
Anytime if symptom free for 24 months
Permanent deferral