(!) Deep vein thrombosis Flashcards
Define DVT
Clotting in the veins of leg, abdominal, pelvis
can result in impaired flow which causes swelling and pain of the leg
can cause PE
Aetiology and risk factors of DVT
Aetiology-Virchows triad- Flow disturbance (laying still-no muscle pump of blood), clotting disorders (Oestrogen pill, etc), Endothelial disruption (smoking, etc)
associated with: recent immobilisation (hospitalisation, surgery, long flights, trauma) Malignancies medical illnesses with inflammation oral contraceptive pill Age Pregnancy past DVT
Epdiemology of DVT
Common 1:1000
20-50% of surgery patients
Symptoms and signs of DVT
Symptoms-often goes missed
painful swollen legs/calf
can have fever
Signs-calf warmth, tenderness, swelling, fever, erythema, pitting oedema
Tests for DVT
D-Dimer- sensitive for thrombosis, but not specific for DVT (low D dimer and low Wells score-can exclude)
Ultrasound-best diagnostic test
Thrombophilic test-give a clue
Management for DVT
Prevent-stop the pill pre operation, mobilise early
LMWH and compression stockings for all
can use DOACS
Treatment-LMWH immediately (dependent on weight and time) or DOAC (Xa inhibit)
IF LVMH-Warfarin with LVMH
Stop heparin at INR 2-3, treat for 3 months post op (6 if can’t find a cause)
Complications of DVT and its management
High risk and chance-can become PE-type 2 respiratory failure and cardiac arrest
Large bleed during initial treatment-DOAC can help reduce that -also consider reversing agents
Heparin thrombocytopena
Prognosis for DVT
With anticoagulant, chances of VTE are 0.4 (but if happens, 12% mortality)
extend and time to treat of initial clot is big factor
and co-morbities
once had one-risk of having more