Deck 9 (Week 10) Flashcards
Neuromuscular Conditions- Ageing
What is Multiple Sclerosis characterised by?
hint: myelin sheath related :D
MS is where demyelination occurs due to an inflammatory immune system disorder. Neural signals are hampered, affecting movment
What is the most debilitating aspect of Multiple Sclerosis?
Constant fatigue and feelings of tiredness
Apart from premature birth/complications during birth, how else might someone have Cerebral Palsy?
Someone can sustain Cerebral Palsy if they suffered from a head injury or meningitis (both before the age of 2).
Name the 2 types of stroke:
Ischemic (blockage)
Haemorrhagic (Cerebral)
List some typical signs of Stroke
1) Impaired coordination
2) Numbness/weakness in face
3) Speech problems/cognition defects
4) Sudden severe headache
5) Confusion
List as many co-morbities associated with ageing as you can:
hypertension, COPD, anaemia, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease, heart failure
At what % does VO2max reduce per decade during ageing?
Reduces roughly at 8-10% per decade
1) increased arterial stiffness
2) reduced HRmax and stroke volume
3) reduced vital capacity (volume of exhaled air after maximal inspiration)
What are some physical tests you can appropriately administer to someone in their 70’s or 80’s?
- Sit to stand
- Timed Up and Go
- Tandem Walk
- Step-ups
- 10m walk
What are some symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?
Fatigue (most prevalent)
- Spasticity
- Pain
- Numbness
- Onset of dementia
What are some characteristics of Parkinson’s Disease?
- Degenerative disorder of the CNS
- Reduction in motor cortex stimulation
- More related to production of neurological signals (MS is more about transmission of signal through myelin sheath)
Name some symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
1) Slowing of movement
2) Tremors
3) Muscle rigidity
4) Postural instability (FALLS RISK!)
What is the most useful medication for treating Multiple Sclerosis?
Corticosteroids as they can suppress the immune system.
What should exercise aim to improve for Multiple Sclerosis patients?
To improve ROM and flexibility to reduce spasticity
To improve functional strength (heavy-lifting is a contradindication and is ill advised)
Improve aerobic capacity to maintain myelin integrity
In terms of structuring an exercise program for a Multiple Sclerosis client, what would the frequency, time and intensity look like?
For endurance training: aim for 3x/week at 65-70%MHR
For strength: 3x/week with functionality focus
What should Parkinson’s patients ultimately aim for in relation to using exercise as a treatment tool?
Attempting to overcome their poor posture and slower movement
Improve performance of funcitonal movements (improving ADL and QOL)
What is a supplement that Parkinson’s patients should surprsingly consider?
(Boosts ATP/PC system, enhances recovery)
For strength training in Parkinson’s patients, what intensity should they aim for?
In the range of 10-12/20 on the Borg Scale (high end of light to lower moderate)
Which body parts should Parkinson’s patients focus on in harmony with their goals?
Training the shoulders and back to improve posture, 3-5x/week at maximal strength tolerance capacity
When would there be lots of crossover between an EP and physiotherapist for Parkinson’s and MS patients?
For neuromuscular rehabilitation.
Need for physical and cognitive strategies to be individualised
Working with handrails, braces, walkers etc (hospital/clinic setting)
What are some effects of ageing? Think categories then branch off there :)
Physical: Body composition, joints, lower muscle mass (sarcopenia), muscle disuse
Motor Control: Balance, posture, falling, response time
Psychosocial: Emotional function, well-being
Performance: CV and Pulmonary function