Deck 24 congiuntivi Flashcards
I wish they would put the plates away after dinner.
Vorrei che mettessero via i piatti dopo cena.
I think he never puts the full stop in the right place
Penso che lui non metta mai il punto al posto giusto.
I think he pulled the door rather than pushing it.
Credo che abbia tirato la porta invece di spingerla.
They think that reading this book made me take action.
Pensano che leggere questo libro mi abbia spinto ad agire.
As stupid as they seemed, they knew exactly what they were doing.
Per quanto sembrassero stupidi, sapevano bene cosa stavano facendo.
As much as he liked it, he decided it would not have been healthy to eat it.
Per quanto gli piacesse, ha deciso che non sarebbe stato sano mangiarlo.
As much as the paintings were exquisite, the way in which they were lit made it impossible to appreciate them fully.
Per quanto i dipinti fosse squisiti, il modo in cui erano illuminati rendeva impossibile apprezzarli appieno.
I believe they always displayed the paintings with care, and made sure they were well lit.
Credo che esponessero i dipinti sempre con cura, e facessero in modo che fossero ben illuminati.
The shepherd made sure that all the sheep went to the pasture.
Il pastore abbia fatto in modo che tutte le pecore siano entrate nel pascolo.
I think they didn’t wholeheartedly support the project.
Credo che non appoggiassero il progetto di cuore.