Deck 15 Flashcards
What is polyarteritis nodosa?
Segmental, transmural, necrotizing inflammation of medium to small size arteries in any organ EXCEPT lungs; most commonly kidneys, heart, GI; bead-like aneurysm formation
What does carbon tetrachloride do?
Free radical injury in liver: centrilobular necrosis, fatty change
How do you know if someone has thrombocytopenic thrombotic purpura- hemolytic anemia?
Pentad of fever, neuro symptoms, renal failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia in setting of GI illness; Normal PT & aPTT
Symptoms of neonatal abstinence syndrome? Tx?
Neurologic (irritability, jitteriness, hypertonia), GI (diarrhea, vomiting), autonomic (sweating,s ; Tx = methadone, morphine
What med increases activity of azathioprine?
Allopurinol: xanthine oxidase catalyzes AZ inactivating pathways
What lesion can cause pure motor hemiparesis?
Lacunar infarct - small penetrating arterioles of INTERNAL CAPSULE
What can cause a pure sensory stroke?
Lacunar infarct - small penetrating arterioles of VP or VPN thalamus
Describe development of prion disease?
Prion protein (PrP) is normally a-helical > if converted to b-pleated sheet, protein becomes resistant to proteases > accumulation in grey matter leads to prion disease
What area of lungs are most often damaged in chronic and acute rejection of allograft?
Chronic = small bronchioles, Acute = pulmonary/ bronchiole vessels (perivascular infiltration with lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells)
What is the mechanism of uric acid stones in person with dehydration?
Diarrhea = reduced bicarb excretion > metabolic acidosis > increase H excretion > makes soluble urate solutes insoluble uric acid
What causes RBCs to sediment at faster rate? How?
Fibrinogen: causes RBCs to form stacks; Part of acute phase reactants stimulated by TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6
Firm coarse itchy rash (peau de orange) and breast swelling?
Inflammatory breast cancer: Cancer cells blocking lymph drainageafter spread to dermal lymphatic spaces
What do you give for NE extravasation?
Phentolamine: reverses NE a1 vasoconstriction/ ischemia of local tissue
Epigastric pain an hour after eating, weight loss, eating aversion…?
Chronic mesenteric ischemia
What is the best indicator of severity of mitral stenosis?
Presence of S3: indicates increased rate of LV filling due to large volume of regugitant flow entering ventricle during mid diastole
What is cause of disproportionate loss of pain & temp in hands/ arms?
Syringomelia: cavity enlarges pushing against ventral white commissure