Deck 10 Flashcards
What environmental exposure is associated with tuberculosis?
Silicosis: impairs macrophage effector arm
What causes TCAD overdose cardiac symptoms? Tx? What receptors are affected?
Blockage of cardiac fast channel Na channels; Tx = sodium bicarb; other receptors = muscarinic, histamine, alpha-1
Tx for status epilepticus?
- IV lorazepam (increased GABA activation) - rapid onset 2. the phenytoin (block Na channels) as long lasting - prevention
COX-2 is an inducible enzyme that is stimulated by what?
IL-1, TNF-a by infiltrating cells
What med should be given for pain in patients with reflux or ulcer disease?
COX-2 selective inhibitors (celecoxib) - COX1 has “housekeeping” roles like gastric mucosal protection
How are CD8 Tcells activated?
IFN-gamma & IL-2 by Th1
Pneumonia with diarrhea, high fever… what do you think of?
Legionnaires disease
What causes straw colored urine discharge to come from umbilical cord?
Patent urachus (from the allantois)
What causes tender umbilical cord with erythema and purulent discharge?
Urachal sinus (failure of distal urachus - from allantois - to close)
Morphology of hep E?
Unenveloped ssRNA
What are risk factors for infant vitamin K deficiency? What are symptoms?
Born with low stores > parental refusal of vit K prophylaxis, exclusive breastfeeding, cystic fibrosis; BLEEDING (intracranial, GI, cutaneous, umbilical, surgical site)
Chest pain radiating to neck or shoulders, worse with inspiration, helps to lean forward?
In what condition do you see serositis (Pleurisy, pericarditis, peritonitis)?
Describe histo of reticulocytes?
Slightly larger and bluer (Wright Giemsa stain) because lacks nucleus, but retains basophilic reticular network of ribosomal rRNA
MOA of colchicine?
inhibiting microtubular polymerization: disrupts chemotaxis, phagocytosis, degranulation
Immune deficiency, large granules in phagocytes?
Chediak Higashi: failure of phagosome lysosome fusion in neutrophil (also albinism & neuro defects)