Decision Making Flashcards
What are the characteristics of naturalistic decision making?
- Process orientated
- ‘Satisficing’ - finding satisfactory, not necessarily optimal decision
- Uses professional judgement to make some decisions or decide goals quickly
- Risk management is a vital element of the TEM framework
- Team members will expand cognitive resources
- Knowledge is used to recognise the degree of risk or threat
What are the characteristics of classical decision making?
-Input/ output orientated
-Expected outcome can be used to make a decision
Made up of:
=Choice of options
=Prediction of what alternative should be taken
=Deliberate analytical process used to determine which is optimal
=Development of context free models
What are the characteristics recognition primed decision making?
- Derived from NDM framework
- People use experience in the form of patterns
- Avoids extended decision like in the CDM model
- Experienced people will find a satisfactory course
- Mental stimulation is key
- Appropriate under time pressure
- Experience and knowledge is a must
What is the DECIDE model?
Detect a change Estimate need to react Chose desirable outcome Identify actions to control change Do necessary actions to adapt Evaluate effectiveness
What is the FDODAR model?
Fly Diagnose Options Decide Assign Review
What is the SADIE model?
Share information Analyse information Develop the best solution Implement your decision Evaluate the outcome
How does expertise effect decision making?
- rapid and accurate perception of cues and interpretation of the problem
- stored condition/ action pattern for recognition based decision
- Have a basis for estimating risk, and likelihood of various outcomes
-Can be the basis of heuristics and biases
What are the 4 ways decision can be made under the aviation decision making style?
Intuitive or recognition primed decisions
Rule based decisions
Analytical/ CDM
Creative decision making
What are the two key parts of aviation decision making?
- Situation assessment
- Course of action
What is involved in situation assessment?
- Defining the problem
- Assessing the level of risk
- Determining the time available to deal with it
What is involved in course of action?
- Selecting a course of action
- Execute action
- Review
What can go wring in the situation assessment phase of ADM? (5)
- Cues misinterpreted/ ignored
- Risk levels may be mis-assessed
- Amount of time available mis-judged
- Goals conflict (1 sick pax, vs 200 healthy)
- Unanticipated consequences
What can wrong in the course of action phase of ADM?
- Correct action not retrieved from memory
- Inappropriate rule may be applied
What things can induce an error in decision making? (11)
- Information quality/ ambiguity
- Organisational pressures
- Ergonomics/ design
- Personal stress/ fatigue
- Cognitive limitations
- Lack of knowledge or experience
- Social factors
- Biases and heuristics
- Get-home-itis
- Time pressures
- Poor CRM
What behaviours characterise good crew decision making? (6)
- Situational awareness
- Sharing situation models
- Updating plans
- Managing tasks and workloads
- Evaluate options
- Metacognition strategies (question assumptions, info, decision)
What is a decision error usually determined by?
- Deviations from a criteria (Often inaccurate)
- Decision making process must be compared to the outcome to determine if it was appropriate or of a high standard
How can flight crew decision making be improved?
Scenario based training Goal and evaluation criteria Build up experience Accurate, diagnostic and timely feedback Review poor experiences of others and yourself Practice to make reactions automatic Use team training Establish positive crew climate in briefings Monitor and challenge threats and errors Experience and knowledge
What is procedural management?
When cues signify a potentially dangerous situation but not exactly what (vibrations, bangs etc.)
-Things will trigger the same response regardless of source
Energy and time is not devoted to finding the source but rather getting into a less dangerous situation
* Will use more broad labels emergency landing rather then engine failure
What is creative problem solving?
- Must invent a satisfactory outcome
- Used in low frequency events that designers and operators cannot force and so do not develop procedures for
- Tests can be carried out to determine effect/ cause (sometimes built into checklists)
- Usually requires a novel solution where no guidance is given