Communication Flashcards
What is the process of communication?
Sender thinks Sender encodes Transmission occurs via channel - wist some disturbances Receiver decodes Receiver understands Receiver gives feedback
What is the process of communication?
Sender thinks Sender encodes Transmission occurs via channel - wist some disturbances Receiver decodes Receiver understands Receiver gives feedback
What are some methods to prevent communication errors?
Read-back Standard phraseology and calls Document verification checks Display and control setting checks Sterile cockpit policies
What are some methods to prevent communication errors?
Read-back Standard phraseology and calls Document verification checks Display and control setting checks Sterile cockpit policies
What are some traits of a good communicator? (13)
Convey clearly, in timely manner Focus on important information Standard terminology Advocates concerns clearly and assertively Acknowledge communications when received Provide information as required Repeat information (crosscheck and read back) Asks for clarification Resolve conflicts constructively Well formulated messages No hidden messages Is courteous
What are some internal barriers to communication? (15)
- Language
- Culture
- Background
- Ego
- Face
- Attitude
- Bias
- Prejudice
- Fear
- Relationships
- Body language
- Tone
- Preoccupation
- Motivation
- Physical/ Emotional state
What is Shannons model of communication?
- Source will encode a message
- Encoded message is sent by a transmitter to a receiver
- Between transmitter and receiver their is noise
- Receiver will decode the message
What are some external barriers to communication? (7)
- Noise
- Light
- Temperature
- Workload
- Physical location of source
- Method of communication
- Time of communication
What are some internal barriers to communication? (15)
- Language
- Culture
- Background
- Ego
- Face
- Attitude
- Bias
- Prejudice
- Fear
- Relationships
- Body language
- Tone
- Preoccupation
- Motivation
- Physical/ Emotional state
What are some non-verbal forms of communication?
Gesture Posture Expression Tone Eye contact Position and orientation of body Proximity
What proportion of verbal and non-verbal communication does the receiver pay attention to?
93% Non-verbal
7% Content
What is required to be actively listening?
- Concentration
- Listen for main idea
- Avoid emotions interfering
- Don’t switch off if message is familiar
- Consciously focus on non-verbal communication
- Don’t interrupt
- Asses the relevance of the topic to you
- Ask if you don’t understand
- Give feedback
- Don’t gap search
What are the personality characteristics of ‘the indifferent one’ personality?
-Person exhibits no interest in discussion
Avoid indifference by;
- Determining if it is indifference or attention span
- honest open statement about their apparent indifference in order to encourage conversation
What are the characteristics of ‘the hostile one” personality?
-An angry and hostile person
Avoid hostility by;
- trying to determine reason for hostility
- postponing discussion if excessive emotion is present
- restating their views in a positive way
What are some potential reasons for not speaking up?
- Status difference
- Fear of relationship damage
- lack of relevant experience
- Futility
- Concerns about negative impacts on others
- Poor relationship with supervisor
- Fear of punishment
- Perceived conflict between pax comfort and efficient/safety
- Perceived time pressure
What are the personality characteristics of ‘the indifferent one’ personality?
-Person exhibits no interest in discussion
Avoid indifference by;
- Determining if it is indifference or attention span
- honest open statement about their apparent indifference in order to encourage conversation
What are the six different levels of assertiveness? briefly describe each?
- Non-reactive: feeling that other people and systems have it under control. you are along for the ride
- Data transfer: giving and receiving information throughout flight
- Suggestion: 5 step process to suggest something (open with name, state concerns, state problem, Your plan, obtain agreement)
- Criticism:
- Confrontation: Shock the person into awareness “This is stupid”
- Conflict:
What are some potential reasons for not speaking up?
- Status difference
- Fear of relationship damage
- lack of relevant experience
- Futility
- Concerns about negative impacts on others
- Poor relationship with supervisor
- Fear of punishment
- Perceived conflict between pax comfort and efficient/safety
- Perceived time pressure
What is ambiguity and Homophony?
- Ambiguity: Tow or more meanings in a word, phrase, sentence or paragraph
- Homophony: Words that sound the same or nearly the same (ascending vs. descending)
Describe the standard sterile cockpit policy?
- No non-operational talk during critical phases of flight
- Reduces distractions to improve focus on error detection and management
- Includes calls to/from cabin, non-essential PA’s and calls to ops and ground crews
- Includes all non-operational tasks like eating or company write-ups.
Critical stages are:
- off-block to 10,000ft
- Within 1000ft of level off altitude or transition layer
- approaching TOD
- 10,000ft to on-bocks
How does language play into aviation communication?
- Different languages not understood - English is official language
- Different accents difficult to understand (NZ/AUS very difficult)
- ATC may use local language to local pilots or put different emphasis on different words