DEAN NAMAN AY Flashcards
a technique resorted to by a teacher in recognition of individual differences among students
independent study
provide a unique learning experience not normally achieve through class directed methodologies
independent study
the activity is undertaken independently with minimum guidance of a teacher
independent study
the studet select the materials and tools tobe used
independent study
enebales the student to undertake an in-depth investigation of a topic of interest
independent study
npromotes the development of self teaching skills and study habits`
independent study
learnig is individualized and personalized
independent study
strong motivation serves as a driving force to conitnue the study to completion
independent study
the student assumes enormous responsibility, conscious that the task is his alone
independent study
the succesfuk xompletion of the study will sure boost the feeling of confidence, satisfaction and pride in ones achievement
independent study
the ability of the student to work independently must be considered. The bright ones: difficult, simpler for othera
independent study
guarantees constructive and producive activites related to the unit being undertaken
preparing projects and collections
could be in a form of a finished product for demonstrating how a principles, usally in sciences, and work,
organized way of present a variety of objects, organism or materials which are classified in common characteristics
can be considered as project if arrange in a mannfer t highlight the meaning of variation in objects or organism in a classified presentation
develops a students manipulative skill, measurement ability, and keen aesthetic sense.
preparing projects and collections
bring out creativity and resourcefulness in designing and choosing appropriate materials to be used for a neat and orderly presentation of the finished product
preparing projects and collections
evaluation of piece of word could add grade in the subject for those student who does not excel orally
preparing projects and collections
can be a source of pride, joy and satisfaction. could motivate them to continue collecting or producing mechanical devices through the years
preparing projects and collections
they gather things in sufficient number and learn to identify and classify them according tto a set of criteria
preparing projects and collections
afer presentation, they are motivated to take good are and keep them in echibit shelves of the school
preparing projects and collections
it can be used over and over again in teaching about relevant contents
preparing projects and collections
the students’ initiative , industry and sense of responsibility are developed
preparing projects and collections
the student will need background information to prepare needed tools and materials
preparing projects and collections
the principle that will be illustrated must be clearly understood to prevent the trials and error and wrong choice of materials
preparing projects and collections
encourage the students to use lovally available materials instead of expensive ones
preparing projects and collections
it must have a wide variety of form and are abundant in the locality
preparing projects and collections
it should be done after every big unit rather than once at the end of the year
preparing projects and collections
training and learning from these activities could lead them to embark worthwhile hobbies
preparing projects and collections
emphasize the value of orderliness, neatness and accuracy in presenting
preparing projects and collections
weather instrument, improvised anemometer, thermometer, ….
preparing projects and collections
scaled model of solar system
preparing projects and collections
drama scenes
preparing projects and collections
model town planning
preparing projects and collections
mounted insects, butterflies, dragon flies….
preparing projects and collections
plants, toys, paintings, miniatures, trophies, awards
preparing projects and collections
aims to assist students in finding solution or answer to a problem or attaining a learning objective through self discovery
discovery approach
follows a step-by-step procedure to arrive into conclusion, interpretation and own meaning
discovery approach
termed as guided discovery
discovery approach
the student gain first hand experience
discovery approach
the student use all senses in making observations keen and reliable
discovery approach
since it is planned, learning becomes permanent
discovery approach
develops critical thinking. The skill in employing the steps of the sceintific method is developed
discovery approach
the joy and pride in doing this is worth all the time and effort spent
discovery approach
it can lead to full blown research later
discovery approach
the teachers stay nondirective, ths developing independence and personal excitement as well
discovery approach
lack of needed tools may hamper the scientific procedure
discovery approach
less capable ones may not be successful
discovery approach
it may lead to trial and error unless properly guided
discovery approach
make sure that all the materials and tool that will be needed are available
discovery approach
caution must be taken in classifying the data into relevant or not so the conclusion will be reliable
discovery approach
it is i the analysis of data where guidance is needed
discovery approach
this metthod is recommend for those who exhibit scientific attitudes and systematic work habits
discovery approach
employ this method for those who possess the necessary skills and are observed to be persistent in completing what they started
discovery approach
exploration aboyt natre
discovery approach
learn the effect of the weather element on the growth the plants
discovery approach
why the rainbows are formed
discovery approach
process of constructing meaning influenced by past experience and understading
constructivist approach
viewed as social process in which learners construct meaning through the interaction of prior knowledge
constructivist approach
reconstruct concepts as they interact daily with the environment
constructivist approach
anchored on the assumption that the absorption or assimilation of knowledge is somewhat personal and therefore no two learners can build up the same meaning out of one situation
constructivist approach
knowledge is a result of the learners own construction of reality
constructivist approach
invovles a continious creating of rules to explain an observation
constructivist approach
it is not cosidered as merely transmitif knowledge and information to students but rather providing student with relvant experience to construct their own meaning
constructivist approach
the acts is facilitator providing opportunitites for a stimulating dialogues that could evolve and be construted
constructivist approach
her repertoire of instructional materials include learning activities and events rather than ficed documents that almost always are learned unquestioned and simply recalled
constructivist approach
the eacher ceases the be the traditional, sole source of authority in the calassroom
constructivist approach
teachers guide learners thorugh skillful questioning and approriate cognition processing
constructivist approach
teachers’ lesson are activity oriented in order for them to experience or gain perssonal knowledge torugh active involvement
constructivist approach
participation with understanding enable them “to live through” a learning episode, thus discovering information by themselves
constructivist approach
in introducing a lesson always find connection with previous one
constructivist approach
what suits a constructivist
inquiry teaching
both student and teacher engage in open discussion and dialogue
constructivist approach
reflection is important activy
constructivist approach
plan learning activities that will develop critical thinking skills, creativity and innovativeness such as performing own experiments and in-depth investigations.
constructivist approach
self discovered information create more meaningful concepts
constructivist approach
monitoring od the progress may take the form of short but regular reporting or conferences with the student
independent study
teacher acts a s facilitator and should refrain from dictating when and how to process with the activity
independent study
define the objectives clearly thedirection and limits of the study to be undertaken, including hoe the stufy will be evaluated
independent study
the availability of the materials should be determined vefore employing the stratefy
independent study
planning must be done carefully, allowing flexibility in time and material substitution
independent study
data and obsevation must be recorded accurately and orderly for ease in analysis and interpretations
independent study
dependng on the result, the entrie study could be presented to the class to form oral, or written reports
independent study
writign on the sport essay
independent study
visiting zoo
independent study
a daily redocrd , cronology, or rgister of evets.
they are able to gauge their own strengths and weakness
writing journal
this should served as an unadulterated feedback
writing journal
they should learn to express their own feelings and reactions in most sincere way
writing journal
the students can monitor their own progress eventually reinforcing good study
writing journal
expression of their self actualization
writing journal
if read together both the student and teacher should look like a writing in dialouge
writing journal
it should serve as a bridge between teacher and students. what they cannot express orally, they can put it in writing
writing journal
students attitude and values could be inferred accurately
writing journal
experience is the best teacher
Experiential Learning
foundation of new ideas and behavior
Experiential Learning
students are able to create new ideas and meaning
Experiential Learning
acquiring knowledge trhough direct observation
Experiential Learning
experience through interactions and promote learning situtation
Experiential Learning
experience are further examined and evaluated to formulate new insights
Experiential Learning
require careful observation
special reports
topic is preparation of data and information gatheres
special report
student research
this method has a fixed step by step procedure
problem solving
uses a scientific method
student research
oresent a systematic and scientific way of finding answers or solutions
problem solving
purposely incorporate the act of writing as part of instruction process
creative writng
allow the student to express theor wn understanding and interpreation
crative writing
during or after the class the class enable the student to write what tey learned
wiritng journals or narratives
major points read insires a clear understanding of the whole text
brief summary
allows the student to generate ideas immediately as a response to the topic
breif summary
also termed as brainstorming
free writing
include question they would like to to be answered during discussion
written dialogue
form of term paper required after discussion
full blown paper
encourage free expression of ideas
develops analytical mind that is capable of putting ideas together
writing term paper
who made the multiple intelligence theory
Howard Gardner
children enjoys learning in
small group
workd well with groups or teams wherein members work toegether to achieve a desired goal
cooperative learning approach
promotes developmwnt skills in DEMOCRATIV precedures
cooperative learning approach
2 important components of cooperative leanigna pproac
cooperative incentive and task structure
where two or more indv are interdependent for the award they will share if they succeed
cooperative incentive strcture
where 2 or more idv ar ealowed, enrouraged, or required to work together on some part
cooperative task structure