Day3 Flashcards
having an unpleasant sound.
Example: as cacophonous as a henyard
Synonyms: impulsive, whimsical, arbitrary, freakish, fickle
to describe a person or thing that’s impulsive and unpredictable
Example: Authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious
Synonyms:* Chastisement*
verbal punishment; a severe scolding.
Example: Head teachers have warned “constant castigation” was damaging morale.
Synonyms: accelerator
something that causes an important event to happen
Example: The invasion acted as a catalyst to unite the country
Synonyms: acid, bitter, blistering, virulent
harsh or corrosive in tone; Able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action
Example: Much has changed since that caustic meeting three years ago.
Synonyms: chicane, deceit, guile, trickery
The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
Example: If a politician’s chicanery is exposed, he will lose public trust and not be returned to office in the next election cycle.
Synonyms: clot, curdle, congeal, thicken
Change to a solid or semisolid state
Example: Epinephrine coagulates the blood
the closing section of a musical composition
Example: A coda is a concluding segment of a piece of music
Synonyms: convincing, persuasive, conclusive, potent
Clear, logical, and convincing
Example: Wilkinson’s book is brilliantly researched and cogently written.
Synonyms: proportional, proportionate, commensurable, adequate
corresponding in size or degree or extent
Example: When things are commensurate, they’re fair, appropriate, and the right size.Many people think the death penalty is a commensurate punishment for murder
Synonyms: summary, abstract, epitome, synopsis, abridgment
A collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject.
Example: If you gather all of the anecdotes your parents and grandparents have told you into a book, you’ll have created a compendium of family stories.
Synonyms: obliging, polite, accommodating, courteous, affable
showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
Example: The goddess is complaisant, and grants them exactly their desire.
Synonyms: placatory
making or willing to make concessions
Example: If you’re in a fight with a friend and you want to end it, you should make a conciliatory gesture, such as inviting her to a party you’re having.
Synonyms: forgive, excuse, remit, absolve
excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with
Example: She condoned her husband’s occasional infidelities.
Synonyms: confuse, perplex, disconcert, baffle, puzzle
cause to be unable to think clearly; mistake one thing for another
Example: Confounding variables are a common problem in big data
Synonyms: expert, judge, adept
an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
Example: a connoisseur of music
Synonyms: repentant, penitent, remorseful, regretful
feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
Example: He is contrite, regretful and ashamed about his crimes
Synonyms: quarrel, strife, dispute, argument, contest, claim
Heated disagreement; claim
Example: The teams were in fierce contention for first place.
Synonyms: riddle, puzzle, enigma, mystery
A question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle
Example: How much simpler to debate those than to analyze and resolve the conundrum of our world’s present state.
Synonyms: meet
be adjacent or come together
Example: The lines converge at this point
Synonyms: involved, twisted
Extremely complex and difficult to follow
Example: This is getting too convoluted for a simple lad like me.
Synonyms: cowardly, recreant, chicken-hearted, fearful
Contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly; opposite of Superman.
Example: The craven fellow turned and ran