Day 5 Flashcards
Synonyms: vivaciousness, elation, liveliness
Cheerful and full of energy
Example: The teacher’s encouraging words filled the children with ebullience
Synonyms: mixed, assorted, varied
selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
Example: The DJ played an eclectic selection of music.
Synonyms: effective,capable, efficient
Example: The efficacy of drug is reduced if it is not taken according to the directions
Synonyms: audacity , assumption, presumption
shameless or insolent boldness;
audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
Example: Any refusal to salute the president shall be counted as an effrontery.
Synonyms: dirge
a sorrowful poem or speech
Example: Her first poem, written at 15, was an elegy for Charlie Parker.
Synonyms: extract
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses);
derive by reason
Example: The police could not elicit any worthwhile information from the criminal.
Synonyms: enhance, elaborate, beautify
make more beautiful; add details to
Example: The article was embellished with numerous idioms that it lacked readability.
Synonyms: **practical, experimental **
Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
Example: Despite lacking formal training in web design, he had an emphirical knowledge of the web design.
Synonyms: follow, copy, imitate, mimic
Match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
Example: The teenager wished to emulate the antics of his superhero.
Synonyms: *prevalent *
native to or confined to a certain region
Example: Food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world
Synonyms: enfeeble, weaken, debilitate, unnerve, emasculate
to reduce in strength
Example: Exposure to extreme summer heat enerviates one’s energy.
Synonyms: generate, produce, cause, beget, create, origin
to produce, cause, or bring about
Example: Laura was bitten by a dog which engendered fear of dogs in her.
Synonyms: increase, heighten, augment, raise, magnify
Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
Example: QA does the enhancements to the software
Synonyms: brief, temporary, fugitive, evanescent, unenduring
lasting a short time; brief
Example: The romantic phase of a relationship is ephemeral in the context of a lifelong marriage.
Synonyms: calmness, composure, steadiness, tranquility
steadiness of mind under stress
Example: Equanimity is one of the virtues of the wise
use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead.
Example: The witness gave such equivocal replies that the jury was confused.
Synonyms: learned, scholarly, lettered wise
learned, scholarly, bookish
Example: The annual research meeting attracted the most erudite, well-published individuals.
Synonyms: abstruse, arcane, mysterious, obscure, cryptic
known or understood by only a few
Example: The esoteric wedding rituals of the nomadic tribe fascinated the tourist
Synonyms: homage, tribute, acclamation
speech in praise of someone (normally for the dead)
Example: David’s eulogy on his father was very touching
Synonyms: redefined term
use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
Example: The HR preferred to use the euphemism“outsourced” instead of “fired”
Synonyms: rub salt to the wounds, worsen, add fuel to the flames
to make worse
Example: The imporverished state of the flood victims was exacerbated by the administrator’s apathy
Synonyms: acquit, clear, exonerate, assoil
to clear from blame, prove innocent
Example: The judge exculpated the man who was framed in the case
Synonyms: emergency, difficulty, crisis, predicament
urgent, requiring immediate action
Example: The terrorist bomb blast created an exigency in the Ministry of Defence
an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations
Example: Other estimates based on extrapolations put the death toll closer to 2,000.