Day 2 Flashcards
Synonyms:** **simple, naive, ingenuous, innocent
Simple and natural; without cunning or deceit
Example: an artless manner
Synonyms:** **austere, spartan
practicing great self-denial typically for religious reasons
Example: To be ascetic, you learn to live without;
Synonyms:** **diligent, sedulous, studious
Showing great care and perseverance
Example: She was assiduous in pointing out every feature
Synonyms:** alleviate, palliate, relieve**
Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense; satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger)
Example: The most common things that we assuage are fears, concerns, guilt, grief, anxiety, and anger— these are all things we seek relief from.
Synonyms:** dilute, weaken, reduce, extenuate, rarefy**
become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
Example: The rain attenuated, ending the storm
Synonyms:** bold, daring, impudent, brave, venturesome**
Showing a willingness to take bold risks; showing lack of respect.
Example: an **audacious **takeover; an audacious remark.
Synonyms:** ascetic, stern, strict, spartan**
Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
Example: He gave an austere expression.
Example: OU is an autonomous body
Synonyms: affirm, assert, allege, avouch, claim, declare
To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
Example: The grandmother averred that her granddaughter would make a fine veterinarian
Synonyms: trite, commonplace, hackneyed, trivial, platitudinous
So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
Example: New ideas and unusual subject matter can keep your writing from being banal.
Synonyms: contradict
represent falsely; contradict
Example: If you are 93 but look like you are 53, then your young looks belie your age.
Synonyms: support
Support or strengthen
Example: The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence
pompous; using inflated language.
Example: To be bombastic is to be full of hot air — like a politician who makes grand promises and doesn’t deliver.
rude; insensitive
Example: was boorish and insensitive
Synonyms: sprout, germinate
something that is growing, expanding, and flourishing.
Example: Manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand