Day 1 Flashcards
Something that becomes fewer or less intense.
Synonyms: slack, slake, diminish, reduce, decrease, lessen, lower, subside
Synonyms: slack, slake, diminish, reduce, decrease, lessen, lower, subside
Something that **abates **becomes fewer or less intense.
Example:Your enthusiasm for skiing might **abate **after falling off a ski lift and getting a mouthful of snow.
Synonyms: abnormal, unnatural
Departing from an accepted standard
Example: The networks stay away from showng aberrant fan behavior to discourage others from doing it.
Synonyms: suspension
A state of temporary disuse or suspension
Example:The affair was for the moment in abeyance.
Synonyms: run away, elope, get away, bolt, decamp
depart secretly and hide
Example:The police are now looking for the man, who they say has absconded.
Synonyms: abstinent, temperate, moderate, sober, sparing
sparing in consumption of especially food and drink
Example: A rock musician may sing about enjoying wine and women, but in his private life he may be abstemious.
Synonyms: warn, caution, exhort, reprimand, scold
find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws
Example: He admonished the child for his bad behavior
Synonyms: falsify, counterfeit, forge, fake, debase, doctor
make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance;
Example: adulterate liquor
Synonyms: esthetic
Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
Example: The illustrations made the book an aesthetic success
Synonyms: collect, accumulate, amass
the whole amount; consisting of more than one part or entity
Example: Raspberries are aggregate fruits
Synonyms: readiness, willingness, eagerness
liveliness and eagerness
Example: He accepted with alacrity
Synonyms: relieve, mitigate, ease, soothe, palliate, allay, assuage
Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe
Example: Do all these words make your head ache? If so, take an aspirin to alleviate, or relieve, your pain.
Synonyms: unite, merge, combine, consolidate, mix, mingle
Combine or unite to form one organization or structure:
Example: Institutions — such as banks, schools, or hospitals — often join forces and amalgamate with one other
Synonyms: equivocal, vague, uncertain, doubtful, obscure
Having more than one possible meaning;
Equivocal: Intended to mislead
Example: Frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy
Conflicting feelings
Example: If you love your mom but find her totally embarrassing you might feel ambivalent about having her give a presentation at your school.
Synonyms: amend, better, improve, meliorate
To make better
Example: In every human being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition.
A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, esp. a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.
Example: But in corporate America, the top rating long ago became an anachronism
Synonyms: similar, like, parallel, alike, ,nalogical
Example: Brains and computers are often considered analogous.
Synonyms: Irregular, abnormal, anomalistic, aberrant
Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected
Example: Banks should have automated systems to detect anomalous activity in accounts.
Synonyms: aversion, dislike, repugnance, distaste, repulsion
a feeling of intense dislike
Example: This antipathy toward regulations is shared by many residents here.
Synonyms: indifference, unconcern, torpor, listlessness
an absence of emotion or enthusiasm or concern
Example: You might feel apathy for the political process after watching candidates bicker tediously with one another
Synonyms: pacify, calm, soothe, mollify, placate, quieten
Pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands
Example: The government is trying to appease some of that anger by stepping up efforts to crack down on high-level tax evasion and fraud.
Synonyms: inform, notify, advise, acquaint
Inform or tell (someone)
Example: Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?
Synonyms: approve, sanction, assent
Approval or praise or all good
Example: Filled with approbation, the audience gave a standing ovation
Synonyms: aphard, difficult, laborious, tough, toilsome, severe
Involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.
Example: The arduous work of preparing a dictionary