Day 4 Flashcards
Synonyms: intimidate, cow, scare, discourage, frighten
To abate the courage of; discourage
Example: I began to feel rather daunted at the prospect of traveling alone through remote, non-english speaking areas.
Synonyms: decency, propriety, etiquette
Propriety in manners and conduct
Example: There’s too much decorum in the world, too little fun
Synonyms: complaisance, compliance, obligingness, reverence, obeisance
Courteous regard for people’s feelings
Example: It is the lord that you must give deference to.
Synonyms:describe, depict, sketch, outline
To outline and define something in detail or with an actual marking of lines and boundaries.
Example: Delineate the exact boundary of my property
Synonyms: blacken, slander, defame, vilify, asperse, malign, disparage
Charge falsely or with malicious intent; Attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example: I do not denigrate the good intentions of those who gave birth to these abject social policy failures.
Synonyms: mock, ridicule, scoff, jeer, taunt, sneer, gibe
Treat or speak of with contempt
Example: He derided his student’s attempt to solve the biggest problem in mathematics”
Imitative of the work of another person, and usually disapproved of for that reason.
Example: A highly derivative prose style
Synonyms: dry, exsiccate, drain, parch, withe
Lacking interest, passion, or energy
Example: A desiccate romance
Synonyms: incoherent, disconnected, disjointed, rambling
Marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; Jumping from one thing to another
Example: If you lack a definite plan or purpose and flit from one thing to another, your actions are desultory
Synonyms: hinderance, hindrance, impediment
A thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from some act.
A reward encourages you to do the right thing, while a deterrent discourages you from doing the wrong thing.
Example: The death penalty is supposed to be a *deterrent *
A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
Example: Repeated diatribes against the senator.
Synonyms: duality
Split; Branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones)
Example: The dichotomy between eastern and western culture
Synonyms: self-distrust, self-doubt
Shyness; Lack of confidence
Example: They asked him to be the team leader, but he expressed diffidence, saying that he didn’t think he had enough time to do the job justice.
Synonyms: spread, disseminate, propagate, disperse
Spread out over a large area; Lacking conciseness (prolix)
Example: Diffuse tensions and can be used as a tool to bring peace.
wandering away from the subject
Example: A digression into irrelevant details