Day 6 Flashcards
Synonyms: humorous, jocular, waggish, comic, funny
Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor;
Example: I was being facetious when I told my mother I want Brussels sprouts with every meal, but she took me seriously!
Synonyms: expedite, simplify, foster
Make (an action or process) easy or easier
Example: The well planned logistics facilitated the smooth transport of the goods
Synonyms: incorrect, false, deceptive, deluding, spurious
containing or based on a fallacy (incorrect reasoning)
Example: The rumors were fallacious.
Synonyms: foolish, inane, idiotic, puerile, obtuse, asinine, imbecile
Silly and pointless.
Example: She’s so fatuous that she thinks all men are flirting with her.
Synonyms: flattering, bootlicking, servile, obsequious
attempting to win favor by flattery
Example: Diana fawned over the manager, hoping to gain a free pass.
Synonyms: happy, joyful, fortunate
Example: The critics were rather intrigued (interested) by the felicituous ending of the film.
Synonyms: passion, ardor, zest, enthusiasm
Intense and passionate feeling.
Example: The fervor of the football fans, at times, turns into hooliganism.
Example: The country’s flag was displayed everywhere.
Synonyms: new, novice, freshman, apprentice
A person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or underdeveloped: “the fledgling democracies of eastern Europe”.
Example: The fledgling enterprise is yet to make it mark in the trade circles.
Synonyms: mock, insult, contempt for, gibe at, jeer at, sneer at, defy
Openly disregard (a rule, law or convention)
Example: These same companies still flout basic ethical practices
Synonyms: promote, instigate, excite, arouse
to arouse or incite
Example: The candidate tried to forment sentiment against the war during his speech
Synonyms: avert, preclude, obviate, prevent
act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
Example: Sometimes it is possible to forestall a cold by taking Vitamin C.
Synonyms: economizing, pridence, miserliness, carefulness
Tendency to be thrifty or cheap
Example: Due to Shahid’s frugality, he was able to save more than half of her money.
Synonyms: useless, worthless, valueless
producing no result or effect
Example: The efforts of the police to suppress the riot were futile.
Synonyms: contradict, deny
to deny, to speak or act against
Example: No one can gainsay the fact that he is a great player.