Day 2 (1): Physiology of the Eyelids and Methods of Examination Flashcards
Upper and lower eyelid with respect to the limbus
Upper eyelid: covers the superior 1-2 mm of the superior limbus
Lower eyelid: tangential to the inferior limbus
Layers of the eyelids
A. Anterior Lamella
- Skin
- OO
- Preseptal fat pads
B. Orbital Septum
C. Middle Lamella
- Pre-aponeurotic fat pads
- Levator aponeurosis/muscle
- Muller’s muscle/Superior Tarsal Muscle
D. Posterior Lamella
- Tarsus
- Palpebral conjunctiva
Functions of the eyelids
- Integrity of corneal surface and tear film
- Proper position of the globe within orbit
- Protection from external environment
- lashes: sensory
- blinking: reflexive and spontaneous
- glandular secretions - Light regulation (by blinking)
- Cosmesis
Describe the cilia of the eyelids.
- Upper > Lower
- (+) neural plexus
- (+) Glands of Zeis: sebaceous glands at the base of the follicle of each cilia
- lifespan: 3 - 5 mos
- regenerates faster with cutting than epilation
Eyebrows: facial expression, sensor for objects from above
- M: horizontal
- F: arched, lateral 3rd directed to tragus
What are the different glands of the eyelids?
- Main Lacrimal Gland
- exocrine gland in the superotemporal orbit
- secretes aqueous layer of tear film
- REFLEX tear production - Gland of Krause
- accessory lacrimal gland in superior conjunctival fornix
- secretes aqueous layer of tear film
- BASAL tear production - Gland of Wolfring
- accessory lacrimal gland in the non-marginal border of tarsal plate
- secretes aqueous layer of tear film
- BASAL tear production - Gland of Zeis
- SEBACEOUS gland at the base of follicles of the eye lashes - Gland of Moll
- APOCRINE SWEAT glands in eye lid margin - Meibomian Glands
- SEBACEOUS glands at the upper and lower tarsus
- secretes MEIBUM: forms the superficial lipid layer of the tear film
What are the Meibomian Glands
- sebaceous glands imbedded within tarsal plates; upper > lower
- secretes Meibum: superficial lipid layer of the tear film
- prevents evaporation of the mucoaqueous layer beneath
- forms a hydrophobic barrier at the margin of the eyelids preventing spillage of tears
- makes closed lids airtight
What muscles open the eyelids
UPPER Eyelids
- Levator Palpebrae Superioris/Aponeurosis
- innervation: Oculomotor nerve
- yoked to SR: lids will automatically retract with upgaze - Muller’s Muscle/Superior Tarsal Muscle
- innervation: Sympathetic fibers
- smooth muscle attached to the superior aspect of the superior tarsus - Frontalis Muscle
- innervation: Facial nerve
- action: elevates eyebrows
LOWER Eyelids (Retractors)
- Capsulopalpebral Head/Fascia
- originates from the IR - Inferior Tarsal Muscles
- innervation: Sympathetic fibers
What is the Bell’s Phenomenon
Palpebral Oculogyric Reflex
- Reflexive UPward and OUTward movement of the eyes for 15 degrees when eyelids are FORCIBLY CLOSED
- Present in majority of the population
- Defensive mechanism to protect cornea against sudden contact with noxious stimuli
- Reason why traumatic abrasions are commonly found in the INFERIOR or CENTRAL cornea
- NOT found in REFLEX blinking
- Afferent: Facial n. (to orbicularis oculi)
- Efferent: Oculomotor n. (to SR)
- Observed in Bell’s Palsy because of lagophthalmos
What is the Inverse Bell’s Phenomenon?
- Eye moves DOWNward instead of upward with FORCEFUL closure of eyelids
- Result: Exposure Keratitis
1. Immediate post-op from eyelid sx causing edema around SR
2. Pts with ptosis
3. Hx of multiple sx for ptosis: inadvertent injury to SR or CN III
What muscle closes the eyelids?
Orbicularis Oculi
- innervation: Facial nerve
- Orbital: anterior to orbital rim
- Preseptal: anterior to orbital septum
- Pretarsal: anterior to tarsal plate
Embryology of lacrimal drainage
- 7 mm embryo: Naso-optic fissure
- Shallows + formation of solid rod of surface epithelium
- 32-36 mm: Canalization of lacrimal sac –> canaliculi –> NLD
- 7 mos AOG: Eyelids separate; puncta open
Lacrimal clearance is facilitated by what processes?
- Evaporation: 25%
- Lacrimal Pump system: 75%
- with some capillary action and effect of gravity - Residual/Krehbiel Flow
- Conjunctival absorption
How does the lacrimal pump system work?
- Lids close: tear film moved medially into the tear lake close to the puncta
- Lids open: tears sucked into and enter the puncta and canaliculi by capillary action
- Lids close:
- OO contraction
- medial displacement of horizontal portion of canaliculi (squeezing action)
- pulling force on the insertion of the Jones muscle on the lateral wall of the lacrimal sac
- expansion of the sac and negative pressure inside (suction effect) - Lids open: tears exit into the NLD by gravity
Sequelae of facial nerve palsy in relation to lacrimal drainage
Lacrimal Pump Failure –> Epiphora
- secondary to weakness of OO
What are the theories explaining the lacrimal pump mechanism?
- Jones: lid closure –> pulls on the lateral wall of the lacrimal sac –> negative pressure inside (SUCTION effect)
- Rosengran-Doane: lid closure –> squeezes the walls of lacrimal sac –> positive pressure inside (SQUEEZING effect)
- Becker Tri-Compartment: lid closure –> negative pressure in superior aspect of lacrimal sac
- Thale: helical pattern of collagen, elastic and reticular fibers of lacrimal sac cause contraction likened to wringing a wet cloth
Explain the Jones Theory of Lacrimal Pump
Eyelid closure: Contraction of the Jones muscle (medial deep head of the preSEPTAL OO) attached to the lateral wall of the lacrimal sac pulls the wall laterally causing expansion of the sac and build-up of negative pressure inside (SUCTION EFFECT)
Explain the Rosengran- Doane Theory of Lacrimal Pump
Eyelid closure: contraction of the OO compresses the lacrimal structures causing lacrimal sac to empty
Eyelid opening: relaxation of the OO causes expansion of lacrimal structures creating negative pressure inside which sucks tears into the sac
What are the parts of the examination of the eyelids?
- Gross Examination
- Eyelid Measurements
- Snap Back/Distraction Test: lid laxity
- Eyelid Malpositions: ptosis, ectropion/entropion
- Eyelid Tumors
Distance between the two medial commissures
Inter-Canthal Distance (ICD)
Distance from medial to lateral commissure of one eye
Horizontal Fissure Distance (HFD)
Distance from Hirschberg/corneal light reflex to SUPERIOR eyelid margin center while in PRIMARY gaze
Margin Reflex Distance 1 (MRD1)
- measures degree of ptosis/retraction
Distance from Hirschberg to INFERIOR eyelid margin center while in PRIMARY gaze
Margin Reflex Distance 2 (MRD2)
- measures degree of reverse ptosis/retraction
Distance between superior eyelid margin and upper eyelid fold/superior eyelid crease.
Margin-to-Fold Distance (MFD)