Day 10 (1): Glaucoma Anatomy, IOP and Aqueous Humor Dynamics Flashcards
What is the limbus?
- transition ZONE between the cornea and the sclera
1. Scleral Sulcus
- indentation on the inner surface of the limbus
+ Schlemm’s canal: once enclosed by the TM
+ Intrascleral channels: drainage of the canal to venous circulation
+ Episcleral veins: venous drainage of the Schlemm’s canal
2. Scleral Spur
- sharp posterior margin of the sulcus
3. Trabecular Meshwork
- sieve-like structure bridging the sulcus & converting it to a tube
- attached on the scleral spur and the peripheral posterior cornea
4. Schwalbe’s Line
- ridge formed by the insertion of the TM on the peripheral posterior cornea
What is the main route of aqueous outflow?
Anterior chamber –> Trabecular meshwork –> Schlemm’s canal –> Intrascleral channels –> Episcleral veins –> Ophthalmic veins
What are the different zones in the iridocorneal angle seen in gonioscopy?
Anterior (Central) to Posterior (Peripheral)
1. Schwalbe’s Line: WHITE
2. Non-pigmented Trabecular Meshwork: WHITE
3. Pigmented Trabecular Meshwork: BROWN
4. Scleral Spur: WHITE
5. Ciliary body band: BROWN
6. Iris root: BROWN
What is the ciliary body?
- 6 - 7 mm right-triangular body bridging the anterior and posterior segments of the eye
- part of the anterior uveal tract (together with iris)
- SITE of aqueous humor production
- adult AP length:
+ nasally: 4.5 to 5.5 mm
+ temporally: 5.5 to 6.5 mm
+ 2 years old: 3/4 of adult dimension
A. Pars Plicata (Corona ciliaris)
- inner, anterior zone ~ 25% of CB length
- thicker, vascular and ciliated portion
- function: lens accommodation and uveoscleral outflow
- Apex
- pointed POSTERIORLY towards the ora serrata and posterior chamber - Base
- continuous with the iris and the choroid
- attached to the sclera near the SCLERAL SPUR via longitudinal muscle fibers - Iridocorneal Angle/Anterior Chamber Angle
- angle formed by the peripheral cornea and the iris root on the anterior aspect of the CB - Ciliary Body Band
- band of ciliary body peeking between the root of the iris and the scleral spur - Ciliary Processes
- finger-like projections that attach to the lens zonules
B. Pars Plana (Orbicularis ciliaris)
- outer, posterior zone ~ 75% of CB length
- flatter and less vascular portion
- joins the choroid at the ORA SERRATA
C. Supraciliary Space/Lamina Fusca
- potential space between the CB base and the sclera
- continuous with the suprachoroidal space
Discuss the embryology of the ciliary body.
- (+) optic vesicle: developing from the forebrain
- (+) optic stalk: connects the eye to the brain
- (+) bilayered optic cup: formed by invagination of vesicle upon itself
- (+) lens vesicle: formed from the lens placode superficial to the optic vesicle
Eye development is intimately related with IOP control
- IOP is an impetus to eye development by generating the force that stimulates the formation of ciliary folds and changes in the shape and curvature of the cornea
- should be constant and at a steady state:
AH production (inflow rate) = AH drainage (outflow rate)
- AH production: 4 - 6 months AOG
What are the basic types of genes that regulate eye development?
- Structural genes
- example: cytoskeletal components (collagen, hyaluronate)
- function: encode molecules with general biochemical and structural functions - Regulatory genes
- examples: transcription factors, signaling molecules
- function: control expression of specialized gene - Cell-specific genes
- function: encode specialized proteins and molecules for a particular cell type with very specific functions
What are the layers of the ciliary body?
- Supraciliary Space/Lamina fusca
- most external layer and adjacent to the sclera
- continuous with the SUPRACHOROIDAL SPACE - Muscle layer: functions as a unit but with 3 distinct layers
- LONGITUDINAL: outermost; attaches the CB to the scleral spur and extends to the equator
- RADIAL: oblique midportion
- CIRCULAR: girdle-like innermost part; contraction causes relaxation of zonules and lens accommodation - Vascular layer: synonymous to stroma
- connected to the Ciliary arteries
- where most antibody-producing PLASMA CELLS are located - Lamina Vitrea
- anchors epithelium to underlying layers to withstand traction by lens zonules
- continuous with BRUCH’S MEMBRANE - Epithelium: bilayer with fusion of apices by tight junctions
A. Outer Pigmented Layer
- continuous with RPE
- uniformly cuboidal all throughout
B. Inner NON-Pigmented Layer
- between aqueous and outer pigmented epithelium
- continuous with NSR
- pigmented anteriorly and becomes the PIGMENTED Posterior Epithelium of the Iris
- columnar in the pars plana and gradually shortens to cuboidal towards the iris
- site of aqueous humor production
- BLOOD-AQUEOUS BARRIER: tight junctions/zonula occludens between epithelial cells
- Internal Limiting Membrane
- continuous with ILM of retina
- basement membrane that separates the epithelium from the aqueous humor
Discuss the different muscles in the ciliary body.
Muscle layer:
- functions as a unit but with 3 distinct parts
- ONLY innervated by the PARASYMPATHETIC system
- baseline: relaxed state with radial tension on the zonules
- outermost
- attaches the CB to the limbus at the scleral spur
- extends to the equator - RADIAL
- oblique midportion
- less distinct than other layers - CIRCULAR
- girdle-like innermost portion
- runs parallel to the limbus
- contraction causes relaxation of zonules and lens accommodation
Discuss the vascular supply of the ciliary body.
Iris and Pars Plicata: Major Arterial Circle (ACA + Long PCA)
Ciliary Body (Pars Plana): Long PCA
A. Major Arterial Circle of the Iris
- immediate vascular supply of the IRIS and ciliary processes of the PARS PLICATA
- formed by the anastomosis of the branches of LPCA and ACA
- found in the CB near the iris root WITHIN the CB muscles
B. Anterior Ciliary Arteries (7)
- may arise from terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery or from muscular arteries
- located on the surface of the sclera
- RECTI muscles: 2 branches for each except LR (1 only)
- other branches:
1. Episcleral: episcleral plexus and form an EPISCLERAL circle
2. Scleral: sclera
3. Limbal: limbus
4. Conjunctival: conjunctiva
C. LONG Posterior Ciliary Arteries (2: 1 nasal, 1 temporal)
- enters the eye in the nasal and temporal aspects
- courses along the suprachoroidal and supraciliary space
- branches:
1. anastomose with branches from ACA: Major Arterial Circle of Iris
2. loops back: Recurrent Ciliary Artery to the anterior choroid
What are the ciliary processes of the Pars Plicata?
- functional unit responsible for aqueous humor secretion
- Vascular Layer
+ Capillaries: center of each process
+ Capillary endothelium: (+) pseudo-porous areas of fused plasma membranes and absent cytoplasm which serve as sites of sites of increased permeability
+ Stroma: intervening connective tissue and extracellular matrix separating the ciliary capillaries from the epithelium - Lamina vitrea
- anchors epithelium to stroma to withstand traction by zonules
- continuous with BRUCH’S MEMBRANE - Epithelium: bilayer with fusion of apices by tight junctions
A. Outer Pigmented Layer
- continuous with RPE: (+) melanin granules
- BM on the stromal side and apex fused with inner epithelium
- uniformly cuboidal all throughout
B. Inner NON-Pigmented Layer
- between aqueous and outer pigmented epithelium
- continuous with NSR
- pigmented anteriorly and becomes the PIGMENTED Posterior Epithelium of the Iris
- columnar in the pars plana and gradually shortens to cuboidal towards the iris
- actual site of aqueous humor production
- BLOOD-AQUEOUS BARRIER: tight junctions/zonula occludens between epithelial cells
- Internal Limiting Membrane
- continuous with ILM of retina
- basement membrane of the INNER NON-pigmented epithelium that separates the epithelium from the aqueous humor
Discuss the intercellular connections between the epithelial layers of the ciliary body.
- Gap Junctions
- for cellular communication
- found between P-P cells, NP-NP cells and P-NP cells - Tight Junctions/Zonula Occludens
- ONLY between NP-NP cells
- forms the Blood-Aqueous Barrier:
+ barrier only to intermediate and high-MW substances like proteins
+ leaky VS BRB which is non-permeable
+ still allows diffusion of IONS and WATER
Discuss the autonomic innervation of the ciliary body.
SYMPATHETIC: Superior Cervical Ganglion
- innervate ciliary vessels, muscles & epithelium
- neurotransmitters: Catecholamines
- Ciliary vessels
- receptor: Alpha-1
- effect: vessel constriction –> DECREASED AH PRODUCTION - Ciliary epithelium
- Beta-2, CA receptors: INCREASED AH SECRETION
- Beta-2: most prevalent adrenergic receptor - Ciliary muscles
- receptor: Alpha-2
- effect: muscle relaxation –> INCREASED AH OUTFLOW via the uveoscleral pathway
PARASYMPATHETIC: Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
- innervate ciliary muscles
- neurotransmitter: Acetylcholine
- receptor: Muscarinic
- effect: muscle contraction
1. Zonular relaxation –> lens accommodation and forward displacement
2. Pupil constriction –> widening of the iridocorneal angle –> increased AH outflow via the trabecular meshwork
What is the Aqueous Humor?
- derived from plasma within the capillary network of the ciliary processes
- convection current:
+ responsible for the flow of aqueous humor
+ due to a temperature gradient between the posterior chamber (warm) and the anterior chamber near the cornea (cooler)
+ cornea: dissipates heat into the air interface
1. Ciliary processes
2. Posterior chamber
3. Pupil
4. Anterior chamber
5. Outflow: conventional or uveoscleral
What are the functions of the aqueous humor?
- IOP maintenance
- important for ocular development and globe integrity - Delivery of nutrients and substrates + Drainage of metabolites and wastes from structures of the anterior segment
- High concentrations of ascorbate to counter oxidative damage
- Local paracrine signaling and immune responses
- Part of the eye’s optical pathway system
What is the composition of the aqueous humor?
1. slightly HYPERtonic
2. slightly acidic (pH 7.2)
3. VERY HIGH (20x) ascorbate: protects against UV-induced oxidative damage
4. HIGH lactate: glycolytic byproduct of lens, cornea, etc.
5. HIGH chloride
6. VERY LOW (200x) protein than plasma
Note: Flare
- sign of inflammation and breakdown of the BAB
- > 20 mg protein/100 mL solution
- Tyndall effect: scattering of light by small suspended particles floating in a medium
What is the Blood Aqueous Barrier?
1. Tight junctions between the INNER non-pigmented epithelial cells of the ciliary body
- barrier to passage of intermediate and high-MW substances
2. Endothelium of the INNER wall of the Schlemm’s canal
- prevents backflow of aqueous into the anterior chamber
Causes of BAB breakdown:
1. Infection and inflammation
2. Drug-induced
3. Trauma
Effects of BAB breakdown:
1. Pseudofacility
- entry of plasma components into the aqueous humor
- higher intraocular oncotic pressure PROMOTE fluid movement INTO the eye
2. Hypotony
- usually seen in inflammatory processes
- causes:
+ TRANSIENT reduction in AH secretion due to interference with active transport mechanisms
+ PROSTAGLANDIN increases uveoscleral outflow
What 3 transport mechanisms are involved in AH production?
- Diffusion: usually LIPID-soluble substances
- passive movement DOWN a gradient
- CHARGE- or CONCENTRATION-based gradient - Ultrafiltration: usually WATER-soluble substances and water
- passive movement DOWN a gradient
- PRESSURE-based gradient
- balance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in the capillaries
- HYDROSTATIC pressure: intravascular > intraocular
+ due to blood flow
+ FAVORS fluid movement into the eye
- ONCOTIC pressure: intravascular > intraocular
+ due to protein concentration
+ RESISTS fluid movement into eye - Active secretion: PROTEINS or large molecules
- energy-requiring movement AGAINST a gradient
What are the steps in aqueous humor production?
*Plasma: within the ciliary capillaries
- across the capillary walls promoted by increased hydrostatic pressure in the vessels
*Ultrafiltrate: within the stroma
- in the stroma and between OPE cells - MODIFICATION
- composition in the intercellular clefts between the INPE cells by active secretion or passive diffusion of solutes - ACCUMULATION
- solutes accumulate behind the tight junctions between INPE cells creating sufficient osmotic force to attract water - ACTIVE SECRETION
- solutes cross the tight junctions into the posterior chamber - OSMOTIC FLOW
- concentration gradient of solutes across compartments promote flow of water into the posterior chamber
*Aqueous Humor: within the posterior chamber
How does carbonic anhydrase affect aqueous humor production?
Carbonic Anhydrase
- found within the INPE cells
- facilitates interconversion between carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ion
Bicarbonate ion
- functions as a pH regulator essential for the proper functioning of the Na-K-ATPase pump
Na-K-ATPase pump
- transports 3 Na ions OUT of the cell in exchange for 2 K ions INTO the cell AGAINST their concentration gradients
- provides the driving force for the the osmotic flow of water into the posterior chamber as the AQUEOUS HUMOR
What is the rate of aqueous humor production and turnover?
Production: 2 - 3 uL/min (awake); 1 - 1.5 uL/min (asleep)
Turnover: 1.0 - 1.5% of the anterior chamber volume/min
Measurement: Fluorophotometry
- instillation of topical fluorescein and the optical measurement of its gradual dilution and change in concentration in the anterior chamber over time
What factors affect the rate of aqueous humor production?
- Circadian rhythm
- rates in sleep state (night) ~ 1/2 of rates when awake (day)
- due to DECREASED epinephrine: acts on the BETA-2 receptors to promote AH SECRETION - Aging
- DECLINE in production by 2 - 3% per decade after 10 yo - Sexual variation
- AH flow in MEN > women
- differences in size of ocular structures - Disease states
- trauma, inflammation, infection
- affects the integrity of the BAB - Drug-induced
- general anesthetics
- systemic hypotensives: decrease ciliary vessel blood flow and hydrostatic pressure
- ocular hypotensives: exert neurohumoral regulation of ciliary vessels and epithelium
How do pharmacologic agents suppress AH formation?
Beta-2 and Carbonic Anhydrase receptors: INCREASE secretion
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
- inhibition of carbonic anhydrase found in INPE cells
- carbonic anhydrase: facilitates interconversion between carbon dioxide and bicarbonate
- bicarbonate: intracellular buffer that ensures proper functioning of the Na-K-ATPase pump
- decreased bicarbonate ion –> acidic intracellular pH –> dysfunction of Na-K-ATP pump –> disrupted osmotic gradient –> decreased AH SECRETION - Beta-2 Blockers
- blockade of the Beta-2 receptors in ciliary epithelium
- MOST prevalent adrenergic receptor in the epithelium
- decreases efficiency of the Na-K-ATPase pump or the number of pump sites –> disrupted osmotic gradient –> decreased AH SECRETION
Alpha-1 receptors: DECREASE production
- Alpha-1 Agonists
- stimulation of Alpha-1 receptors in the ciliary vessels
- vasoconstriction –> decreased blood flow and hydrostatic pressure –> decreased ultrafiltrate and AH PRODUCTION
Alpha-2 receptors: DECREASE secretion
- Alpha-2 Agonists
- stimulation of Alpha-2 receptors in ciliary epithelium
- inhibition of cAMP –> inhibited signal transduction –> decreased AH SECRETION
- Beta-1 Blockers (Betaxolol)
- effective but less potent decrease in AH SECRETION
- sufficient increase in concentration causes a NON-SELECTIVE inhibition of ALL Beta receptors
What are the two pathways for AH outflow?
Primary: Conventional or Trabecular Outflow
- 70 - 95% (3/4)
- synonymous to IOP
- pressure-DEPENDENT
- Anterior Chamber –> Trabecular Meshwork –> Schlemm’s Canal –> Intrascleral channels –> Episcleral or Conjunctival veins –> Venous circulation
Secondary: Unconventional (Uveoscleral) Outflow
- 5 - 30% (1/4)
- pressure-INDEPENDENT
- Iris Root –> between ciliary muscle bundles –> Suprachoroidal Space –> Sclera
What is the trabecular meshwork?
- sieve-like structure bridging the scleral sulcus and converting it into the Schlemm’s canal
- connective tissue core + endothelium
- intercellular spaces narrow progressively from inner to outer layers leading to increasing resistance to aqueous flow
1. Uveal Meshwork
- INNERmost with the largest openings (25 - 75 um)
- with bands or rope-like trabeculae
- extending from iris root to peripheral cornea
- directly in contact with aqueous humor
- Corneoscleral Meshwork
- MIDDLE layer with elliptical and progressively smaller openings as it extends outward (5 - 50 um)
- from scleral spur to anterior border of scleral sulcus - Juxtacanalicular Tissue/Cribriform Layer/Endothelial Meshwork
- OUTERmost layer of the TM with the smallest openings (5 - 10 um)
- adjacent to the inner endothelial wall of the Schlemm’s canal
Inner Wall Region (JCT + Inner Wall Endothelium)
- GREATEST outflow resistance to AH (30X)
- most important determinant of IOP
- AH crosses the inner wall of the Schlemm’s canal via:
1. Intercellular route: between the cells
2. Transcellular route: through the cell
- (+) Funneling effect: as the aqueous pass between the intercellular clefts
Discuss the physiology of the AH outflow through the trabecular meshwork.
Normal TM
- ECM: (+) vacuoles in the Schlemm’s canal
- high elasticity and pliability
- low outflow resistance
Pathologic TM: action of growth factors (TGF-B, CTGF)
- effect: smaller intercellular spaces
1. increased and less pliable ECM = rigid, stiff walls
2. stronger actin cytoskeleton = JCT cell contraction
- ECM: dense packing of cells and increased ECM
- (+) Funneling effect –> high outflow resistance
What is the Funneling effect?
- outflow of aqueous through the intercellular spaces and clefts likened to DISORGANIZED flow of liquid through a funnel
- causes:
1. increased TM ECM leading to rigid, stiff walls
2. JCT cell contraction - remember:
+ MORE funneling = decreased, disorganized outflow
+ LESS funneling = increased, organized outflow
What is the scleral spur?
- protrusion of the inner aspect of the anterior sclera into the anterior chamber
- functions:
1. posterior border of the scleral sulcus
2. posterior attachment of corneoscleral TM
3. origin of the longitudinal and circular fibers of the ciliary muscle - borders:
+ anterior: corneoscleral layer of the TM
+ posterior: longitudinal fibers of the CB - composition:
+ 75 - 80%: collagen
+ 5%: elastic fibers
What is the Schwalbe’s Line?
- ridge formed by the attachment of the TM to the peripheral cornea
- located anterior to the apical portion of the TM
- delineates the peripheral border of the corneal endothelial layer
and termination of Descemet’s membrane - borders:
+ anterior: transition of the TM to the corneal endothelium
+ posterior: insertion of the uveal meshwork into the limbal stroma
What is the Schlemm’s Canal?
- circular lymphatic-like endothelium-lined tube
- function: collects aqueous from anterior chamber and delivers it to the episcleral veins
What is the venous drainage of the Schlemm’s canal?
- Aqueous Veins of Ascher/Intrascleral channels/Collector channels
- originate at the outer wall of the Schlemm’s canal - Laminated Vein of Goldmann
- portion where aqueous combines with blood in the venous circulation - Venous circulation proper
A. Episcleral veins –> Anterior ciliary veins –> Superior ophthalmic vein –> Cavernous Sinus
B. Conjunctival veins –> Palpebral vein –> Angular vein –> Facial vein –> Internal jugular vein –> Superior Vena Cava
OR Conjunctival veins –> Anterior ciliary veins OR Superior ophthalmic vein –> Cavernous Sinus
What are the component pathways of the Unconventional Outflow?
- Uveo-Scleral Pathway:
- via the iris root to the uveal tract and the sclera - Uveo-Vortex Pathway:
- via the iris/CB vasculature to the vortex veins and the Superior ophthalmic vein - Uveo-Lymphatic Pathway:
- via lymphatic channels in the ciliary body (controversial)
Discuss the path of aqueous through the Uveo-Scleral outflow.
- flow of aqueous from the anterior chamber to the suprachoroidal space and the sclera
- pressure-INDEPENDENT
1. Iris Root
2. Interstitial spaces between ciliary muscle bundles
3. Suprachoroidal Space
4. Scleral pores surrounding the blood vessels and nerves OR through the collagen substance of the sclera
5. Episclera
Resistance: decreased INTERcellular spaces
1. Thick and rigid ECM (collagen, laminin, fibronectin) in the connective tissues of the ciliary muscle and sclera
*Prostaglandin Analogues
- induces remodelling of ECM to INCREASE intercellular spaces for outflow
- activates prostaglandin F2-alpha receptors and increase MMP which dissolve Collagen type I & III in connective tissues
- Thickening of the elastic fibers in the ciliary muscles
*Cholinergic agonists
- decrease UVEOSCLERAL outflow BUT increases TRABECULAR outflow (more predominant effect)
- contraction of ciliary muscle fibers leads to smaller intercellular spaces for aqueous to pass through BUT also increases tension on the scleral spur, opening up the TM
- causes contraction of the iris sphincter leading to pupillary constriction and widening of the iridocorneal angle)
Discuss the path of aqueous through the Uveo-Vortex outflow.
- clinically insignificant
- driving force: passive osmotic forces
1. Iris vessel: by vesicular transport
2. Anterior uvea vasculature
3. Vortex veins
4. Superior ophthalmic vein
What are the morphologic changes to the aqueous humor outflow with age?
1. Increased TGF-Beta
2. Decreased glutathione reductase
1. Trabecular meshwork: long wedge –> shorter rhomboid
2. Prominent scleral spur
3. More compact or fused TM
- thickened trabecular beams
- increase in ECM
- narrow intertrabecular spaces
4. Localized closures in the Schlemm’s canal
- decrease endothelial cell count (0.58%/year) due to oxidative stress
- decreased giant vacuoles due to loss of proteoglycans and deposition of laminin beneath the endothelial cells
5. Trabecular denuding
Discuss the the role of ECM in the aqueous outflow.
- dynamically controlled through constant remodelling
- trigger: mechanical stretching due to IOP
- effectors: proteins, receptors, cytokines, growth factors
Factors affecting the ECM:
1. Fibrinolysis:
- prevent obstruction by fibrin and platelets
- BUT also alters glycoprotein content of ECM
- Glucocorticoids
- decrease synthesis of prostaglandins
- LOW prostaglandin levels: DECREASE IOP by increasing uveoscleral outflow and decreasing aqueous production from ciliary processes - Inflammation
- increases synthesis of prostaglandins
- HIGH prostaglandin levels: INCREASE IOP by altering vascular permeability and seepage of plasma proteins which increase the oncotic pressure and drive water into the eye - Aging and oxidative stress
- accumulation of abnormal proteins due to decline in reparative cellular mechanisms that eliminate damaged proteins
- decrease in the TM endothelial cells with phagocytic capabilities
How does nitric oxide affect aqueous outflow?
Nitric Oxide Synthase
- produces nitric oxide from arginine
- upregulated by sheer stress in the endothelium of the Schlemm’s Canal
Nitric Oxide
- inhibition of Rho kinase and calcium signaling, both of which cause TM contraction
- ultimately relaxes the TM to allow for increased aqueous humor outflow
- OAG: decreased NO
Latanoprostene Bunod/Vyzulta
- nitric oxide-donating prostaglandin analogue which acts by increasing aqueous humor outflow through:
+ latanoprost acid: increase interstitial spacing between ciliary muscles
+ butanediol mononitrate: releases nitric oxide to relax the trabecular meshwork
How does Rho kinase (ROCK) affect aqueous outflow?
- group of small GTP-binding proteins
- regulation of cell structure, motility, division, and apoptosis
- activates Rho kinases (ROCK)
Rho Kinase (ROCK1/ROCK2)
- reorganization of the actin and myosin cytoskeleton and contraction
- induce vasoconstriction through endothelin-1
Rho Kinase Inhibitors (Ripasudil/Netarsudil)
- TM:
1. increases permeability by inhibiting TM contractility
2. vasodilation of episcleral veins leading to decreased EVP
3. decreases ROS damage
- Retina: promotes vasodilation and improved retinal blood flow
- Cornea: inhibit apoptosis and increase proliferation of endothelial cells
What is the Modified Goldmann equation?
- models the relationship between IOP and the parameters that affect it at a steady state
Po = [(F-U)/C] + Pv
IOP = [(AH production rate - AH drainage rate via US pathway) / Outflow facility via the TM pathway] + Episcleral venous pressure
R = 1/C
Resistance to outflow = 1/ Outflow facility via TM
F: 2 - 3 uL/min
U (pressure-INSENSITIVE): uL/min
C (pressure-SENSITIVE): 0.22 - 0.30 uL/min-mmHg
Pv: 6 - 9 mmHg
What are the factors that increase or decrease IOP?
- increased production rate (F)
- increased Episcleral Venous Pressure (Pv)
- decreased US drain rate (U)
- decreased TM facility of outflow (C)
- decrease production rate (F)
- decrease Episcleral Venous Pressure (Pv)
- increased US drain rate (U)
- increased TM facility of outflow (C)
Remember: as facility to outflow (C) DECREASES, resistance to outflow (R) INCREASES
How is trabecular meshwork outflow facility (C) measured?
- N: 0.22 - 0.30 uL/min - mmHg
- rarely done clinically due to errors
- measured via Tonography
1. Weighted Schiotz Tonometer
2. Pneumatonometer - IOP is acutely elevated by placing the tonometer on the cornea
- outflow facility is computed from the RATE at which the IOP declines with time: reflects ease of AH exit from the eye
- decreases with aging, trauma, inflammation
- POAG: ~ 50% decrease in outflow facility at the level of the JCT-Schlemm’s canal endothelium
How is uveoscleral drainage rate (U) measured?
- invasive
- calculated from the Modified Goldmann equation
- to INCREASE intercellular spaces:
1. relaxation of ciliary muscle tone
2. enhanced turnover of ECM by dissolution of collagens with MMP
INCREASE outflow
- cycloplegia: relaxation of CB muscles
- adrenergic agents: relaxation of CB muscles
- prostaglandin analogues: increase MMP
DECREASE outflow
- miotics: constriction of CB muscles
How is episcleral venous pressure (Pv) measured?
- dynamic parameter: affected by body position and blood pressure
- N: 6 - 9 mmHg
- 1 mmHg rise in IOP per 1 mmHg rise in EVP
- represents LOWEST possible IOP in an INTACT eye with NORMAL AH production
- if IOP < EVP: reflux of blood into the Schlemm’s canal –> (+) red band in the TM
- Venomanometry:
+ non-invasive
+ transparent flexible membrane placed against the sclera and applying gradually increasing pressure
+ pressure that collapses an episcleral vein
+ works similar to a sphygmomanometer
- vascular malformations (hemangiomas, CCF)
- cavernous sinus thrombosis
- vaso-occlusive diseases
- thyroid eye disease
- Rho kinase inhibitors (RKI): vasodilation
How is IOP related to Glaucoma?
NORMAL Intraocular Pressure
- pressure which DOES NOT lead to glaucomatous damage to the ONH
+ Framingham Eye Study: 15 mmHg [10 - 21 mmHg]
+ genetic + environmental factors
- No ONE pressure level that causes glaucoma
+ different people have different susceptibilities to ON damage at different IOPs
+ should NOT be defined by a rigid cut-off level but by an IOP distribution in the general population showing risk levels within different pressure ranges
+ if screening is based on IOP > 21 mmHg: HALF of pts with ON damage are MISSED
+ SKEWED distribution towards higher pressures especially in > 40 yo
+ glaucoma can exists even in LOWER IOP
+ just ONE of many risk factors for glaucoma
- range that can prevent further glaucoma damage
- decrease IOP by 20 - 30% from baseline
What then is the importance of determining IOP?
- Baseline from which a post-treatment target pressure is measured: DECREASE by 20 - 30%
- Evaluation of treatment outcome or disease progression
What are the different factors affecting IOP?
- Circadian rhythm
- 2 - 6 mmHg variation in 24-hour period
- HIGHER mean IOP ~ WIDER fluctuations
- time of peak varies individually - Body position
- lowest: seated with neck at neutral position
- highest: recumbent (increased EVP) - Alcohol intake: transient decrease
- Caffeine: NO effect
- Age
- LITTLE effect if healthy
- decreased outflow = decreased production - Intraocular conditions
- Anterior uveitis: inflammation causes transient decrease in AH production and elevated prostaglandins increase US outflow
- RRD: decrease AH production and shunting of AH from the posterior chamber into the subretinal space - Systemic conditions
- HPN: effect on ocular pulse pressure and perfusion pressure
How is IOP clinically measured?
- noninvasive clinical measurement of IOP
- NO one device is accurate for all eyes
- IOP is inferred from the FORCE required to deform a constant AREA of the cornea
1. Contact: requires corneal contact
+ Indentation: corneal depression
+ Applanation: corneal flattening
+ Non-Applanation: DOES NOT use force to flatten or depress
- Non-Contact: using air puff
Differentiate Indentation Tonometry from Applanation Tonometry.
- Schiotz tonometer
- deformation: truncated cone depression
- displaces a relatively large intraocular volume
- FALSE assumption: ALL eyes respond similarly to the external indenting force
- uses conversion tables based on average coefficient of ocular rigidity
- eyes that deviate from these values give FALSE IOP measurements
- Goldman tonometer
- Tono-Pen (portable)
- deformation: shallow flattening
- deformation shape is CONSTANT leading to easier interpretation
What are the most commonly used type of tonometer in ophthalmologic practice?
- Goldmann Applanation Tonometer
- most commonly used tonometer
- based on the Imbert-Fick Principle
- corneal flattening is resisted by the capillary attraction of the tear film meniscus
- (+) instillation of topical anesthetic and fluorescein dye
- assumption: average central corneal thickness = 520 um
Imbert-Fick Principle
- PRESSURE inside a thin-walled sphere equals the FORCE necessary to flatten its surface divided by the AREA of flattening
- IOP = (Force / 3.06 mm) x 10
How does it work?
- mounted on a standard slit-lamp
- examiner looks through the center of a biprism used to applanate the CENTRAL cornea
- biprisms split the circular area of corneal contact into semicircles
- examiner adjusts the prisms so that INNER surface of the semicircles OVERLAP = 3.06 mm corneal area is already applanated
- Tono-Pen (Mackay-Marg)
- similar to Goldmann tonometer which uses applanation to measure IOP
- portable and convenient to carry
- can placed on any part of the cornea
- (+) corneal scars or edema
What are the different kinds of Non-Applanation tonometers?
- Pneumatonometer
- uses a pneumatic sensor
- can be placed on the sclera
- (+) keratoprostheses: rigid surface thus not amenable to contact tonometry; may also use Digital Tonometry
- (+) diseased corneas (ectasia, scars)
- (+) irregular/astigmatic corneas
- (+) bandage contact lenses: also Tono-Pen - Rebound Tonometer
- a probe is propelled to the cornea which bounces back and creates an induction current
- measures deceleration/rebound speed - Dynamic Contour Tonometer
- uses contour matching
- (+) pressure transducer: can also measure ocular pulse amplitude
- independent of corneal biomechanical properties BUT affected by corneal curvature
What are Non-Contact Tonometers?
Non-Contact/Air Puff Tonometers
- uses an rapid air pulse to deform the cornea
- measures that TIME or force of the air puff required to create a standard amount of corneal deformation
- time of central corneal flattening = greatest number of reflected light rays received = detection of peak light intensity
- IOP: time from a reference point to time of detection of maximum light intensity
Special type:
Ocular Response Analyzers
- uses an air pulse to deform the cornea into a slight concavity
- the difference between the pressures at which the cornea flattens inward and outward is measured by the machine
- provides additional information on the biomechanical properties of the cornea
- does not require topical anesthesia
Corneal Hysteresis
- measure of corneal elasticity and pliability
- measures the cornea’s ability to absorb and release energy when external force is applied
- used to correct for the effects of the cornea on IOP measurement
- risk factor for glaucoma progression
- DECREASED in chronic OAG
What are possible sources of error in tonometry?
False LOW IOP: more pliable
1. Thin CCT
2. Corneal edema
3. Corneal ectasia
4. High astigmatism: measured on flatter axis
5. Inadequate fluorescein (poor mires)
6. Done over SCL
False HIGH IOP: less pliable
1. Thick CCT
2. Corneal scars or band keratopathy
3. Increase corneal curvature: 3 D increase in corneal power = 1 mmHg false elevated IOP
4. High astigmatism: measured on curved axis
5. Excessively thick tear film
6. False elevation of EVP
- breath-holding or straining to reach slit lamp due to obesity
- Valsalva maneuver
- tight collar or necktie
- restricted globe: mass effect, TED
- eyelid squeezing
What are examples of instruments that can perform long term IOP monitoring?
SENSIMED Triggerfish
- first intelligent contact lens
- EXTRAocular sensor
- detects the peak patterns of variation in IOP over 24 hours
- measures limbal strain indicating:
1. IOP
2. IO volume
3. Corneal biomechanical properties
- implantable INTRAocular sensor
- for continuous long-term IOP monitoring
- placed in the ciliary sulcus
Most common transmitted infections via inadequately disinfected tonometers?
- Adenovirus (Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis)
- Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
Why is it important to remove the disinfectant from the contact surface of the tonometer?
Alcohol or hydrogen peroxide can cause transient corneal defects or abrasions.