Day 11 (2): Binocular Single Vision Flashcards
What is binocular single vision?
- State of SIMULTANEOUS vision achieved by COORDINATED use of BOTH eyes so that separate images arising in each eye are appreciated as a SINGLE image by the process of FUSION
1. Motor Fusion: coordinated use of both eyes
2. Clear visual axis of BOTH eyes
3. Sensory Fusion: unification of images from both eyes
What are the prerequisites for binocular vision?
Normal ANATOMIC components
- normal orbit: shape, size and depth
- normal soft tissues: EOMs, innervation
- BOTH eyes need to be properly placed and oriented within the orbit
- visual axis of BOTH eyes should be directed and focused on the same point
Properly developed PHYSIOLOGIC reflexes
A. Fixation Reflexes
1. Compensatory/Gravitational Reflex
- keeps both eyes in a fixed, frontally-directed position
- exertion of a basal muscle tone on the vertical rectus (by utricles) and oblique (by saccules) muscles
- reflects normal vertical axis
- Orientation Reflex
- slow movement of continued fixation by the eyes when following a moving object or panorama
- reflects normal horizontal axis - Accommodation - Convergence Reflex
- aimed at correctly aligning the eyes and keeping them focused on an object
- components:
+ Vergence Fixation Reflex
+ Accommodation Reflex
+ Fusional Vergence Reflex
B. Refixation Reflexes
- relates the eye back to its original orientation point OR adjust to the new orientation point
What are the advantages of binocular vision arising from using two eyes instead of one?
- Spare eye if one is damaged
- Ability to see behind an obstacle
- due to depth perception - Wider field of view
- 190 degrees: maximum horizontal field of view using both eyes:
+ 120 degrees: binocular field
+ 35 degrees on both sides: monocular field - Stereopsis
Discuss the timeline of development of binocularity from birth to infancy.
1st 2 years of life: SENSITIVE period for binocular vision development
Birth: poor fixation reflex; (+) random non-conjugate aimless ocular movements
< 1 month: follows light with 1 eye; (+) optokinetic movements
1 - 6 months: follows light with 2 eyes, (+) convergence, (+) retinal disparity/stereoacuity
6 months: convergence well-developed, (+) accommodation (delayed due to late development of ciliary muscles)
> 6 months: (+) stereoacuity development
- start: 4 months
- peak: 2 years
- well-developed: 4 years
- decline & cessation of development: 9 years
What is Cortical Fusion?
Unification of images from both eyes in the visual cortex by simultaneous stimulation of CORRESPONDING retinal areas.
What is Motor Fusion?
- Ability for BOTH eyes to move TOGETHER in a COORDINATED and PRECISE manner in ALL gaze directions (and convergence)
- Involves:
1. Conjugate gazes (VERSIONS)
2. Disconjugate gazes (CONVERGENCE)
Goal: for the image to fall in two CORRESPONDING retinal points to achieve SENSORY FUSION
1. EOM pathologies: Congenital Fibrosis of EOM, Duane Syndrome
- CN pathologies: in the nerve trunks or nuclei
- Craniofacial malformations: Crouzon syndrome (shallow orbit)
Give an example of conjugate gaze pathway.
E.g. Right gaze
- LEFT cerebral cortex frontal eye fields (Area 8) sends signals the RIGHT paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF)
- RIGHT PPRF sends signals to the RIGHT Abducens nucleus.
Right side:
RIGHT Abducens nucleus, through Cranial Nerve 6 or Abducens nerve, causes contraction of the RLR
Left side:
RIGHT Abducens nucleus, through the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MLF), send signals to the Oculomotor Nucleus and passes this on via the Cranial Nerve 3 or Oculomotor nerve to contract the LMR.
What happens during accommodation?
- Visual cortex sends signals to Edinger-Westphal nucleus on BOTH sides located in the Oculomotor nucleus.
- Signals travel via the Oculomotor nerve into three locations:
- Ciliary muscles: contraction to relax the lens zonules thereby increasing the AP diameter of the lens and forward displacement
- Both medial rectus: causing adduction of both eyes or convergence
- Iris sphincter: contraction to decrease pupillary size
What is Sensory Fusion?
Ability to perceive two SIMILAR images and fuse them into ONE image
1. Retinal Correspondence: images must fall on corresponding retinal areas
2. Same size, brightness and sharpness
1. Internal: media opacities, errors of refraction, retina and ON lesions
- External: ptosis, anisometropia, astigmatism
What is Retinal Correspondence?
- retinal elements of the two eyes that share a COMMON subjective visual direction
- BOTH fovea should have one common visual direction
- object seen by the two eyes should form an image in corresponding areas of the two retinas for it to be interpreted as one
+ retinal points in the NASAL area of R eye corresponds to retinal points in the TEMPORAL area of the L eye
Non-Corresponding/Disparate Points
- all other points that are not conjugate retinal points
What is a Cyclopean eye?
An abstract eye with a SINGLE AXIS of perceived direction representing the combined visual axes of TWO EYES
What is a Horopter?
- “Horos” meaning boundary + “Opter” meaning eye = “boundary of the eye”
- space containing all object points that can be projected on corresponding retinal points at a given fixation distance
- locus of points in space seen as a SINGLE IMAGE by the two eyes
3 Interpretations:
1. Vieth-Muller Circle/Theoretical Horopter
2. Empirical Curve/Empirical Horopter
3. Panum’s Fusional Area
What is the Vieth-Muller Circle or Theoretical Horopter?
- a circle passing through the center of rotation of the eyes (nodal points) and the fixation point
- formed by tracing corresponding points that have a regular horizontal distance from the retina
- circle becomes SMALLER as the point of fixation becomes NEARER.
What is the Empirical Curve or Empirical Horopter?
- flatter than the Vieth-Muller Circle with greater radius of curvature
- passes through the fixation point and gradually extends further away on both sides of the VMC upto the halfway between the fixation point and nodal points
- all points OUTSIDE the curve are DISPARATE or non-corresponding and will be seen as DOUBLE
Hering-Hillebrand Deviation
- area in between the VMC and the Empirical Curve representing a deviation in the horopter mapping in the visual cortex
- attributed to neural and optical factors where the NASAL hemiretina at any given eccentricity contains MORE PHOTORECEPTORS per unit area than the temporal hemiretina
What is the Panum’s Fusional Area?
- narrow band around the Empirical Curve with the fixation point at its center
- objects stimulate DISPARATE retinal points BUT produce SINGLE vision
- Zone of Stereopsis
Center/Fixation Point
- starts narrow
- portion with smallest horizontal extent
- image falls on both FOVEA
- 6 - 10 arc-minutes
- gradually broadens with increasing horizontal extent at a rate of 1 - 2 arc-minutes per degree of visual field eccentricity
- 12 degrees from fovea: 30 - 40 arc-minutes
- related to anatomic and physiologic differences known to exist between foveal cone system and rod WITH cone system of the periphery