Day 12 (3): The Efferent Visual System Flashcards
What is the ultimate purpose of the ocular motor system?
What are the two basic human eye movements?
- Gaze Stabilization
- Vestibulo-ocular reflex
- Optokinetic nystagmus - Gaze shift
- Vergence
- Pursuit
- Saccades
What parts of the brain are involved in the initiation of eye movements?
1. Cortical
- Frontal Eye Fields
- Supplementary Eye Fields
- Posterior Parietal Cortex
- Subcortical
- Basal Ganglia
- Thalamus
- Superior Colliculus
- location of the cranial nerve nuclei responsible for eye movements
- pre-motor coordination of conjugate eye movements
- coordination of the vestibulo-ocular system
1. Pons
2. Medulla
1. Cranial nerves
2. Neuromuscular junctions
3. EOMs
What is the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex?
- a gaze stabilization reflex that allows for eye movements in the OPPOSITE direction of head movement to maintain steady gaze and prevent retinal image slip
- only occurs during movements of the head to stabilize gaze on a STATIONARY object
- eye movement FOLLOWS the direction of fluid movement within the semicircular canal (which is OPPOSITE the direction of head movement)
1. Utricle, Saccule, and/or Semicircular canals
2. Utricular, Saccular, and/or Ampullary nerves
3. Vestibular nucleus (pons)
4. Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nucleus 5. Corresponding nerves and muscles
Horizontal VOR: involves coordination of the abducens (LR) and oculomotor (MR) nuclei via the medial longitudinal fasciculus.
What is the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus?
- area of crossed heavily-myelinated axon tracts comprised of ascending and descending fibers
- both sides of the medial brainstem close to the periaqueductal gray matter in between the pretectum and the spinal cord
- main central connection for the three nerves that control eye movements: oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, and abducens nerve
- relay pathway for horizontal conjugate eye movements
- receives inputs from the superior colliculus, the vestibular nuclei, and the cerebellum
1. Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal: oculomotor control, head posture, vertical eye movement
2. Rostral Interstitial Nuclei: vertical gaze center
Descending Fibers:
1. From superior colliculus: visual reflexes
2. From accessory oculomotor nuclei: visual tracking
3. From pontine reticular formation: extensor muscle tone
Ascending Fibers:
1. Vestibular nucleus –> oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus and abducens nucleus (VOR)
2. Abducens nucleus –> oculomotor nucleus (for horizontal conjugate gaze movement)
1. Multiple sclerosis
2. Tumors
3. CVA
Lesion: Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
1. ADduction lag in the IPSIlateral eye upon CONTRAlateral gaze
2. Nystagmus in abducting CONTRAlateral eye
1. Bilateral: Multiple Sclerosis
2. < 45 yo: Demyelination, Trauma, Tumor
3. > 45 yo: Ischemia
What is the Oculocephalic Reflex?
Doll’s Eye Reflex
- application of the vestibular-ocular reflex used for examination of CN 3, 6, and 8, the reflex arc including brainstem nuclei, and overall gross brainstem function
- demonstrates communication between the vestibular system and the ocular system in the absence of cortical suppressive signals
+ SUPPRESSED in a conscious adult with normal neurologic function
+ ACTIVE in a comatose patient with gross brainstem function
+ ABSENT if there is damage to the reflex arc
Purpose: Determine localization of lesions causing horizontal or vertical gaze palsies
- Supranuclear: POSITIVE Doll’s Eye
- eyes move in the OPPOSITE direction of head movement such that their eyes stay looking forward (like a doll’s eyes)
- lesion is cortical and above the midbrain
- indicate an INTACT brainstem function - Nuclear/Infranuclear: NEGATIVE Doll’s Eye
- eyes moving towards the SAME direction of head movement or remain fixed in the center
- indicate brainstem DYSFUNCTION
1. Head rotation causes endolymph in the horizontal SCC to rotate OPPOSITE to the direction of the head
2. Vestibular nerve IPSILATERAL to the head direction activates the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus and the contralateral vestibular nerve to inhibit the contralateral vestibular nucleus.
3. Vestibular nuclei then activate the CONTRALATERAL abducens nuclei which sends signals to the corresponding LR to contract.
4. The abducens nuclei also sends signals to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus (ipsilateral to the vestibular nucleus) through the MLF to contract the corresponding MR.
1. Hold a patient’s eyelids open
2. Briskly rotate the patient’s head from side to side while examiner observes the patient’s eyes
NOTE: only performed in patients with a stable cervical spine
What is the Optokinetic Reflex or Nystagmus?
- gaze stabilization reflex of alternating slow and fast movement of the eyes in response to large-scale movements of the visual scene
- consists of two components:
1. Slow, pursuit phase
2. Fast, refixation phase: saccade in OPPOSITE direction of the pursuit - test: Optokinetic drum/tape with alternating stripes of varying spatial frequencies
- used to assess visual acuity in infants and children
- present in newborns, semi-obtunded patients, and malingering patients
A. Slow Pursuit Phase
1. Afferent: Retina –> Occipital lobe
2. Pontine horizontal gaze center
3. Oculomotor and Abducens nuclei
4. Oculomotor and Abducens nerve and corresponding muscles (MR, LR)
B. Fast Refixation Phase
1. Afferent: Retina –> Occipital lobe
2. Frontal Eye Field
3. Superior Colliculus
4. Pontine horizontal gaze center
5. Oculomotor and Abducens nuclei
6. Oculomotor and Abducens nerve and corresponding muscles (MR, LR)
Clinical Correlates:
1. Parietal lesions: ASYMMETRIC OKN
- efferent pursuit fibers pass close to afferent optic radiations
2. Occipital lesions: SYMMETRIC OKN
3. Subclinical Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
- slower response by the ipsilateral MR
4. Parinaud’s syndrome
- downward OKN target accentuates convergent retraction movements on attempted upgaze
What are Saccades?
- rapid, conjugate, eye movement that shifts the center of gaze quickly to another part of the visual field towards an object of interest or toward visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli
- voluntary (skimming a text) OR involuntary/ reflexive (fast phase of nystagmus/REM sleep)
- ballistic: movements are predetermined at initiation, and the system cannot respond to subsequent changes in the position of the target after saccade initiation
- conjugate: eyes move at the same time, at the same direction and at the same speed
A. Afferent pathway: retina –> visual cortex
B. Supranuclear/Cortical Initiation Centers
- Initiation center activated is OPPOSITE the saccade direction
- pathology: saccade CONTRAlateral to lesion
1. Frontal Eye Fields: voluntary saccades
2. Superior Colliculus: involuntary saccades
C. Nuclear Gaze Centers
- activation of horizontal and vertical gaze centers together allows for oblique movements
- trajectories are specified by the relative contributions of each gaze center
- final common pathway for horizontal and vertical gaze
Horizontal Gaze Centers:
Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation &
Abducens Nucleus
- location: Pons
- bilaterally-connected to FEF and SC on BOTH sides for preservation of horizontal gaze even with damage to one FEF or SC
- Abducens nerve (contralateral)
- LR (contralateral)
- Interneuron to decussating Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MLF)
- Oculomotor nucleus and nerve (ipsilateral)
- MR (ipsilateral)
Vertical Gaze Center:
Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal & Rostral Interstitial Nucleus of the Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
- location: Midbrain (Thalamomesencephalic Junction)
Upgaze: CN3 (SR, IO) only
1. UNILATERAL innervation: CROSSED fibers at the Posterior Commissure
2. Oculomotor nuclei (contralateral)
- dorsal midbrain at level of Superior Colliculus
3. Oculomotor nerve (contralateral)
4. SR and IO (contralateral)
Downgaze: CN3 (IR) and CN4 (SO)
1. BILATERAL innervation: UNCROSSED fibers
- harder to get a downgaze palsy with supranuclear or midbrain lesions than an upgaze palsy
- affected only if:
+ late stage disease
+ large SOL
+ bilateral disease
2. Oculomotor and Trochlear nuclei (bilateral)
- IV: dorsal midbrain, level of Inferior Colliculus
3. Oculomotor and Trochlear nerve (bilateral)
4. IR and SO (bilateral)
What are Pursuits?
- tracking, conjugate movement of the eyes to maintain fixation on a slow-moving stimulus
- initiation requires a MOVING stimulus
- voluntary ONLY: observer can choose whether or not to track a moving stimulus
- asymmetric:
+ better at horizontal than vertical pursuit
+ better at downward than upward pursuit - conjugate: eyes move at the same time, at the same direction and at the same speed
A. Afferent pathway: retina –> visual cortex
B. Supranuclear/Cortical Initiation Centers
- Initiation center activated is TOWARDS the pursuit direction
- pathology: pursuit IPSIlateral to lesion
- Frontal Pursuit Area
- Parieto-Occipito-Temporal Junction
C. Nuclear Gaze Centers and Infranuclear Pathway
- similar as the saccade pathway
- with some added input of the Cerebellum
What are Vergences?
- align the fovea of each eye with targets located at DIFFERENT distances from observer
- disconjugate eye movements: fixation does NOT move in the same direction
- Convergence
- eyes move towards the center
- see an object that is nearer
- component of the near-reflex synkinesis:
+ accommodation reflex: focusing of image
+ pupillary constriction: increased depth and sharpness - Divergence
- eyes move away from the center
- see an object that is farther away
SUPRANUCLEAR: Frontal Eye Fields
NUCLEAR: PPRF and EW Nucleus
INFRANUCLEAR: Oculomotor nerve
What is the most common complaint of patients with acquired cranial nerve palsy?
- double vision
- determine whether:
- Monocular vs Binocular
- diplopia LINGERS when the unaffected eye is covered
- diplopia RESOLVES when the affected eye is covered
- diplopia RESOLVES when one eye is covered
- implies that diplopia happens because of misalignment of the visual axis and non-fusion of retinal images from the two eyes
- causes:
+ Orbital diseases
+ Myasthenia gravis
+ Nerve palsies
- Horizontal vs Vertical vs Torsional
HORIZONTAL: images side by side
VERTICAL: images on top of the other
TORSIONAL: images diagonal
- Worsening in L or R gaze or with near or far
- Constant vs only when tired at the end of day
Where are the locations of the nuclei of Cranial Nerves 3 - 7?
Midbrain: Oculomotor and Trochlear nuclei
Pons: Trigeminal, Abducens and Facial nuclei
Discuss the oculomotor nerve anatomy.
Innervated muscles
1. SR
2. IO
3. IR
4. MR
5. LPS
6. Iris sphincter (parasympathetic)
7. Ciliary muscles (parasympathetic)
1. Nucleus complex
- within midbrain tegmentum at the level of the superior colliculus
2. Fascicle
- within midbrain tegmentum from the nucleus to the cerebral peduncles
3. Subarachnoid
- ventral to cerebral peduncles to posterior clinoid process
4. Intracavernous
- within the cavernous sinus from the posterior clinoid process to the superior orbital fissure
5. Intraorbital
- enters the superior orbital fissure inside the Annulus of Zinn
Signs of palsy:
Primary gaze: DOWN-and-OUT
- predominance of SO (depressor) and LR (abductor)
- Limited elevation: SR, IO
- Limited depression: IR
- Limited adduction: MR
- Ptosis: LPS
- Fixed mydriatic pupil: iris sphincter
- poorly-reactive to light
- sympathetic innervation predominates - Blurred vision to near: ciliary muscles
- loss of accommodation
- acute: ABSENT near reflex
- chronic: INTACT near reflex with aberrant regeneration
Types of Palsy:
1. Complete: symptoms 1 - 6 ALL present
2. Incomplete: any combination of the above
What are the most common causes of 3rd Nerve Palsy?
ADULTS: Ischemic
1. Vascular disease: HPN, DM, Atherosclerosis, Smoking, Aging
2. ICA aneurysm
1. Birth trauma
2. Postnatal trauma
What are the component nuclei of the 3rd Nerve Nucleus Complex?
Main Motor Nucleus
1. Central Caudate Nucleus
- midline; unpaired dorsally
- innervates bilateral LPS
2. Subnuclei
- paired
- innervates ipsilateral SR, IR, IO, MR
Accessory Parasympathetic Nucleus/Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
- midline; unpaired superiorly
- preganglionic parasympathetic neurons to the ipsilateral ciliary muscles and iris sphincter
1. Ischemia: most common cause
- embolus or thrombus in the basilar artery at the level of the midbrain/mesencephalon/ cerebral peduncles
- profile: > 40 yo with history of HPN, DM, smoking and OCP use
2. Hemorrhage
3. Mass effect/compression: tumors, hydrocephalus (caudal to 3rd ventricle and ventral to cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius)
4. Inflammation
5. Trauma
- nucleus and fascicles are spread over a large area of the midbrain hence variability in presentation
- upper/middle lesions: pupillary dilatation
- lower lesions: pupillary sparing
- Complete or Partial
- Isolated or Syndrome
Describe the anatomy of the oculomotor nerve fascicle.
- location: TEGMENTAL zone
Pathway: travels ventrally adjacent or within
1. Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
2. Red Nucleus
3. Substantia Nigra
4. Cerebral Peduncle or Interpeduncular Fossa
- emerges as the Oculomotor Nerve (Trunk)
6. Between the Posterior Cerebral Artery and the Superior Cerebellar Artery
Etiology: similar to Oculomotor nucleus complex
1. Ischemia: most common cause
- embolus or thrombus in the proximal basilar artery
- profile: > 40 yo with history of HPN, DM, smoking and OCP use
2. Hemorrhage
3. Mass effect/compression: tumors
4. Inflammation
5. Trauma
6. Demyelination
1. Complete or Incomplete
2. Isolated (if small, unilateral) or Syndromic
(if large due to involvement of adjacent midbrain structures
What syndromes involve the Oculomotor nerve fascicle?
- Weber Syndrome
- Nothnagel Syndrome
- Benedikt Syndrome
- Claude Syndrome
What is Weber Syndrome?
Localization: VENTRO-MEDIAL midbrain
Cause: Infarction
- Paramedian Mesencephalic branches (Basilar)
- Peduncular Deep Penetrating arteries (PCA)
1. IPSIlateral oculomotor palsy
2. CONTRAlateral hemiparesis/plegia
Affected structures:
1. Oculomotor nerve fascicle (interpeduncular cistern)
- Cerebral peduncles: hemiparesis/plegia
- contain the pyramidal tracts or the main descending motor pathway
- controls VOLUNTARY movement
- decussates at the medulla
+ CorticoSPINAL tract: body
+ CorticoBULBAR tract: lower face and tongue
What is the Nothnagel Syndrome?
Localization: INFERO-MEDIAN midbrain
- in the dorsal tegmentum at the level of the INFERIOR COLLICULUS
- BEFORE the decussation at the Wernekinck commissure
1. Tumors: more common
2. Infarction: less common; Peduncular Deep Penetrating arteries (PCA)
1. IPSIlateral oculomotor palsy
2. IPSIlateral cerebellar hemiataxia
Affected structures:
1. Oculomotor nerve fascicle (tegmentum)
- Superior Cerebellar Peduncle: hemiataxia
- carries the dentatorubrothalamic tract (cerebellar efferent fibers to the thalamus)
- ataxia is ipsilateral to the lesion because of two decussations involved:
+ decussation to contralateral Red Nucleus
+ decussation of the rubrospinal tract from the contralateral Red Nucleus back to side of lesion
What is Benedikt Syndrome or the Paramedian Midbrain Syndrome?
Localization: SUPERO-MEDIAN midbrain
- in the ventral tegmentum at the level of the SUPERIOR COLLICULUS
Cause: Infarction
- Peduncular Deep Penetrating arteries (PCA)
1. IPSIlateral oculomotor palsy
2. CONTRAlateral extrapyramidal signs
Affected structures:
1. Oculomotor nerve fascicle (tegmentum)
- Red Nucleus +/- Substantia Nigra: EPS
- movement coordination and modulation
- rubrospinal tract immediately decussate
+ Resting tremors
+ Choreoathetosis: irregular, nonrhythmic, purposeless rapid or slow movements of the fingers or toes
+ Rigidity: difficulty initiating movement
What is the Claude Syndrome?
Nothnagel Syndrome + Benedikt Syndrome
Localization: MEDIAN midbrain
- in the ventral tegmentum near the junction of decussated SCP and contralateral Red Nucleus
- AFTER the decussation at the Wernekinck commissure
Cause: Infarction
- Peduncular Perforating branches (PCA)
1. IPSIlateral oculomotor palsy
2. CONTRAlateral extrapyramidal signs
3. CONTRAlateral cerebellar hemiataxia
- ataxia becomes contralateral to the lesion because of the remaining decussation of the rubrospinal tract to the contralateral side
Affected structures:
1. Oculomotor nerve fascicle (tegmentum)
- Red Nucleus +/- Substantia Nigra: EPS
- Superior Cerebellar Peduncle: hemiataxia
What is the Sphenocavernous Syndrome?
- lesion: Oculomotor nerve within the cavernous sinus OR the superior orbital fissure
1. Complete ophthalmoplegia
- involvement of cranial nerves 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 6
- absence of convergence reflex to near
- Poorly reactive pupil
- involvement of BOTH sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
- maybe small or fixed at mid-position
- absent constriction: NO light & NO near reflex
- absent dilation: NO reaction to dim conditions - Blurring of vision to objects at near
- absent accommodation
- loss of parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary muscles
1. ICA aneurysm
2. Tumors
3. Infections
How to distinguish between Oculomotor nerve lesions in the Cavernous Sinus vs Orbital Apex?
A. Orbital Apex/Superior Orbital Fissure
- SOF: connects cavernous sinus with orbit
- branches in close proximity to Optic nerve
- (+) Optic Neuropathy
1. Reverse RAPD
2. Vision loss and visual field cuts
3. Optic disc atrophy and papilledema
- (+) Orbital signs
1. Conjunctival injection
2. Dilated episcleral veins
3. Chemosis
4. Proptosis
5. Periorbital flush, edema or venous dilation
B. Cavernous Sinus
- does NOT present with optic neuropathy or orbital signs
CLUE: differences in the involvement of the individual branches of the cranial nerves
Cavernous Sinus:
- CN3 and CN5A both unbranched: ALL structures innervated by both are affected
- affect structures innervated by CN 5B
- may present with isolated CN6 palsy +/- Horner syndrome (adjacent to the ICA)
Orbital Apex/Superior Orbital Fissure
- both CN3 and CN5A divide into individual branches prior to or upon entering the fissure
- divisional palsies: SOME structures may not be affected
- structures innervated by CN 5B NOT affected as it does not enter the SOF
What are the signs of lesions affecting the intraorbital oculomotor nerve?
location: enters the orbit MEDIAL and INFERIOR to the trochlear nerve INSIDE the Annulus of Zinn
- nerve has branched into 2 divisions:
1. Superior Division: LPS, SR
2. Inferior Division: IO, MR, IR, parasympathetic fibers - presents with orbital signs and optic neuropathy due to the limited volume of the orbit
1. Trauma
2. Tumors
3. Infection and inflammation
Differentiate Dalrymple sign, Lid Lag and Von Graefe sign.
Signs of upper eyelid retraction
- when the upper eyelid is above the superior corneal limbus thus producing superior scleral show
- >/= 6.0 mm above the midpupil or central cornea
- Dalrymple sign
- widening of the palpebral fissure
- cause: lid retraction due to Graves’ ophthalmopathy - Lid Lag
- STATIC sign
- upper lid is higher than normal when IN FINAL downgaze position
- upper lid assumes a higher position in downgaze relative to its position in primary gaze
- recorded NUMERICALLY: difference in size of palpebral fissure in both gazes
- causes: congenital, mechanical, iatrogenic - Von Graefe Sign
- DYNAMIC sign
- slower (lagging or jerking) descent of the upper lid compared to the globe DURING downgaze movement
- abolishment of the coordination between eyelid movement and vertical eye movements
- distinct from the final position the eyelid maintains once downgaze fixation is achieved
- recorded as PRESENT or ABSENT
- cause: Graves’ Ophthalmopathy
What are the 5 possible presentations of Oculomotor Nerve Palsy?
- associated with orbital pain or headache
- affects BOTH fibers to the EOM and parasympathetic fibers
- Hutchinson pupil: dilated and poorly-reactive ipsilesional pupil due to compression
1. Aneurysm:
- junction of ICA and P Comm. Artery
- basilar tip
2. Tumor: usually supratentorial
1. MRI
2. MRA
- extremely rare
- only affects the parasympathetic fibers
- fibers to the EOMs are intact
- parasympathetic fibers are located peripherally hence first to be affected in compressive lesions
1. Intact sensorium:
- Tonic pupil
- Pharmacologic pupil
- Decreased sensorium:
- Aneurysm: usually at the basilar tip
- Tumor: usually supratentorial
1. MRI
2. MRA
1. Older than 50 yo + Complete palsy
- Cause: Ischemic
- Dx: BP monitoring, FBS, ESR, MRI, MRA
- Younger than 50 yo + Incomplete palsy
- Cause: Compressive, Inflammatory, Ischemic, MG
- Dx: BP monitoring, FBS, ESR, Lumbar puncture, MRI, MRA
- pathognomonic for Cavernous sinus lesions
- both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers are affected
- Dx: MRI, MRA
- usually due to slow-growing lesions (meningioma, schwannoma, aneurysms)
- Dx: MRI, MRA
What is Oculomotor Nerve Synkinesis?
- previously called Aberrant Regeneration
- regenerating axons at the proximal end of a severed nerve becomes misdirected and instead innervate a mismatched structure
Classification based on ONSET:
1. Congenital palsies
- occurs 1 - 6 mos after birth
- Acquired palsies
- causes: trauma, tumors, aneurysm
- occurs 3 - 6 mos after injury
- does NOT occur after ischemia from infarction due to vascular diseases (CVA, HPN, DM)
Classification based on SYMPTOMS:
1. Primary
- WITHOUT preceding 3rd nerve palsy
- due to slow-growing intracavernous lesions (meningioma, schwannoma, aneurysms)
- NO history of trauma or surgery
- Secondary
- WITH preceding 3rd nerve palsy
- occurs weeks to months following an acquired third cranial nerve palsy
- due to trauma, surgery, tumors, aneurysms
1. Pseudo-Graefe sign (Pseudo Lid Lag)
- DYNAMIC sign similar to Von Graefe sign
- slower (lagging or jerking) descent of the upper lid compared to the globe DURING downgaze movement
- redirection of IR fibers to the LPS
- Horizontal gaze-eyelid synkinesis
- upper lid retraction as the eye is adducted
- redirection of MR fibers to the LPS - Vertical gaze-adductor synkinesis
- adduction as the eye is elevated or depressed
- redirection of SR, IR or IO fibers to the MR - Globe retraction with elevation or depression
- redirection of MR or IO fibers to the SR and IR - Pseudo-Argyll-Robertson Pupil
- similar to Argyll-Robertson Pupil with miotic, irregular pupils and L-N dissociation
- greater constriction of pupil to convergence than to light and gaze-evoked pupillary constriction
- fibers originally firing to the MR during convergence is redirected to the iris sphincter causing pronounced miosis
What are the treatment modalities for Oculomotor nerve palsy?
- Occlusion: to eliminate diplopia
- Prismatic correction: if diplopia is measurable
- Botulinum injection to the LR: ONLY if
- acute phase of partial 3rd nerve palsy
- isolated MR palsy - Surgery (Strabismus, Ptosis)
- once palsy is stable for 6 MONTHS
Describe the Trochlear Nerve.
- MCC of ACQUIRED vertical strabismus
- ONLY CN that exits in the dorsal midbrain
- ONLY completely crossed CN
- MOST are benign when isolated
Innervated muscle: SO
1. Incyclotorsion
2. Depression
3. Abduction
1. Nucleus
- within midbrain tegmentum
- at the level of the inferior colliculus
2. Fascicle
- from the nucleus to the inferior colliculus
3. Subarachnoid (Nerve)
- dorsal to the inferior colliculus, loops lateral to the midbrain then anterior to the cerebral peduncles
4. Intracavernous
- within the cavernous sinus from the posterior clinoid process to the superior orbital fissure
5. Intraorbital
- enters the superior orbital fissure outside the Annulus of Zinn
Signs of palsy:
1. Diplopia with one image on top of the other
- may be vertical, diagonal or torsional
- greatest in DOWNGAZE: further separation of images seen by the individual eyes
- Hypertropic and externally rotated eye
- Overshooting of ipsilateral IO
- due to loss of antagonistic SO - Compensatory head posture
- the patient orients the head in such a way that the diplopia is lessened
- may produce facial asymmetry if chronic due to the action of gravity
1. Congenital
2. Ischemic
3. Traumatic
4. Idiopathic
Describe palsies involving the Trochlear nucleus or fascicle.
- location: MIDBRAIN
- ventral to the Periaqueductal Gray Matter
- dorsal to Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
- medial to the oculosympathetic fibers
- travels dorsally between the PaGM and Inferior Colliculus, crosses to the contralateral midbrain and exits dorsally
- short course: lesions almost indistinguishable to nuclear lesions
1. Trauma: most common cause
- prone to injury due to its long course
2. Ischemia
3. Tumors
Associated findings:
1. Horner’s Syndrome
- involvement of the oculosympathetic fibers adjacent and lateral to the trochlear nucleus or proximal fascicle
- Tectal RAPD
- involvement of the pretectal nucleus adjacent to the distal trochlear fascicle
1. Lesion in the trochlear nerve/proximal fascicle
- PRIOR to crossing the midline
- CONTRAlesional 4th nerve palsy
- IPSIlesional Horner’s Syndrome
- IPSIlesional RAPD
- Lesion in the distal fascicle
- AFTER crossing the midline
- IPSIlesional 4th nerve palsy
- IPSIlesional Horner’s Syndrome
- IPSIlesional RAPD
Describe the subarachnoid course of the trochlear nerve.
Trochlear nerve
- after exiting dorsal midbrain
- longest segment of the nerve:
1. exits dorsal midbrain on the contralateral side
2. travels along the subarachnoid space lateral to the midbrain and eventually anterior to the cerebral peduncles
3. passes between the Posterior Cerebral Artery and the Superior Cerebellar Artery together with the oculomotor nerve
4. courses anteriorly upto the posterior clinoid process where it enters the cavernous sinus
- susceptible to injury or compression due to its long course, passing adjacent to various cranial structures
1. Trauma
2. Aneurysm: PCA or SCA
3. Tumors in adjacent structures
4. Meningitis
5. Increased ICP
Describe the intracavernous and intraorbital course of the trochlear nerve.
- presentation of intracavernous and intraorbital trochlear nerve lesions are similar to the oculomotor nerve:
- pierces the dura into the cavernous sinus after passing the posterior clinoid process
- situated LATERAL and INFERIOR to the oculomotor nerve along the lateral wall of sinus
- intimately related to CN 3, 5A, 5B, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers
- continues anteriorly into the SOF
1. Complete ophthalmoplegia
2. Poorly-reactive pupil at mid-position with absent light and near reflexes
3. Blurring of vision to objects at near
- enters fissure LATERAL and SUPERIOR to oculomotor nerve OUTSIDE the Annulus of Zinn
- branches in close proximity to Optic nerve and other cranial nerves
1. Involvement of CN 3, 5A and 6
2. Optic Neuropathy
- reverse RAPD
- vision loss and visual field cuts
- optic disc atrophy and papilledema
3. Orbital signs
- conjunctival injection
- dilated episcleral veins
- chemosis
- proptosis
- periorbital flush, edema or venous dilation
What is Congenital Trochlear Nerve palsy?
- 75% of all 4th nerve palsies
- most present in adulthood
- unilateral or bilateral
- most sporadic and idiopathic
- other causes:
1. aplasia/hypoplasia of trochlear nucleus
2. lax, long, absent or misdirected SO tendon - most neurologically normal
- decompensation of previously controlled palsy due to gradual loss of fusional amplitudes in:
1. aging
2. head trauma
3. other illnesses or stressful events
1. Large hypertropias in primary gaze or vertical fusional amplitude (10 - 25 PD) despite the lack of or only intermittent diplopia
- Contralateral head tilt (unilateral) or chin-down head posture (bilateral)
- compensatory attempt to decrease diplopia - Facial asymmetry
- if congenital or chronic
- due to effect of gravity on one side of the side
1. Old photographs: for comparison
2. Ophthalmoscopy
3. Double Maddox Rod
- congenital: negligible torsion
- acquired: measurable torsion
- bilateral: (+) torsional diplopia or excyclotorsion > 10 degrees
What is the Bielschowsky Three-Step Test?
3-Step Test
- used to identify which muscle is paretic in cyclovertical deviations
- more commonly used in diagnosing SO palsies but may also be used to diagnose the less common IO palsies and vertical rectus palsies
- designed for the diagnosis of a SINGLE paretic vertical muscle
- becomes unreliable when multiple muscles are involved and in restrictive strabismus
- may also help in diagnosing if vertical strabismus is due to true SR palsy or due to inhibitional palsy of the contralateral antagonist
Which eye is higher in primary gaze?
R eye is higher because of:
1. R HYPERtropia: weak R depressors
2. L HYPOtropia: weak L elevators
Which gaze direction makes deviation worse?
- moving the eyes in a gaze direction where a particular muscle acts the strongest should also accentuate its weakness if present
If L gaze makes deviation worse:
1. L elevator in ABduction is weak OR
2. R depressor in ADduction is weak
Which direction of head tilt does the deviation increase?
- tilting the head to one side should normally induce rotation of the eyes in the opposite direction to maintain vertical orientation
- ocular counter-roll induced by the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
If R head tilt makes the deviation worse:
1. L excyclotorter is weak OR
2. R incyclotorter is weak
Quantify the torsional component with
Double Maddox Rod test
- used to quantify degree of torsional diplopia
- uses striated red lenses composed of prisms aligned to convert a light point into a line 90 degrees away from the striations and mounted on a frame
In the case above, since the RSO (intorter) is weak, a R excyclotorsion is expected on DMR.
- if on DMR an INCYCLOtorsion was instead observed, consider a 4th nerve palsy mimic:
1. Myasthenia Gravis
2. Thyroiditis
3. Skew Deviation: acquired vertical misalignment of the eyes that is not due to any single muscle or ocular motor nerve –> STEP 5
Upright-Supine Test
- differentiate a skew deviation from a true 4th nerve palsy
- measure vertical misalignment while in the upright position and in the supine position
- crucial to differentiate because isolated 4th nerve palsies are usually benign whereas skew deviations are due to posterior fossa lesions unless proven otherwise
- result:
- decrease > 50% in supine position
- skew deviation is due to an otolith dysfunction affecting the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
- placing the patient in a supine position suppresses the VOR inputs resulting in the improvement of the deviation
- no change in deviation or diplopia
- a true 4th nerve palsy is NOT affected by changes in head or body position
What are the hallmarks of Bilateral Trochlear Nerve Palsy?
- Torsional diplopia: images are oriented diagonally or skewed
- Crossed hypertropia:
- R eye higher on L gaze
- L eye higher on R gaze - Bilateral (+) Bielschowsky Head Tilt Test
- deviation increases on BOTH L and R head tilt - Torsion > 10 PD on Double Maddox Rod test
- V-Pattern Esotropia
- upgaze: NO deviation
- primary gaze: small esotropia
- downgaze: large esotropia
- patient assumes a chin-down head posture which forces the eyes on upgaze to minimize the deviation and maximize fusion
- Ddx: Skew deviations, TED, Primary IO overaction
What are the treatment modalities for Trochlear nerve palsy?
A. Occlusion: to eliminate diplopia
B. Prismatic correction: if diplopia is measurable
C. Strabismus Surgery
- once palsy is stable for 6 MONTHS
- one or a combination of the following:
- strengthen affected SO
- weaken ipsilateral IO: antagonistic muscle
- weaken contralateral IR: alleviate diplopia
Describe the Abducens nerve.
Innervated muscle: LR
- action: abduction
1. Nucleus
2. Fascicle
3. Subarachnoid (Nerve)
4. Intracavernous
5. Intraorbital
Signs of palsy:
- most common ocular motor paralysis in adults and the second-most common in children
- Esotropia: unopposed MR action
- Horizontal diplopia: images side by side
- Limited abduction
Describe the structure of the Abducens nucleus.
Location: Caudal Pontine Tegmentum
- 1/3 of the pons in the brainstem
- all the material dorsal from the basilar pons to the fourth ventricle
- in close proximity to the following structures:
1. Floor of the 4th ventricle
2. Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
3. Facial nucleus (+ Abducens Nucleus = Facial Colliculus)
4. Trigeminal nucleus
Composed of 3 types of neurons:
1. Motorneurons
- causes contraction of the ipsilateral LR via the abducens nerve
- Interneurons
- important in horizontal conjugate eye movements
- relay signals from the ipsilateral Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation (Horizontal Gaze Center) to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus via the MLF to contract the contralateral MR - Neurons projecting to the cerebellar flocculus
- component of the vestibulo-ocular reflex system which controls eye movement in coordination with head movement
1. IPSIlateral horizontal conjugate gaze palsy
- defect in saccades, pursuit and VOR
- final common pathway for all horizontal conjugate eye movements
- One-and-a-Half Syndrome
- abducens nucleus + adjacent MLF - Eight-and-a-Half Syndrome
- abducens nucleus + adjacent MLF + facial fascicle
- loops dorsal to the abducens nucleus (forms the facial colliculus) before travelling anteriorly and exiting in the ventral pons
- cause an additional IPSIlateral facial LMN palsy involving the upper and lower parts of face
1. Ischemic
2. Compressive
3. Inflammatory
4. Trauma
What is the One-and-a-Half Syndrome
- pontine syndrome that affects the final common pathway in the brainstem for horizontal conjugate gaze
- lesion involving the:
- Abducens nucleus: ONE
Horizontal Conjugate Gaze Palsy
- inability to perform horizontal conjugate movement towards one gaze direction
- inability to ABduct due to weakness of the abducens nerve and LR + inability to ADduct the contralateral eye due to loss of signal to the contralateral oculomotor nerve and MR
- Ipsilateral MLF: HALF
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
- lag or the complete inability to ADduct the ipsilateral eye using the MR in the OPPOSITE gaze direction due to damage to the ascending pathway towards the ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus via the MLF
- contralateral eye can still be ABducted towards the OPPOSITE gaze direction because of the intact contralateral Abducens nucleus BUT presents with nystagmus
Paralytic Pontine Exotropia
- contralateral eye appears EXOTROPIC because of the unopposed action of the LR
- eye cannot ABduct and ADduct
- eye cannot ADduct
- eye can ABduct BUT with nystagmus
- eye is EXOtropic
Because both oculomotor nuclei can still receive signals from the Thalamomesencephalic Junction (received rostrally) in response to the near reflex, convergence is still INTACT and the MR will still move
- this indicates that the lesion is at the level of the pons and NOT rostral
- if lesion is at the level of the midbrain or above, convergence reflex will be ABSENT
Discuss the pathway and the syndromes involving the Abducens fascicle.
Courses VENTRALLy adjacent to the following structures:
1. Facial nucleus and fascicle
2. Superior Salivary nucleus
3. Trigeminal nucleus
4. Central tegmental tract
5. Corticospinal tract
1. Ischemia
2. Compression
3. Demyelination
4. Inflammation and infection
1. Raymond-Cestan Syndrome
2. Foville’s Fasciculus Syndrome
3. Millard-Gubler Syndrome
What is the Raymond-Cestan Syndrome?
SUPERO-MEDIAL Pontine Syndrome
Cause: Basilar Artery perforating branches
Area: ROSTRAL Pontine Tegmentum
1. IPSIlateral ABduction deficit + ESOtropia
- Abducens FASCICLE
- if MLF involved: also unable to ADduct (INO)
- CONTRAlateral hemiparesis/plegia
- Corticospinal tract PRIOR to decussation at the medulla - CONTRAlateral UMN facial palsy
- Corticobulbar tract (UMN) PRIOR to synapsing with the facial nucleus
- because of the intact innervation of the contralateral corticobulbar tract to the bilateral dorsal aspect of the facial nucleus supplying the upper portions of the face, ONLY the CONTRAlateral LOWER FACE is affected
- IPSIlateral facial sensory loss and paralysis of muscles of mastication
- Trigeminal sensory and motor nuclei - CONTRAlateral body sensory loss
- Spinothalamic tract (in the Medial Lemniscus) PRIOR to decussation at the spinal cord - IPSIlateral ataxia and course intention tremor
- Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
What is the Foville Syndrome?
INFERO-MEDIAL Pontine Syndrome
Cause: Basilar Artery perforating branches
Area: CAUDAL Pontine Tegmentum
1. IPSIlateral ABduction deficit + ESOtropia
- Abducens FASCICLE
- if MLF involved: also unable to ADduct (INO)
- CONTRAlateral hemiparesis/plegia
- Corticospinal tract PRIOR to decussation at the medulla - IPSIlateral LMN facial palsy
- Facial nucleus or fascicle (LMN)
- involves the fascicle carrying innervation to BOTH upper and lower portions of the face
- IPSIlateral facial sensory loss and paralysis of muscles of mastication
- Trigeminal sensory and motor nuclei - CONTRAlateral body sensory loss
- Spinothalamic tract (in the medial lemniscus) PRIOR to decussation at the spinal cord - IPSIlateral ataxia and course intention tremor
- Middle Cerebellar Peduncle - IPSIlateral sensorineural hearing loss
- Vestibulocochlear nucleus and nerve
- Superior Olivary nucleus - IPSIlateral Horner’s Syndrome
- Descending central sympathetic fiber
What is the Millard-Gubler Syndrome?
INFERO-VENTRAL Pontine Syndrome
Cause: Basilar Artery perforating branches
Area: CAUDAL Ventral Pons (Basis Pontis)
1. IPSIlateral ABduction deficit + ESOtropia
- Abducens FASCICLE
- MLF NOT affected because it is located dorsal
- CONTRAlateral hemiparesis/plegia
- Corticospinal tract PRIOR to decussation at the medulla - IPSIlateral LMN facial palsy
- Facial nucleus or fascicle (LMN)
- involves the fascicle carrying innervation to BOTH upper and lower portions of the face
Describe the subarachnoid + petrosal course of the Abducens nerve.
Abducens nerve: after exiting the brainstem
1. Exits the ventral brainstem at the junction of the pons and the medulla superior to the AICA together with the facial nerve
2. Travels antero-superiorly in the subarachnoid space between the pons and clivus
1. Trauma
2. Aneurysm: Basilar artery or AICA
3. Supratentorial or posterior fossa tumors
4. Meningitis
5. Increased ICP
3. Exits the subarachnoid space by piercing the dura and running within the Dorello’s canal inferior to the Trigeminal ganglion
4. Exits the Dorello’s canal through the Petroclinoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament) connecting the posterior clinoid process and the petrosal part of the Temporal bone
- ligament holds the Abducens nerve over the petrous apex like a seatbelt
5. Makes a sharp turn to enter cavernous sinus
1. Petrous Apex Syndrome (Gradenigo Syndrome)
2. Trauma/fractures in basal skull/petrous bone
3. Aneurysm: petrosal part of ICA
4. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: adjacent to the middle cranial fossa, clivus and skull base
- dorsum sellae (sphenoid bone) superiorly + basilar part of occipital bone inferiorly
- anterior to the basilar artery and the brainstem
What are the three common signs of fracture to the skull base, middle cranial fossa or petrous part of the temporal bone?
- Hemotympanum
- CSF otorrhea
- Battle’s Sign: retroauricular/mastoid ecchymosis
What is the Petrous Apex Syndrome?
Petrous Apex
- pyramid-shaped anteromedial part of the petrous temporal bone
1. Facial pain: Gasserian/Trigeminal ganglion
2. Abducens nerve palsy: Abducens nerve
3. Facial LMN palsy: Facial nerve
4. Sensorineural deafness: Vestibulocochlear nerve
Gradenigo Syndrome
- triad: otitis media, facial pain, abducens palsy
- rare in the post-antibiotic era
- otitis media and mastoiditis involving the petrous apex causing meningitis and intracranial infection
Describe the intracavernous, SOF and orbital course of the Abducens nerve.
- runs alongside the internal carotid artery in the medial wall of the sinus
- enters the fissure WITHIN the Annulus of Zinn together with both branches of the Oculomotor nerve and the Nasociliary nerve of CN5A
Remember: Sympathetic fibers
Superior Cervical Ganglion –> ICA –> Abducens nerve –> Ophthalmic division of Trigeminal nerve
1. Isolated abducens palsy
- lesion in the abducens nerve before or after it travels with the sympathetic fibers
- Abducens palsy + Horner’s syndrome
- involvement of the sympathetic fibers travelling with the abducens nerve - Complete ophthalmoplegia + Poorly-reactive pupil at mid-position + Absent light and near reflexes + Blurring of vision to objects at near
- involvement of other structures in the sinus
- usually seen in larger lesions
- courses laterally to innervate the LR
- may be isolated OR involve branches of the oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers
- WITH orbital signs AND optic neuropathy
How are abducens nerve palsies worked-up?
A. WITH known ischemic risk factors OR > 50 yo
- conservative: monitor within 2 months for improvement
- if no improvement –> MRI with contrast with close attention to the basal skull
- may be a benign ischemic lesion along its subarachnoid or the petrosal course
B. WITHOUT ischemic risk factors OR < 50 yo
- MRI with contrast with close attention to the basal skull
- BP monitoring, FBS/HbA1c, ESR, ANA, VDRL/RPR
II. WITH other neurologic signs and symptoms
1. MRI with contrast: r/o tumors
2. MRA/CTA/Angiography: r/o vascular lesions
3. Lumbar puncture: r/o infections
How are abducens nerve palsies managed?
1. Occlusion: to eliminate diplopia
- Prismatic correction: if diplopia is measurable
- Strabismus Surgery
- once palsy is stable for 6 MONTHS
- MR recession (weakening) or
- LR resection (strengthening)
- partial/full transposition of the SR or IR towards the LR insertion site
- to increase abduction of the eye with both acting as abductors instead of adductors
- part of muscle removed or folded over and is reattached at the ORIGINAL site
- INCREASES muscle tension and strengthens contraction
- muscle is detached from insertion site and reattached more POSTERIORLY
- DECREASES muscle tension and weakens contraction
What is Myasthenia Gravis?
Chronic, autoimmune, neuromuscular disease that causes weakness in the SKELETAL muscles
1. (+) Antibodies against Ach receptors at NMJ
- receptor blockade
- complement-mediated membrane damage
- increased degradation of Ach by Acetycholinesterase due to prolonged exposure in the synaptic cleft
- Released amount of Ach is NORMAL but the number of receptors for available for binding DECREASES
- NORMAL: in sustained muscle activation, decreasing amounts of Ach are released by each successive impulse BUT action potential propagation is NOT affected because receptor sites are normal in number
- MG: decreasing amount of Ach released is coupled with fewer binding receptors causing a GRADUAL DECREASE in action potential propagation towards the innervated muscle
- EFFECT: muscles become weak with increased use but improves with rest
BIMODAL pattern of presentation:
1. EARLY Peak
- 20s - 30s, female
- HLA-B8/DR1/DR3
- LATE Peak
- 60s - 80s, male
- more specific for ocular MG
- HLA-B27/DR2
Discuss the clinical presentation of Myasthenia Gravis.
HISTORY: Fluctuating Fatigability
- WORSE weakness in evening/prolonged use
- Diplopia
- impaired binocular vision caused by misalignment of the visual axis of the two eyes
due to ocular motility dysfunction
- present only at end of day or when exhausted - ABSENT upon waking up or after rest - Variable weakness in the other muscles
- neck extensors
- facial expression
- speech
- mastication
- proximal limbs
PHYSICAL EXAM: OCULAR manifestations
- most common presentation
- 50%: ptosis + incomitant strabismus + ophthalmoplegia
- EOMs: 80% single-innervated twitch fibers with high-firing frequency thus prone to fatigue
- pupil-SPARING: iris sphincter and dilator muscles are SMOOTH muscles
- Ptosis
- initially unilateral then worsens to shifting between the two eyes and progressing to bilateral involvement - Cogan Lid Twitch
- due to Hering’s Law of Equal Innervation
- pt is asked to look down for 10 - 15 s followed by quick return to primary gaze
- as eye saccades up, the upper lid overshoots and briefly twitches - Enhanced Ptosis
- manually elevating the more ptotic lid decreases the needed innervation to keep that levator contracted and the lid elevated
- the brain applies this also to the contralateral levator by virtue of Hering’s Law, causing the contralateral lid to relax further, worsening the ptosis on the other side - Incomitant strabismus (EXOtropia) and Ophthalmoplegia
- MR: most commonly affected muscle
What are the diagnostic tests used to diagnose Myasthenia Gravis?
- Office Test
- Edrophonium/Tensilon Test
- Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Test
- Single Fiber EMG
- Sleep Test
- Ice Test
- Laboratory Tests
- Anti-Ach Receptor Antibody Test
- Anti-Muscle-Specific Kinase Antibody Test
What is a quick Office test for Myasthenia Gravis suspects?
- Ask patient to look up and hold the upgaze position.
- Observe for any drooping of the eyelids.
MG Suspect: (+) drooping of eyelids due to fatigability of the levator muscles
How is the Edrophonium/Tensilon test done?
Edrophonium (Tensilon) 10 mg
- reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
- competitively binds and inhibits acetylcholinesterase at the neuromuscular junction, preventing the breakdown of Ach
- results in more Ach available for binding on the receptor sites at the neuromuscular junction, increased propagation of action potentials and sustained muscle contraction and strength
Alternative: Neostigmine IM
- slower, longer-acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
- improvement expected to start within 5–15 min and produces complete resolution in 30 - 45 minutes, which may last hours
- best in uncooperative younger children
With OBJECTIVE and QUANTITATIVE PE findings (ptosis, exotropia)
1. Inject 2 mg IV and observe for 1 minute
2. If no response: inject 4 mg and observe for another 1 minute.
3. If still no response: inject remaining 4 mg.
4. If still no response: MG ruled out
POSITIVE: eyelid elevation within 2 - 5 mins
NEGATIVE: no improvement
- OVERaction of parasympathetic system:
+ defecation, salivation, sweating, nausea
+ dizziness, syncope
+ bradycardia, apnea, cardiac arrest
Antidote: ATROPINE 0.6 mg
- anticholinergic/parasympatholytic drug
- competitive, reversible antagonist of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
What is the Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Test?
- most frequently used electro-diagnostic test
- nerve is stimulated 6 - 10x at 2 - 3 Hz and the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) is recorded via electrodes placed on the muscles
POSITIVE: progressive decrease in CMAP amplitudes within the first 4 - 5 stimuli
NEGATIVE: no decrease in CMAP
- HIGH specificity (95%)
- HIGH PPV (75%) in generalized MG
- LOW PPV (50%) in ocular MG
What is the Single Fiber EMG?
- EMG technique that allows identification of action potentials from individual muscle fibers
POSITIVE: increasing jitters
- HIGH sensitivity (88 - 99%) in ocular MG
- GOOD test for congenital MG
What is the Sleep test for Myasthenia Gravis?
- can be done in the office if patient is sleepy
- patient is asked to note if there is marked improvement in symptoms upon awakening
What is the Ice Pack test for Myasthenia Gravis?
- ice pack is applied to the affected upper lid for 2 - 5 minutes
- cold temperature SUPPRESSES acetylcholinesterase-induced degradation of acetylcholine at the NMJ resulting in more available acetylcholine available for binding at the receptor sites
POSITIVE: improvement in ptosis by >/= 2 mm
- FALSE (-): prolonged cooling DECREASES muscle contractility –> no improvement in ptosis
- applicable only for ptosis
What are the laboratory tests used in confirming Myasthenia Gravis?
A. Anti-Ach Receptor Antibody Test
- measures three different antibodies
- 10 - 15% of systemic MG and 30 - 50% of ocular MG are NEGATIVE for all three
- BINDING antibodies: most common antibody found in MG (85 - 90% of systemic MG, 50% of ocular MG)
- BLOCKING antibodies: only tested if negative for binding antibodies
- MODULATING antibodies: only tested if negative for binding antibodies
B. Anti-Muscle-Specific Kinase Antibody Test
- only tested if ALL three Anti-Ach receptor antibodies are NEGATIVE BUT with a strong clinical suspicion
- causative in a prevailing percentage of the patients with “seronegative MG”
What are the treatment options for Myasthenia Gravis?
- Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
- deactivates acetycholinesterase resulting in decreased hydrolysis of acetylcholine and increased availability in the NMJ for binding to the receptors sites
- Pyridostigmine: long-acting drug used for ocular mG - Systemic Steroids: adjunctive
- Immunomodulators: refractory cases
- Thymectomy
- for symptomatic cases
- 2/3 of cases associated with thymic hyperplasia and increased production of antibodies
Reminders in the management of EOM palsies based on etiologies.
MICROvascular disease
- control risk factors and observe for 1 - 2 mos
- palsy should resolve over time
- MRI with contrast of brain and orbit + MRA/CRA/Cerebral Angiography
- rule out tumors, aneurysms and MACROvascular ischemia
- warranted if presenting with:
1. atypical ischemic palsy
2. multiple nerve involvement
3. presence of other neurologic signs
4. young patient with no ischemic risk factors
While waiting for palsy to stabilize and perform strabismus surgery, symptomatic management of diplopia can be done by:
1. Occlusion: if diplopia NOT quantifiable
2. Prismatic correction: if diplopia quantifiable