Dates Pt. 3 Flashcards
509: Tarquin the Proud expelled from Rome. Roman Republic founded.
509 BCE
Early Republic
509-133 BCE
Cleomenes attempts to support Isagoras over Cleisthenes, but is driven from the city. Cleisthenes reforms the demes of Attica.
508 BCE
The conniving of Histiaios and his henchman/nephew Aristagoras begins the Ionian Revolt. Athenians send aid.
499 BCE
The Ionians sack Sardis, but are forced out of the city.
498 BCE
Cyprus revolts, with Ionian aid. Revolt crushed by 496.
497 BCE
the Dioscuri help the Romans beat the Latins at the B. of Lake Regillus.
496 BCE
The Ionians defeated at sea at the B. of Lade; on land Miletus (the last resisting city) is taken by Datis. Histiaios goes rogue, captured and killed by the Persians. End of Ionian Revolt.
First Secession of the Plebs in Rome. Office of the Tribune of the Plebs established.
494 BCE
Mardonius and Datis expel all Ionian tyrants (including Miltiades). Impose tribute in Ionia.
493 BCE
Cleomenes arranges to depose his co-king Demaratus, is discovered, himself deposed, then recalled, goes mad, and commits suicide. A busy year for him. Demaratus flees to Persia.
491 BCE
Miltiades defeats Datis at the Battle of Marathon.
490 BCE
Egypt revolts (suppressed in 485). Miltiades dies in disgrace from wounds received besieging Paros.
489 BCE
Darius dies, Xerxes becomes Great King; Aristides the Just ostracized.
486 BCE
Silver mines at Laurium discovered. Themistocles persuades Athens to use the wealth to build a fleet.
483 BCE