Dates Pt. 2 Flashcards
Periander, son of Cypselus, becomes tyrant in Corinth
637 BCE
The attempted coup of Cylon is foiled by the treachery of Megacles the Alcmaeonid. First datable event in Athenian history
632 BCE
Battus of Thera founds Cyrene
630 BCE
Law code of Draco promulgated in Athens
621 BCE
Miletus “founds” Naucratis in Egypt
610 BCE
Probably the time at which Sparta began adopting the Lycurgan system; development of Latin script; Massilia founded by Phocaeans
600 BCE
Traditional date for Solon’s legal reform in Athens (seisachthea)
594 BCE
Kirrha destroyed at the end of the ten year First Sacred War (if it happened); Tyre falls to Babylon, Carthage probably fully independent thereafter.
585 BCE
Foundation of the Pythian and Isthmian Games
582 BCE
Foundation of the Nemean Games
573 BCE
first tyranny of Pisistratus
561/0 BCE
Croesus of Lydia conquers most of the Ionian city-states
560 BCE
Cyrus takes the throne of Anshan
559 BCE
Pisistratus’s first exile
556/5 BCE
Cyrus the Great conquers the Medes, founding the Persian Empire; the Forum Inscription on the Lapis Niger is made, the oldest surviving piece of Latin
550 BCE