Data - neurology Flashcards
CSF interpretation Appearance: Cloudy/turbid Opening pressure: Elevated WBC: Elevated Glucose: Low Protein: Elevated
Bacterial meningitis
CSF interpretation: Appearance: Clear Opening pressure: Normal/elevated WBC: Elevated Glucose: Normal Protein: Elevated
Viral meningitis
CSF interpretation: Appearance: Clear or cloudy Opening pressure: Elevated WBC: Elevated Glucose: Low Protein: Elevated
Fungal meningitis
CSF interpretation: Appearance: Opaque Opening pressure: Elevated WBC: Elevated Glucose: Low Protein: very elevated
Tuberculosis meningitis
CSF interpretation: Appearance: blood-stained/xanthochromia Opening pressure: Elevated WBC: Elevated Glucose: Normal Protein: Elevated
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Difference in WBC between viral and bacterial meningitis?
In bacterial meningitis:
Primarily polymorphonuclear leukocytes (>90%)
In viral meningitis:
Primarily lymphocytes (PMN early on)
Olfactory nerve controls what?
CNI sense of smell
Optic nerve?
CNII - vision!
Oculomotor nerve?
CNIII - Eye movements - sup. inf. med. rectus muscles. Inf oblique muscle.
Levator palpabrae superioris
Trochlear nerve?
CNIV - Eye movements - superior oblique
Trigeminal nerve?
CNV - split into three nerves, supplying sensation to face.
Only mandibular division has motor function
Ophthalmic nerve?
Sensation to upper face
Parasymp to lacrimal gland
Maxillary nerve?
Sensation to mid face
Parasymp to lacrimal gland and nasal glands
Mandibular nerve?
Sensation to lower face, mucous membranes, tongue
Parasymp to submandibular, sublingual and parotid glands
Motor muscles of mastication - temporalis, masseter, pterygoids. And also tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani
Abducens nerve?
Motor to lateral rectus
Facial nerve?
Motor to muscles of facial expression
Anterior 2/3 tongue TASTE (chorda tympani)