Data Handling and Analysis P2 Flashcards
Work out what done and what not done
What is Qualitative data?
Qualitative data is interpretation-based, descriptive, and relating to language.
What is Quantitative data?
Quantitative data is numbers-based, countable, or measurable.
Is Qualitative data subjective or objective?
Qualitative data is Subjective
Is Quantitive data subjective or objective?
Quantitive data is Objective
Which numbers match up to Qualitative and Quantitive data?
- Used to develop theories
- Used to test theories
- Qualitative data is used to develop theories
- Quantitive data is used to test theories
What is standard deviation?
- Standard deviation measures the dispersion of data.
- It shows the average distance of each point from the mean (average).
- The greater the value of standard deviation, the further the data tend to be dispersed from the mean (average).
Is qualitative data subjective or objective?
Qualitive data is subjective
Is quantitive data subjective or objective?
Quantitive data is objective
What is quantitative data?
Quantitative research involves collecting and evaluating numerical data.
What is qualitative research?
Qualitative research is when you collect and evaluate non-numerical data in order to understand subjective opinions.
What is primary data?
Primary data information observed or collected directly from 1st hand experience.
What is secondary data?
Secondary data is data collected by someone else for another study other than the one in which it is used.
What is meta-analysis?
A statistical tequenique for combining the findings of several studies of a certain research area.
For example, I&K’s strange situation meta analysis
What is standard deviation?
How far off the average a number is.
Is it one, two or three numbers off the average?