Data-Based and Statistical Reasoning Flashcards
a symmetrical distribution in which the mean, median, and mode are all the same; 68% of data points occur within one standard deviation of the mean, 95% within two, and 99% within three
normal distribution
a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
standard distribution
distributions with differences between their mean, median, and mode; the ____ direction is the direction of the tail of the distribution
skewed distributions (skew)
distributions with multiple peaks (but not always multiple modes); data analysis may be performed on the two groups separately
bimodal distributions
the difference between the value of the third quartile and first quartile; can be used to determine outliers
interquartile range
measurement of variability about the mean; can also be used to determine outliers
standard deviation
data that may be a result of true population variability, measurement error, or a non normal distribution
outcomes that cannot occur simultaneously
mutually exclusive outcomes
set of outcomes that leaves out no other possible outcomes
use a known distribution to determine whether a hypotheses of no difference (the null hypothesis) can be rejected
hypothesis tests
is used to determine whether a finding is statistically significant; a ____ of 0.05 is commonly used
comparison of p-value and a selected significance level (α)
are a range of values about a sample mean that are used to estimate the population mean; a wider interval is associated with a higher ____ (95% is common)
confidence interval
refers to a connection between data (direct, inverse, or otherwise)
refers to one thing causing another thing to happen, cause and effect
links the separate concepts of correlation and causation
Hill’s criteria