Discrete entities that are
described objectively
without interpretation
benefits of data assessment
- enhance efficiency in the workplace
- providing quality care
- identifying fraud and financial abuse
problems with data assessment
- experienced nurses are challenged to appropriately perform data assessment beyond duty
- when data is missing = oversight of diagnoses, erroneous diagnoses or incorrect quality statements
- inappropriate data clustering can occur
- The collection and interpretation of structured information from patients
- Can inform and guide clinical care.
electronic patient-reported outcomes assessment
benefits of epro assessment
- automating the administration and scoring
- increasing patient satisfaction and ease of use
- minimizing missing data and time delay
- patient centered care by customization of assessments
- is a class of tools that help people
collect personally relevant information for the purpose of
self-reflection and self-monitoring. - These tools help people
gain self-knowledge about one’s behaviors, habits, and
thoughts. It goes by other names such as living by numbers,
personal analytics, quantified self, and self-tracking
personal informatics
An electronic document that
contains the clients medical,
personal and health information
but is controlled by the client,
rather than the health care
EMR or CPR (computer based patients records)
sometimes referred to as
personally controlled health records, are electronic tools
used by individual patients to store and share medical
personal health records (PHR)
enable patients to
communicate with their
physicians, request
prescription refills and
appointments, and access their
health records, laboratory test
results, and x-rays and other
patient portal
⮚Patients who learn about proposed treatments seem to have
a clearer understanding about what to expect through the
processes of diagnosis, acute treatment, and recovery.
⮚This gathered knowledge increases health literacy and
therefore has the capacity to make patients more actively
involved in decision-making processes.
searching for information
New models of mobile phone apps are now emerging so
that patients are not tethered to their desks, but rather
always have much of this information at their fingertips.
patient navigation
Today, patients often feel free to engage their providers
anywhere via e-mail, which may produce certain ___
boundary issues
- An expert who combines
computer, information and
nursing sciences. - Serves as developer of policies
and procedures that promote
effective and secure use of
computerized records by nurses
and other healthcare
nurse informaticist
Informatics and technology
have applications in education,
including simulation, electronic
learning, teleconferencing, and
software availability for
educational presentations and
educational informatics
general purpose of educational informatics
- Computerized record keeping
- Computerized assisted instruction
- Interactive video technology
- Distance learning - web based courses, degree programs.
- Internet resources – formal nursing courses and degree
programs. - Presentation software for preparing slides and handouts - power
points and MS words
⮚ Computerized literature
⮚ The adoption of
standardized language
related to nursing terms –
⮚ The ability to find trends in
aggregate data, that is data
derived from large
population groups.
nursing research
Nursing informatics can be used
for symptom management and
____. The nurse can
access the information for the
patient or teach the patient
where to find the appropriate and
helpful information.
patient education
⮚ Software program that cover topics from drug dosage calculations to ethical decision making are classified according to the formats, tutorial, drill and practice, simulation or testing.
⮚ Use of diagrams, graphics, animations, video, and audio.
⮚ Allow almost instant access to any section of program and can be designed to branch to different sections depending on user’s
computer assisted instruction
⮚ Electrical outlets for students to plug in laptops and wirings (WIFI) for network and internet access.
⮚ Smart classroom with projectors that display content of computer screens and document cameras that display objects and print materials for the entire classroom.
⮚ Clickers, use of audience response system and class capture system that record and post lectures and visuals to the internet
classroom technology
⮚Educational opportunities delivered under situations
in which the teacher and the learner are not physically in the same place at the same time.
⮚Faculty can post syllabi, handouts, assignments, and examination in individual course shells and students can submit papers and hold discussion online.
⮚Faculty and students can create avatars.
⮚Virtual self to navigate and communicate using audio-visual lectures, discussion and posters.
distance learning
⮚Large banks of potential items can be written, and the computer generates different exams for each student depending on the selection criteria designated by the faculty.
⮚The computer determines if the
applicant passed the examination by using a scoring algorithm that ensures all required competencies have been evaluated fairly