are real-time, patient-centered records
that make information available instantly and
securely to authorized users.
benefits of EHR
1.Better health care
2.Better health
3.Improved efficiencies and lower
healthcare costs
4.Better clinical decision making.
❑ Comprise the patient data required to make sound
clinical decisions, including:
* demographics, medical and nursing diagnoses,
medication lists, allergies and test results.
❑ A comprehensive EHR will also contain nursing
assessments and problem.
health information and data
❑ is the ability to manage results of all
types electronically including:
* laboratory and radiology procedure
reports, both current and historical.
results management
❑ Is the ability of a clinician to enter
medication and other care orders including:
* laboratory, microbiology, pathology, radiology,
nursing, and supply orders; ancillary services;
and consultations, directly into a computer.
❑ A comprehensive EHR will also contain nursing
order entry management
❑ entails the use of computer reminders and alerts
to improve the diagnosis and care of a patient
* screening for correct drug selection and dosing,
screening for medication interactions with other
medications, preventive health reminders in such
areas as vaccinations, health risk screening and
detection, and clinical guidelines for patient disease
decision support
❑ Include the online communication among
healthcare team members, their care partners,
and patients including:
* email, web messaging, and an integrated
health record within and across settings,
institutions, and telemedicine.
electronic communication and connectivity
❑ Encompasses patient education and selfmonitoring tools including:
* interactive computer-based patient education,
home telemonitoring, and telehealth systems.
patient support
❑ are activities carried out by the electronic scheduling,
billing, and claims management systems, including
electronic scheduling for inpatient and outpatient visits
and procedures, electronic insurance eligibility
validation, claim authorization and prior approval,
identification of possible research study participants,
and drug recall support.
administrative processes
❑ Are the data collection tools to support public and
private reporting requirements including:
* data represented in a standardized terminology and
machine-readable format.
reporting and population health management
❑“healing at a distance”
❑ “The delivery of health care services, where distance
is a critical factor, by all health care professionals
using information and communication technologies for
the exchange of valid information for diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of disease and injuries,
research and evaluation, and for the continuing
education of health care providers, all in the interests
of advancing the health of individuals and their
- involves the exchange of pre-recorded data between two or more
individuals at different times.
store and forward
requires the involved individuals to be simultaneously present for
immediate exchange of information, as in the case of
real time / synchronous
- remote health counseling and remote
- Patients with mental disorders often
refuse to see a doctor. In many cases,
despite seeing a doctor, they refuse to
talk to their doctor about their life issues,
leading to serious disorders.
remote psychotherapy
- is an important application of TLM for the diagnosis or
treatment of patients.
remote imaging
the process of identifying damage in a patient far.
remote pathology
- Remote skin treatment .
- TLM can be used to help individuals with skin diseases.
- Due to the growth of the elderly population and the
shortage of specialist physicians, home care through TLM
has great growth potential. - This type of treatment is required for the majority of
patients with cardiovascular disease and chronic
respiratory diseases.
remote home medical care
- TLM can be used to monitor a variety of patients
remote patient monitoring
- Emergency patients are examined by experienced
physicians assigned at medical centers at this level of
service. If required, communicate with a TLM system
physician via audio, voice, and visual communication,
and send vital signs (such as heart sound, lung sound,
and patient’s heartbeat).
patient care in emergencies
- In this TLM system, a doctor positioned at a distance from
the medical center concurrently locates various patients
suffering from level one medical illnesses, such as colds and
hypertension disorders.
patient care at the first level of health care
- In the TLM system, several general practitioner visits at the
first level of medical service require specialized medical
services. This technology can establish a three-way
communication between a technical center’s physician or
specialists, the general practitioner, and patients from various
medical centers.
specialized counseling system
- Robots and modern medical systems are used to
perform remote surgery.
remote surgery
- It uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat
several psychological issues in children, including
depression and hyperactivity, and provides schoolbased treatment.
telemedicine in pediatrics
- In times of crisis TLM can provide a dependable and
accessible means of fully functional communication, despite
the severity of accidents and infrastructure damage. - Mobile communications and information transmission in
times of crisis are among the advantages of wireless
technology, and so are cost reductions. - TLM’s applications in the field of military medicine
telemedicine in crises and unforeseen events
is the cost-effective and secure use of information and
communications technologies in support of health and health-related
fields, including health-care services, health surveillance, health
literature, and health education, knowledge and research
the use of information and communication technologies
(ICT) for health.
10 e’s in e-health
enhancing quality of care
evidence based
empowerment of consumers and patients
enabling information exchange
extending the scope of health care
- decreasing costs by avoiding duplicative or unnecessary diagnostic
or therapeutic interventions
- improving quality - allowing comparisons between
different providers.
enhancing quality of care
- effectiveness and efficiency should not be assumed but
proven by rigorous scientific evaluation.
evidence based
- by making the knowledge bases
of medicine and personal electronic records accessible to consumers.
empowerment of consumers and patients
of a new relationship between the patient and health
professional - decisions are made in a shared manner.
of physicians through online sources - tailored for preventive
information for consumers
and communication in a standardized way
between health care establishments.
enabling information exchnage
beyond its conventional boundaries - enables consumers to easily obtain health services online from global providers
extending the scope of health care
- online professional practice, informed consent, privacy and equity
to make health care more equitable is one of the promises of ehealth
Administrative roles that requires the use of Information System
- F___ m___
- r___ m___
- q___ a___
- h___ r___
- p___
- p___ r___
- a___
- c___
- s___ f___
- d___ m___
financial management
risk management
quality assurance
human resources
patient registration
scheduling functions
data mining
- Identify resources, patterns, and variances in care to prevent costly
complications related to chronic conditions and to enhance the overall
outcomes for patients with chronic illness. - span past episodes of treatment and search for trends among the records.
- especially beneficial for patient populations with a high cost of care and
complex health needs, such as the elderly or patients with chronic disease
conditions. - increasingly being integrated with electronic health records (EHRs)
case management information systems
- promote interaction among healthcare providers and between
providers and patients. - Integrating communication systems with clinical applications
provides a real-time approach that facilitates interactions
among the entire healthcare team, patients, and their families
to enhance care. - These systems enhance the flow of communication within an
organization and promote an exchange of information to care
better for patients.
communication systems
- enhance administrative tasks within healthcare organizations.
- provide the framework for reimbursement, support of best practices, quality
control, and resource allocation.
core business systems
4 common core business systems
❑ admission,discharge, and transfer (ADT) systems
❑ financial systems
❑ acuity systems
❑ scheduling systems
- provide the backbone structure for the other types of clinical
and business systems. - These systems were among the first to be automated in
health care. - Admitting, billing, and bed management departments most
commonly use ADT systems. - These systems hold key information on which all other
systems rely.
Admission, discharge, and transfer systems
- manage the expenses and revenue for providing health care.
- determine the direction for maintenance and growth for a given facility.
- They often interface to share information with materials management, staffing, and
billing systems to balance the financial impact of these resources within an
organization. - These systems are key components in the decision-making process as healthcare
institutions prepare their fiscal budgets. They often play a pivotal role in determining
the strategic direction for an organization.
Financial systems
- monitor the range of patient types within a healthcare
organization using specific indicator - these systems provide feedback about how intensive the
care requirement is for an individual patient or group of
patients. - forecast future trends to allow an organization to
successfully strategize on how to meet upcoming market
Acuity systems
- coordinate staff, services, equipment, and allocation of patient beds.
- these systems provide data to the financial systems.
- These systems also provide great assistance to financial systems when they
are used to track medical equipment within a facility. - Scheduling systems help to track resources within a facility while managing
the frequency and distribution of those resources.
Scheduling systems
- They automate the way that orders have traditionally been
initiated for patients— that is, clinicians place orders using
these systems instead of creating traditional handwritten
transcriptions onto paper. - provide major safeguards by ensuring
that physician orders are legible and complete, thereby
providing a level of patient safety that was historically
missing with paper based orders.
Order Entry Systems
- These patient-centered systems focus on collecting data and disseminating
information related to direct care
Patient Care Support Systems
The four systems most encountered in health care include
❑clinical documentation systems
❑pharmacy information systems
❑ laboratory information systems
❑ radiology information systems.
- also known as “clinical information systems,”
- CISs are designed to collect patient data in real time.
Clinical documentation systems
- They typically allow pharmacists to order, manage, and dispense
medications for a facility. - They also commonly incorporate information regarding allergies and
height and weight to ensure effective medication management. - Pharmacy information systems streamline the order entry, dispensing,
verification, and authorization process for medication administration.
Pharmacy information systems
- Laboratory information systems report on blood, body fluid, and tissue samples, along
with biological specimens collected at the bedside and received in a central laboratory. - They provide clinicians with reference ranges for tests indicating high, low, or normal
values to make care decisions. - Often, the laboratory system provides result information in the EHR and directs
clinicians toward the next course of action within a treatment regimen.
❑Laboratory information systems
- These systems schedule, result, and store information related to diagnostic
radiology procedures. - These systems collect, store, and distribute medical images, such as
computed tomography scans, magnetic resonance images, and X-rays.
PACS replace traditional hard-copy films with digital media that are easy to
store, retrieve, and present to clinicians.
Radiology information system (RIS)
is defined as “the ability of a system to
exchange electronic health information with and use
electronic health information from other systems without
special effort on the part of the user.
is basic data reception from one system to
another without interpretation
Foundational interoperability
is more complex and depends on consistency of
clinical terminology and meaning of the data
Structural interoperability
depends on data that is consistent and codified
allowing for information system interpretation and analysis of the data
Semantic interoperability
is considered the highest and most complex form
of interoperability.
Semantic interoperability
-structured or organized collection of data that is typically the main
component of an information system
Databases and database management software allow the user to input, sort,
arrange, structure, organize, and store data and turn those data into useful
Aggregating Patient and Organizational Data
- The team members work strategically to align their goals with the
goals of the organization where the system is to be used. - The focus for these groups is on planning, resource management,
transitioning, and ongoing support of the system. - Their collaboration determines the way in which the project is
managed, the deliverables for the project, the individuals held
accountable for the project, the time frame for the project,
opportunities for process improvement using the system, and the
means by which resources are allocated to support the system.
Department Collaboration and Exchange of
Knowledge and Information