People can have access to the details of dispensaries, diagnostics centers, medical shop and hospital in the locality, medical colleges, rehabilitation centers.
patient appointments - identification system
monitoring programs in the community
- health information system
- computer base survey system
- statistical information system in community health
Facilitates effective monitoring of programs.
health information system
Health statistical survey is used to collect quantitative information about items in population to establish certain information from the obtained data
computer-based survey system
In Primary Health Center it is designed to lessen paperwork responsibility, get better data accuracy, and facilitates village health worker to provide timely care and information to the rural population.
Example: EMR ( Electronic Medical Record
The first electronic medical record system in the Philippines.
Community Health Information and Tracking System (CHITS)
- It is a tool that can be used to tell a story about what is happening in ourcommunities.
- can empower the public by providing opportunities to have a lasting, positive influence on theircommunity.
community mapping / public participatory information systems
covers a wide range of health care services that are provided for patients who are not admitted overnight to a hospital.
ambulatory care system
provides automated processing of data and information such as allergies and medical alerts, patient accounting system such as charging, billing, discounts and concessions, claims management, doctor fee, registration management for booking of appointments, patient registration, emergency management, order management for the purpose ordering medication, diagnostic imaging and treatment, pharmacy management, other diverse data types such as diagnostic reports related to laboratory, radiology and patient monitoring as well as providing decision support.
ambulatory care information
Ambulatory wellness services are mostly for prevention and basic medical care. They include doctor’s clinics, such as primary care, as well as counseling centers for mental health and weight loss.
can be provided on their own, or as part of a wellness or treatment program. They include X-Rays, lab and blood tests, MRIs and screening for various cancers and illnesses.
These include same-day surgery centers, substance abuse clinics, chemotherapy and other forms of therapy.
includes post-operative therapies, occupational and physical therapy and rehabilitation for drug and alcohol abuse.
Other systems allow for data collection outside of the clinic using a range of mobile technology such as Internet-based patient portal websites,mobile technology and text messaging,and computerized telephone surveys
computerized prescriber order entry
- In collaboration with the government is providing emergency response services which enables distress calls
- It reaches out to rescue people involved in critical accidents and emergencies
emergency management research institute
Through the effective use of this, it will link all hospital, practices and health practitioners as well as students in the country through the used of computer-based communication channels.
national health information system
To enhance the emergency preparedness and response system, a special system such as national electronic disease surveillance system can be coupled and integrated to national health information system.
national electronic disease surveillance system
- Used for the daily and weekly report of Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases.
- To reduce morbidity and mortality through an institutionalized, functional integrated disease surveillance and response system nationwide.
philippine integrated disease surveillance and response
Immediately reportable diseases/syndromes/events
PISDR category 1
Weekly reportable diseases/ syndrome/ events
PISDR category 2
Compliments existing indicator- based diseases surveillance (PIDSR) in detecting events with added advantage of rapid reporting, greater geographic spread and relatively low cost
event based surveillance and response
- Detect early unusual increase of communicable and non-communicable conditions related to emergencies and disasters
- Monitor health trends for appropriate public health action
- Enable identification of appropriate response to handle the emergency.
surveillance in post extreme emergencies and disasters
This app replaced the COVID Kaya App for the DOH COVID-19 Dashboard. It can help the public health monitoring and contact tracing to protect the public against COVID-19.
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data collection
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