Dairy Youngstock Husbandry Flashcards
male + female –> Freemartins
twins in cow?
usually from separate embryos - they are not identical
Protocols at birth?
Navel iodine
Weight at birth
ID tags
vital for healthy calves and to avoid neonatal disease
Born agammaglobulinemic
Contains high conc of immuno-globulins
These can only be absorbed by the intestine in the first 0-24 hours (especially first 6 hours) ability for absorption drops after this
no antibodies
colostrum quality?
use a colostrometer - readings in the green zone indicates good quality, this colostrum can be used or stored
readings in the red zone - indicates poor quality - less than 20mg/ml of immunoglobulin –> this colostrum should be discarded
readings in the amber zone indicate marginal quality
13,14 (lect 3)
The 3 Q’s of feeding colustrum?
Different ways to feed calves?
teats vs buckets
computerised milk feeding
ad-lib milk
milk replacer feeding?
ideally feed transition milk for 3 days - increased antibody levels
2 types of protein source:
skim and weigh
by product of butter and cream manufacture –> more expensive
by-product of cheese manufacture
Doesn’t form a milk clot
% of protein we aim for?
24-26% protein
milk replacer powder?
generally cheaper than whole milk
reduced risk of disease transmission
more consistent than whole milk
why do we avoid plant-based proteins?
e.g. soya and wheat as contains anti-nutrional factors and may not be fully soluble
vegetable fats added to replace?
ash content should be?
Housing - environmental factors/needs?
thermal zone of comfort
wind-mechanical ventilation fans/polyethene ducts
atmospheric load
urinary output
socialisation - avoid mizing different ages in common air space
common health problems in calves?
diarrhoea, pneumonia, joint infections, umbilical infections
minimising disease?
hospital pens
all in all out principle
pneumonia and diarrhoea risk factors
Average culling rates of adult dairy cows?
main reasons for culling?
once moved onto feeding milk replacer?
mix at 42-45 degrees and then feed at 40 degrees
Replacements can be?
home bred - in control
bought in - biosecurity
Contract rearing?
paid by week
paid by weight gain
heifer development?
puberty - 3-10 months (>30% mature BW)
mating - 14-15 months (60-70% MATURE BW)
calving - 24 months (90-95% mature BW)
Heifer growth: 31
growth targets
target condition scores: 31,32
heifer milk yields?
maximise heifer milk yields by optimising pre-weaning growth rates
calves gaining 1kg a day produce:
about 1,000kg more milk during their first lactation than calves reared on a traditional system gaining about 500g a day
Quantity of colostrum?
a minimum of 3L (for an average sized calf) at the first feed and 6L in total within 12 hours
Quality of colostrum?
contains at least 50g/L of lgG and is of good hygienic quality
Quickly (feeding) Colostrum?
the first 3L within 2 hours of birth, then the second feed before 12 hours
What may colostrum contain that is considered as a caution?
an infectious agent such as Myobacterium paratuberculosis