Customs & Courtesies Flashcards
What is Adrift?
Not in the proper location
What is All Hands?
All personal
What is Ashore?
Any place outside of a naval vessel or Marine Corps reservation
What does ‘AS YOU WERE’ mean?
Resume former activity
What does AYE, AYE, SIR mean?
Required official acknowledgement of an order meaning I have received, understand, and will carry out the order or instruction
What is a Bulkhead?
Wall of a room
What does Carry On mean?
Resume previous activity
What does a Chit mean?
A receipt or authorization; a piece of paper
What are Colors?
Raising and Lowering of the national flag; the flag itself; or a Color Sergeant in the Royal Marines.
What is the Deck?
The floor
What is a Detail?
A special task or the number of people who perform a special task
What is a Field Day?
Barracks cleanup
What is a Galley?
Shipboard kitchen; kitchen of a mess hall; mobile field mess
What is a Gangway?
- To give way of step aside
- A passage, corridor, or thoroughfare
What is Gear?
Equipment or belongings
What is a Gear Locker?
Storage room for cleaning materials
What is a GI can?
Government issue can; large metal rubbish can or a wastebasket
What is Gouge?
Useful information
What is a Hatch?
A door
What is Inboard?
At or towards the inside
What is a Ladderwell?
Stair or Stairway
What is a Malingerer?
One who feigns or exaggerates incapacity or illness
What is Muster?
To report to a designed area promptly
What is Outboard?
At or towards the outside
What is Permeant Personnel?
Staff, support, or instructor personnel, as opposed to students or officer candidates
What is PME?
Professional military education
What is Pogey bait?
Snacks, candy, or sweets
What is Police?
To clean
What is Port?
The left side of a ship or building as one faces forward from it
What is Porthole?
Windows or eye glasses
What is Reveille?
A signal to awaken military personnel
What is Scuttlebutt?
- Water fountain
- Rumor
What is Scuzz Brush?
Coarse-haired brush used for cleaning
What is Sea Lawyer?
One who tries to get out of trouble using trivial technicalities
What does it mean to Secure?
- Gear put away
- Detail completed
- Locked up
What is Sick Bay?
What does it mean to Sound Off?
State or repeat in a loud and clear voice
What is a Squad Bay?
A large open area of a building where Marines are quartered or housed
What does it mean to Square Away?
Arrange things in an orderly manner
What is Starboard?
The right side of a ship or building as one faces forward from it
What does it mean Stow?
To put things away in an orderly manner
What is Swab?
A map or to mop
What is Taps?
A signal to put out lights and retire for the night
What is The smoking lamp is lighted?
Permission is given to smoke during that period of time
What is Topside?
The upper deck
What is UA?
Unauthorized absence
What is UNSAT?
Unsatisfactory; below standard(<80%)
what does Yes sir/ma’am mean?
Affirmative reply to senior officer
What does zero mean?
Drill Instructor/Sergeant instructor command to stop all activity or freeze