Culture & Personality Flashcards
aspects of an individual’s unique characteristics.
Set of enduring behavioural and cognitive characteristics, traits or predispositions.
a characteristic/quality (stable/consistent over time) distinguishing a person.
State refers to quality referring to a quality – e.g. anxiety before an exam.
perceived roles in life, life experiences and narratives, values and motives.
Psychological anthropology perspective on personality
(study of norms and values of societies)
Based on the ethnographic fieldwork by anthropologists who developed theories about culture and personality.
Forms the basis for national character.
National character – perception that each culture has a model personality type and people in that culture share aspects of it.
CC perspective on personality
Focus on traits
View personality as discrete and separate from culture, and as a dependent variable in research.
Cultural Indigenous Perspective on personality
Views culture and personality as combined entities that are interdependent on each other.
Indigenous personality – constellations of personality traits and characteristics found only in a specific culture.
Etic perspective of personality
assumes that personality can be measured and compared across cultures.
Emic perspective
suggests that it’s difficult to create measures of personality with the same meaning (and validity) across cultures.
CC validation of personality measures requires…
psychometric evidence from all cultures.
Issues in CC personality assessment
How familiar is paper-and-pencil testing to people in the culture in question?
- Procedural bias.
Are the respondents proficient in reading English?
- Linguistic bias
Is the translation done accurately?
Is the translated test equivalent to the original test at the item level, scale level, and construct level?
Are there cc differences in the means and distribution of the test scores?
- Interpretation bias
How can cc differences in test scores be interpreted?
- Interpretation bias & response bias
5 factor model
Model based on 5 distinct and basic personality dimensions that appear to be universal for all humans.
Evidence for the 5-factor model
Found based on the similarities in personality dimensions within and between cultures.
Support arose out of factor analyses of trait adjectives from English lexicon that were descriptive of self and others.
Factors were similar to dimensions found in the analysis of questionnaire scales operationalising personality.
Widely used measure – Revised NEO Personality Inventory.
Cultural differences in mean aggregate levels of traits raise questions about why these differences exist. 2 hypotheses:
Personalities are consequences of cultures
Reverse causation – cultures are the consequences of personalities
Groups of individuals with higher mean levels of a personality trait banded together in or migrated to certain geographic regions (selective migration).
Evolutionary approach to personality
Proposes universality of human interests and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying trait variations.
Views personality structure as a universal psychological mechanism, which is a product of natural selection.
Suggests hierarchical model based on motivation.
Culture produces specific behavioural manifestations that individuals engage in to achieve universal affective goals.
From The Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI)
Interpersonal relatedness:
- Harmony
- Relationship orientation
- Modernisation
- Thrift vs. Extravagance.
- Ah-Q mentality
- Externalisation of blame, belittling another.
- Social behaviour related to face
Personality structure in the Philippines
- Extra traits found in Filipino cultures: temperamentalness and self-assurance.
Personality structure in Denmark and Netherlands
- A 6th personality dimension: authoritarianism.