CTS and H2 Recombiners Flashcards
What is the purpose of the CTS system?
- Limits post-accident containment pressure and temperature to less than design values of 12#
- Removes radioactive elemental iodine from the containment atmosphere in the event of a DBA.
What is the purpose of the H2 Recombiner?
- Recombines H2 and O2 to form steam
What is the purpose of DIS?
- The DIS eliminates hydrogen in the containment following a LOCA to prevent a detonation by period ignition of h2 mixtures
What are the CTS pump starts?
- Load Shed (W/ Phase B)
- Phase B
- Manual
What are the CTS pump Trips?
- Load Shed
- Overload/Overcurrent
- Manual
What causes a CTS signal?
- 2.8# (2/4)
What happens on a SAT low-low lvl?
- SAT outlet valves close and eductor suction valves should have closed prior to the SAT Low Low lvl alarm
What is the CTS flow to upper ctmnt spray header?
- 2000gpm
What is the CTS flow to lower ctmnt spray header?
- 1200gpm
Which CTS header does RHR feed and how much flow?
- Upper ctmnt spray header only, and 2000gpm
What is the intended pH of the recirc sump due to CTS?
- 7-10 pH
- want 8.5 pH to keep iodine in solution
What is added to the SAT to help remove radioactive iodine?
- Sodium Hydroxide
What do we use in the SAT to minimize moisture?
- Nitrogen overpressure
Can the H2 Recombiners be started in modes 1-4?
- Yes, but you have to declare the EDGs inoperable because it will over load the EDGs in the event of an SI with LOOP
What powers the H2 recombiners?
- 11/21 B
- 11/21 C
Will the CTS pump auto start on a Containment Spray Signal?
- No
Main Steam Isolation comes from with Ctmnt iso phase?
- Phase B (Auto only)
What will 2.8# in ctmnt cause?
- Phase B
- Ctmnt Spray Actuation
- Steam Line Iso (auto only)
What are the auto actions of a Ctmnt Spray Actuation?
- CTS pump disch valves open
- SAT outlet valves open
- CTS Hx ESW outlet OPEN w/ recirc sump valves (ICM-305/306) open
What are the H2 production sources?
- Zirc (Clad) H20 reaction
- Radiolytic decomp of H20
- Corrosion of metals inside containment
What is the purpose of the Spray Add educator?
- Draws the NaOH solution from the SAT and mixes it with a portion of the CTS pump discharge flow
What must be closed before you can open ICM-305 and 306?
- IMO-310/320 closed
- IMO215/225 closed
When do the ESW to CTS Hx outlet valves throttle open and to what flow?
- Throttle open on a CTS Signal and ICM 305/306 open to 2400gpm
What do the manual phase B switches actuate
- Train specific phase B containment isolation
- Train specific CTS
- Train specific CVI
- Starts CTS pump
What does maintaining a pH of less than 10 prevent
Chloride and caustic stress corrosion cracking
What are the capacity and NaOH concentration requirements for the SAT
- 4000-4600 gal
- 30%-34% NaOH
What temperature do the H2 Recombiners operate at
1200 deg F
What temperature does DIS operate at
1700 deg F
Explain the interlock associated with the CTS pump suction valves from the RWST
- Normally open, interlocked with recirc sump suction valves so that only one source can be aligned at a time
Explain the interlock associated with the CTS pump discharge valves
- Normally closed, open automatically on a CTS signal
Explain the interlocks associated with the SAT valves
- SAT Isolation valves normally close, open on CTS signal
- Eductor supply valves normally open
- SAT Isolation AND educator supply valves auto close on lo-lo level in SAT
Explain the interlock associated with the CTS Hx ESW outlet valves
- Normally closed, open on CTS signal combined w/ recirc sump suction valves open
- Must be opened manually if CTS signal is reset before recirc sump valves are opened.