Critical Care Flashcards
Cardioplegia solution
High concentration potassium
Location of the SA node
Junction of RA and SVC
Most common cause of acquired aortic stenosis
Calcific degeneration
Mild hypothermia
90-94 shivering and mild mental changes, tachycardic
Moderate hypothermia
(84-89) agitated combative, afib hypoT
Severe hypothermia
(70-84) flaccid comatose, vfib, death
Profound hypothermia
(<70) loss of vitals/cardiac activity
Unstable patient in afib; tx
Synchronized cardioversion
Tx systolic heart failure with fluid overload
Dobutamine and diuretics
Cardiac arrest hypothermic; next step
ABC’s then immediate rewarming
PCWP 6; CO 1.5; SVR 400; venous O2 50%
Neurogenic shock
Pre-op workup for patient able to perform 4 METs
Lethal triad
Hypothermia, coagulopathy, metabolic acidosis
CPP define and target for TBI
CPP=MAP - ICP; 60-70mmHg
Percent septic shock idiopathic
Septic shock resuscitated and started on NE with MAP of 50; next step
Vasopressin 0.03units/min
Sodium deficit
(Desired sodium - patients sodium) x TBW(60% males and 50% females)
High CVP, PCWP and SVR with low CI; type of shock
Renal response to hypovolemia
Vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole, secretion of ADH, RAAS stimulation
Definitive treatment hyperkalemia
Highest risk surgeries for post-op delirium
Cardiothoracic followed by ortho
Most common risk factor for post-op afib
fluid overload
PCWP 6, CI 1.5, SVR 1800, venous O2 50%; type of shock
Hypovolemic or hemorrhagic
POD2 hypoxia with normal vitals, exam, CXR; dx and tx
Atelectasis, IS
Gradual change in amplitude with twisting of QRS around isoelectric line; dx and tx
Torsades; IV magnesium 2g push followed by 2-3mmol/L infusion
Gastric outlet obstruction acid-base/electrolyte disorder and renal excretion
hypochloremic hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, aciduria with potassium excretion
Precipitates dysrhythmias even at low-normal potassium levels
Digoxin (binds to Na/K ATPase at K+ binding site
Precipitates dysrhythmias even at low-normal potassium levels
Digoxin (binds to Na/K ATPase at K+ binding site
Post-op SOB, ipsilateral dullness to percussion, decreased breath sounds, contralateral tracheal deviation; dx
Pleural effusion/empyema
Orientation of great neck vessels for IJ placement
IJ lateral to Common Carotid
Early finding of compartment syndrome
Pain with passive stretch
Compartment pressure indicating fasciotomy
Delta 20-30mmHg
Hard sign to stop therapeutic hypothermia
Marker for Hepatorenal syndrome and tx
Decreased GFR, transplant
Spine trauma, hypertension, bradycardia and diaphoresis; dx, level of injury
Autonomic dysreflexia, T6 or above
Unstable, suspected pulm art injury s/p Swan-Ganz placement; next step
mediam sternotomy
Hypertension, hypokalemia, hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis); dx and next step
Hyperaldosteronism, serum renin/aldosterone
Primary v secondary hyperaldosteronism (renin/aldo)
Primary - reduced renin, elevated Aldo and ratio
Secondary - elevated renin/aldo and Aldo/renin ~10
Hyperglycemia in critical illness due to what
Insulin resistance
Hx of COPD s/p lobectomy in afib; tx
Rate control with CCB
Atelectasis effect on FRC and VC
NE receptors and effects
alpha-1, peripheral vasoconstriction
alpha-2, splanchnic vasoconstriction
beta-1, increased HR and contractility
Concerned for CO poisoning; next step
Send carboxyhemoglobin and start 100% O2
Vfib; next step
Administer non-synchronized cardio version of 200J, followed by another 200J with 1mg epinephrine every 3-5min
Intra-abdominal hypertension; tx
Decompress with NG, Foley and Rectal tubes
Effects of compartment syndrome (card/pulm/renal)
Decreased preload/CO, increased peak airway pressures, renal dysfunction
Inferior wall infarct; next step
Saline bolus to increase preload and hypotension
Post-op resp failure, hypoxia, tachycardia, tachypnea, respiratory alkalosis; dx
Lung-protective ventilation in ARDS
4-6mL/kg TV and plateau pressure <30cmH20
Also prone >12hrs and P:F<100 has survival benefit
Rate of sodium correction for children with acute severe hypernatremia
no more than 0.5 mEq/L/hour or 10-12 mEq/L/day
Hydronephrosis from ureteral obstruction refractory to conservative management; tx
Perc nephrostomy
Causes of anion-gap metabolic acidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Propylene glycol
Lactic acidosis
Ethylene glycol
Hyponatremia <120; tx and rate
Hypertonic saline (3%), 0.5 mEq/h
Normal anion gap acidosis causes
Loss of bicarb (diarrhea, ileostomy, EC fistula, type II/proximal RTA)
Decreased renal acid excretion (type I/distal RTA)
Early sign of hypocalcemia
circumoral or fingertip paresthesias
Lung cancer, bx with absent nucleoli, hyponatremia; dx
SIADH secondary to small-cell lung cancer
Lung cancer, hypercalcemia; dx
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (PTH-related peptide)
Components of LR
Na 130
K 4
Cl 109
Ca 2.7
Lactate 28
Components of LR
Na 130
K 4
Cl 109
Ca 2.7
Lactate 28
High ileostomy output; acid-base disorder
Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
Complication from severe hyponatremia <115
Risk of rapid correction of hyponatremia
Central pontine myelinolysis or osmotic demyelination syndrome
Risk of rapid correction of hyponatremia
Central pontine myelinolysis or osmotic demyelination syndrome
FENa =[(Urine Na/Serum Na) / (Urine Creatinine/Serum Creatinine)] x 100)
FENa < 1; dx and tx
Prerenal AKI, IV fluid resuscitation
FENa > 2; dx and tx
Intrinsic AKI, adress underlying renal pathology
FENa > 4; dx and tx
Postrenal AKI, relieve obstruction
Vit D effects on Calcium
Vit D increases absorption of Ca in small intestine
Free-water deficit
FWD = weight x 0.5women or 0.6men x [(Na-140)/140]
Euvolemic, hyponatremia, asymptomatic; tx
Free water restriction
pH 7.25, PaO2 88, PaCO2 60, HCO3- 26; acid base disorder
Respiratory acidosis
Hyponatremia in the setting of DKA; dx
Maintenance fluid newborn and why
1/4NS with D5, decreased GFR with poor ability to concentrate urine
Gastric fluid loss
Biliary and Pancreatic fluid loss
500 and 1500mL
Small bowel fluid loss
Adrenal response to hyperkalemia
Aldosterone production by zone glomerulosa
Best measurement of intravascular volume
Hypomagnesemia effects on Ca, PTH, Cacitriol
Hypocalcemia, hypoparathyroidism, decreased calcitriol synthesis
Gastric outlet obstruction; acid base disorder
Hypochloremic, hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis with paradoxical aciduria
First-line tx for hyperkalemia with ECG changes
Calcium gluconate
Post-op fever and respiratory alkalosis; dx
Femoral canal lateral to medial
NAVEL: Femoral nerve, artery, vein, lymphatics
CVP 4, PCWP 10, SVR 2100, CI 1.5
Hypovolemic shock
Hx of RA s/p extensive surgery with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia; dx and tx
Adrenal insufficiency, IV hydrocortisone
SOFA components
P:F, GCS, MAP, Vaopressors, Cr and UOP, Bili, Plt
SBT readiness criteria
Lack of profound hypoxemia or pH derangement, hemodynamic stability, ability to initiate breathe