Abdomen - General Flashcards
Perf appy with >3cm abscess
Perc drainage and abx
<3cm abscess s/p appy
IV abx
Imaging for penetrating flank trauma
CT IV/oral/rectal contrast
HypoT on insufflation, next step
Go slow, convert to open if intolerant
Origin mucin-secreting omental growths
Biochemical workup, adrenocortical Ca
Dex suppression test, plasma meta, aldo:renin ratio
Syndrome assoc Desmoid tumors
FAP and Gardner
Spindle shaped cells, abundant collagenous matrix
Desmoid tumor
Unresectable desmoid, tx
Tamoxifen and NSAIDs
Paracentesis milky, leuks with lymphatic predominence
Chylous ascites
Hemodynamics of pneumoperitoneum (MAP, SVR, CI, renal flow, splachnic flow)
Inc MAP, SVR. Decr CI, renal flow, splachnic flow
SBP organisms
E Coli, Klebsiella, pneumococci
Chylous ascites, tx
Medium chain fatty acids -> TPN and Octreotide
Ventral hernia and going for PD cath placement
Repair at the same time with extraperitoneal mesh
Mesenteric cyst, tx
Cyst excision
Indications for open drainage intraabdominal abscess
No perc or failed perc access, no source control, interloop or multiple abscesses, loculated, necrosis, unstable
Peritoneal dialysis catheter outflow dysfunction, common cause
Painless, unilateral scrotal mass, next step
Scrotal US, Testicular cancer until proven otherwise
Pseudomyxoma peritonei, tx
Cytoreduction, debulking, HIPEC
Mesenteric ischemia, dx
CT angio abd/pelv
Salmon colored fluid from surgical wound, tx
OR for wound exploration (fascial dehiscence)
Abd pain, bowel wall thickness in setting of cocaine, hypovolemia or CHF
Mesenteric ischemia
Abd pain, bowel thickness in setting of PVD, arrhythmia, valvular dx
Arterial occlusion
Abd pain, bowel thickening in setting of portal HTN, rHF, hypercoagulable
Venous occlusion
Abd pain, whirl sign
Mechanical strangulation
Young healthy with bradycardia on insufflation, cause
Vasovagal stretch peritoneal membrane
Chronic Mesenteric ischemia, dx
CT angio
Anticoagulants, coughing, tender abdominal mass
Recurs sheath hematoma
Difference in robotic vs lap chole
Indications for diag lap
Gyn eval, onc staging, bx node, chronic abd pain
Dense fibrosis, high cellularity, low mitotic index, dx and associations
Desmoid tumor, FAP and Gardner
Indication for right hemi for appendiceal neoplasm
> 2cm, AdenoCa, involve base, 1-2cm with lymphovasc invasion, pos margin, high proliferation(grade 2 Ki-67), mixed histo(goblet cell, adenocarcinoid)
Complicated appendicitis with fluid collection, tx
Perc drainage, colonoscopy 6wks
Appendicitis in pregnancy; tx and how
Lap appy entering abdomen via Hasson technique, bump left lateral decubitus
Biggest indication for interval appendectomy
Most common malignant tumor of the appendix
Absolute contraindications PEG
Poorly controlled ascites, uncorrectable coagulopahthy, peritonitis, inability to appose wall, gastric outlet obstruction, expected survival <4weeks
Most common complication PEG
Infection at PEG site
CT-proven symptomatic bleeding mass in small bowel; tx
Surgical exploration and resection
Initial treatment for ischemic orchitis
Where to sew inferior aspect of mesh during IHR and what is at risk
Shelving edge of inguinal ligament, iliac vessels
Hesselback triangle; boundaries and what type of hernia
Inguinal ligament, rectus and inferior epigastrics, direct IH
Howship Romberg sign, pathognomonic for what
Increased hyperesthesia from the medial crease through medial thigh towards knee with extension, adduction and internal rotation, obturator hernia
Ilioinguinal nerve location
Anterior to the spermatic cord
Iliohypogastric nerve location
Between int/ext oblique superior to cord
Genital br of genitofemoral, location and supply
posterior to cord in cremasterics, scrotal and medial thigh sensation
Best way to reduce seroma formation s/p abd hernia repair
Drain placement
Tx for seroma
Observe, pressure dressing, possibly aspirate
At risk for injury during lateral tacking of mesh in IHR; deficit
Ant femoral cutaneous nerve, lateral thigh sensation
Repair for both inguinal and femoral hernias; describe
McVay, Conjoint to Coopers
Chronic inguinodynia resfractory to conservative management; tx
Local injection with bupivacaine, corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid
Hernia with highest risk for strangulation
Diastasis recti; tx
Weight loss, core strengthening
Best technique to repair parastomal hernia
Sugarbaker mesh repair
Treatment for >4cm incisional hernia
Permanent or long acting mesh with 3-4cm overlap, PDS suture
Rives-Stoppa-Wantz repair
Retrorectus repair
Access to abdomen in patient with hx of sigmoidectomy
Veress at Palmer’s
Lap IHR with mesh; where to avoid tacks
Inferior to the iliopubic tract and lateral to the gonadal vessels
Adult with intussusception; tx
Ex lap with resection