Criminal Inv-Chapter 12, Property Crimes Flashcards
FBI Uniform Crime reports on burglary 2008
2,222,196 in US 23% of all property crime 61% forced entry 32% unlawful entries 7% attempted entry 70% residential properties estimated loss 4.6 billion 12.5% cleared by arrest or exep
probability of profit and saftey is perhaps
at the core of this site-selection process
investigative phase
“cold” portion of this crime-solving process. If not apprehended at scene, must be apprehended as a result of an investigative process
when bank vaults are involved, a variation of this burning technique is the use that makes the original oxygenacetylene torch much more efficient
of a thermal-burn burning bar. - burn thru 6 in tempered steel in 15 to 20 seconds.
two types of burglars
rapist burglars exhibit needs to satisfy various
psychological and physical desires
behavior cycle of burglary
needs, opportuniteis, means, satisfaction, choice
common law, larceny defined as
trespassory taking and carrying away persona property belonging to another with an intent to deprive the owner of such property permanently
Currently, larceny is defined as
unlawful taking or stealing of property or articles without the use of force or violence
means used to dispose of the proceeds of crime
the loot or swag
thieves are known as
single pattern offenders.
“paper” car
forged title to a nonexistent vehicle.
business uses for the loss of inventory from employees theft.
FBI reports in auto theft 2008
956,846 stolen 314.7 per one hundred thousand inhabitants $6.4 billion lost average loss $6750 72 % are automobiles
when employees consume the employers product while on job or take home items
incidental theft