Crime and punishment Flashcards
What is a crime?
.When someone breaks the law
.Laws are there to show what’s acceptable and provide safety
.Laws can change over time and differ from country to country
What is a sin?
.A sin is an action which goes against the will or laws of God
.Some crimes are also sins, like murder, others are just sins, like adultery
What are the two forms of morality?
Absolute and Relative
What is absolute morality?
.When a principle applies in all situations no matter what
.For example if someone believes that it’s absolutely wrong to take someone’s life they will not do it in self-defense or war because it is wrong in all circumstances
What is relative morality?
.The idea that moral principle can be adjusted or adapted in certain situations
.I might think killing is wrong, but if I need to defend myself then it might be the reasonable thing to do so
Name the 3 types of punishment
Deterrence, retribution and rehabilitation
Explain deterrence as a form of punishment
Punishments that put people off a crime, seeing criminals being punished puts other people off from committing the same crime, they are made an example of
Explain rehabilitation as a form of punishment
Helping criminals reform, through education, counseling, and training so they don’t re-offend, means criminals are less likely to commit a crime and helps them to become productive members of society
Explain retribution as a form of punishment
Making the criminal pay for what they have done, lets the criminals get what they deserve, ‘an eye for an eye’ Exodus 21:24
What does Jesus’ example show?
Forgiveness is at the heart of the gospel message, Jesus’ example and teaching shows Christians that they should treat each other with compassion, love, mercy, and forgiveness
What does the parable of the unforgiving servant show?
That there is no limit to forgiveness
How is the importance of forgiveness shown in the lord prayer?
Christians ask God to ‘forgive their sins, as they forgive those who have sinned against them’. This means Christians can only expect to receive forgiveness if they are forgiving
Give an example of Jesus’ forgiveness in his life
.When he was on the cross he said ‘Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing’
.Allowed Zacchaeus the tax collector to change and reform
What ‘J’ did Jesus also speak about?
Justice, how God will punish wrongdoers in the next life
What will God do?
Judge people and forgive those who are truly sorry for what they have done
What do many Christians believe?
.Punishment and forgiveness can go together
.Main role of punishment is to help them reform