Crime and punishment Flashcards
What is poverty and why could it cause crime?
Being without money, food or other basic needs, someone could steal to get food to live
What is upbringing and why could it cause crime?
The way in which a child is brought up, if a parent commits crime, their child may think it is normal and do it too
What is mental illness and how could it cause crime?
A medical condition which affects a persons emotions and behaviour.
What is addiction and how could it cause crime?
Physical or mental dependency on drugs or alcohol. This could lead to people stealing to feed their addiction or act aggressively due to intoxication
What is greed and how could it cause crime?
Wanting to posses items which are not needed, people could commit crime to satisfy their needs
What is hate and how could it cause crime?
A negative feeling or reaction towards someone, could cause someone to use violence and commit assault
What is opposition to an unjust law and how could it cause crime?
When someone feels the law is not right, and acts out against that law
What is a Christian teaching on the way to treat criminals?
The parable of the sheep and the goat, helping prisoners is a good thing
What is the Buddhist teaching on the way to treat criminals?
Angulimala, the Buddha did not punish him, but accepted him to join the monastic community, reformation
What is a Christian teaching against hate crimes?
“Love thy neighbour as thyself”- the Good Samaritan
What is a Buddhist teaching against hate crimes?
Hatred is one of the three poisons
What is a Christian teaching against murder?
“Thou shall not kill”- 10 commandments
What is a Buddhist teaching against murder.
The first moral precept is do not harm life
What is a Christian teaching against theft?
“Thou shall not steal”- 10 commandments
What is a Buddhist teaching against theft?
The 2nd moral precept is do not steal
What is retribution?
Punishment inflicted on someone as an act of revenge
Would Christian’s agree or disagree with retribution? Why?
Disagree- “turn the other cheek”
What is deterrence?
Act of discouraging an action through instilling fear of the consequence
Would Buddhists agree or disagree with deterrence? Why?
Disagree- prison should be to protect , not punish or deter people
What is reformation?
To amend or improve someone by change of lifestyle and actions
Would Buddhist agree or disagree with reformation? Why?
Agree- Buddha said “ if a person foolishly does me wrong. I will return to him the protection of my boundless love”
What is capital punishment?
A form of punishment in which a prisoner is put to death for their crime
What is corporal punishment?
Punishing an offender by causing them physical harm
What are Christian teachings against capital punishment?
The sanctity of life
“you shall not murder”- exodus
“Turn the other cheek”- Matthew
What are Christian teachings for capital punishment?
“Who kills man shall be killed themselves”-Genesis
“Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth”-Exodus
What are Buddhist teachings against capital punishment?
The first moral precept-do not harm life
Ahimsa- non harm
Right action- eightfold path
“An action, even if it brings benefit to oneself cannot be considered a good action if it causes physical and mental pain to another being”- Buddha
What is a Buddhist argument for capital punishment?
Meant Buddhist countries, like Thailand practice the death penalty
What is forgiveness?
An intentional decision to let go of resentment or anger for someone which caused you or loved ones harm
What is the Christian view of forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a key belief-
Jesus about the people who crucified him- “father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”
What is the Buddhist view view of forgiveness?
Forgiveness is key to let go of hatred
We should show compassion and love to all