Creating Republican Governments, 1776-1790 Flashcards
Form of govt with a single ruler at its head
A system of govt characterized by majority rule, where the majority of the citizens have the power to make decisions binding the whole
Conservative Whigs
The politically and economically elite revolutionary class that wanted to limit political participation to a few powerful families
Radical Whigs
Revolutionaries who favored broadening participation in the political process (pushed for democracy)
The legal statue of married women in the US, which included completely legal and economic dependence on husbands
Mary Otis Warren
- In Ma,
- Actively opposed British reform measures before the outbreak of the war
- Published anti-British works
Judith Sargent Mary
- Of Ma
2. Advocated women’s economic independence and equal educational opportunities for men and women
What effects did the Revolution have on the role of Women
- Reconfigured women roles by undermining the traditional expectation of wives and mothers (during war time)
- Women expected to practice republican virtues, especially frugality and simplicity
- Republican motherhood: women expected to raise children with the virtues necessary to ensure the survival of the republic
The freezing of a slave any his or her owner
- Those who called for a stronger federal govt
- Pushed for the power to tax
- Hamilton, Madison, Morris Wilson
- Proposed a 5 percent tax on imports
The Ordinance of 1784
Directed that new states would be formed from a huge area of land below the Great Lakes, and these new states would have equal standing with the original states
The Ordinance of 1785
Called for the division of this land into rectangular plots in order to prepare for thegovj sale of the lad
The Ordinance of 1787
- Officially turned the land into an incorporated territory called the Northwest Territory
- Prohibited slavery North of the Ohio River
Causes of Shay’s Rebellion
- Inflation/unstable currency/lack of specie
- Farmers did not receive payments for war
- System favored wealthy and elite
- Unable to pay debts and taxes with unstable curency
- Farmers in Ma. seek redress from govt and are refused
- Take up arms and demand a closure of courts (prevent foreclosures)
Results of Shay’s Rebellion
- Whigs felt that the Republic was falling into anarchy
- Democratic impulses were driving the population
- Washington comes out of retirement to lead convent called by Hamilton to amend articles of Confederation to deal with insurgencies
Outline the Virginia Plan
- James Madison
- Strong national govt that could overturn states laws
- Bicameral with proportional representation
- Gave power to bigger states
- Created a judicial and executive branch
- Would ensure that VA. and her interests (slavery) would be safe
- Those who supported the constitution of 1787 and a strong central govt
- The leading political party of the 1790s
- Those who opposed the 1787 Constitution and favored stronger individual states
- Wanted a bill of rights