British Colonial Policy Flashcards
1) Regulate western expansion and Indian Affairs 2) Keep standing army in Colonia 3) enforce Navigation Acts 4) Raise money in the colonies through taxes
Results of the French and Indian war (1754-1763)
1) France relinquished North American Empire
2) England dominated lands east of Mississippi and Canada
3) Great Britain imposes taxes on colonists to help pay for the war
Proclamation of 1763
Forbade Colonists from crossing boundary in the Appalachian Mountains
What was the purpose of the Proclamation fo 1763
Avoid conflict between the trans- Appalachian Indians and colonists seeking inexpensive land
Sugar Act of 1764
Replace Molasses Act of 1733, lowered the duty of imported molasses in an attempt to stop colonial smuggling
Currency Reform (1764)
Forbade Colonies from issuing paper money
Stamp Act 1765
1) Raised revenue to pay for Britain’s cost in defending colonies.
2) Required that certain documents be written or printed on paper carrying a stamp from the British Treasury Office
3) Affected nearly every aspect of colonial life. Most affected were lawyers merchants, editors (this with the best ability to voice opposition).
Opposition to Stamp Act
1) Patrick Henry adopts Virginia Resolves
2) Stamp Act Congress
Virginia Resolves
Denied that Parliament had the right to tax the colonists without their consent
Stamp Act Congress
Rejected the concept of “virtual representation”
Agreed to resists all taxes not consented to by the Colonial Legislators
Declaratory Act 1766
1) Parliament has absolute authority over the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”
2) Parliament had the authority to tax the colonies, in spite of colonial protests over the Stamp Act
Affects of the Stamp Act Congress
1) Effectiveness of the widespread nonimportation agreements showed that the colonies could unite and work together and allowed for the creation fo resistance groups
2) Brought into focus the primary issues that existed between England and Colonies, the status of the colonists in the empire and the taxation powers of parliaments
What was the role of the Sons of Liberty in the years leading up to the Revolution
Coordinated opposition throughout the colonies
The Townshend Acts 1767-1770
William Pitt as Prime Minister and Charles Townshend as Chancellor of the Exchequer brought about new taxes and stricter enforcement of mercantile laws
Why did the colonies oppose the import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea?
1) They were passes to regulate trade and therefore were in the right of Parliament to pass.
2) The stated purpose was “the support of civil govt, in such provinces as it shall be found necessary” that is they were used to raise money to defend colonies
3) colonists objected import duties because they were a tax measure to raise revenue, not a commercial regulation
Board of Commissioners and Writs of Assistance
1) Townshend Acts established Board of Commissioners to enforce navigation acts and collect duties
2) writs or assistance (search warrants) used to search colonial homes
3) such invasion of privacy went against natural law with out the use of probable cause (James Otis)
Opposition to Townshend Acts
1) As colonial resistance increased so did the number of British troops
2) Custom agents tarred and feathered. Troops harasses
3) Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre 1770
1) British Soldiers fire upon hostile Boston crowd, killing five.
2) event publicized in papers as a massacre against defenseless colonist
3) used as propaganda by sons of liberty
Tea Act 1773
1) implemented to help struggling British East India Company
2) Parliament allowed the direct shipment of tea from India to the colonies (reduce the price of tea sold in the colonies)
3) Meant that British tea could be purchased in the colonies for half the price as smuggled tea
4) Colonial tea smugglers to lead opposition to Tea Act
What were the five Coercive or Intolerable Acts of 1774
Response to Boston Tea Party, Parliament retaliated with five acts
1. Boston Port Closed: until colonists payed for destroyed tea
- MA. Government Act: altered MA charter of 1691, giving Britain greater control over the colony and limiting self-government
- Administration of Justice Act: in the case of crime committed by officials the trial would be moved to England
- Quartering Act 1774: Gave British officials authority to quarter troops wherever they chose
- Quebec Act: Effort to maintain allegiance of the French.
Allowed Catholicisn and French Civil Law in Canada
Outraged colonists because it violated colonial charters, allowed religious freedom to Catholics
Restraining Act of 1767
Disbanded the New York Assembly until it agreed to pay for the garrison supplies as outlined in the quartering act
Townshend Revenue Act of 1767
Placed duties on various consumer items lke paper, paint, lead, tea, glass (import goods, Colonist could not produce them)
Indemnity Act of 1767
exempted tea produced by the Britsh East Inda Company from taxation when it was imported into Great Britain
Commissioners of Customs Act of 1767
- Created an American Board of Customs to enforce trade laws
- Severly curtailed smuggling
Vice-Admiralty Court Act
- .Established three more vice-admiralty courts in Boston, Philly, and Charleston
- JUdges paid percentage of the worth of goods recovered leniency was rare