Creating New Social Orders: Colonial Societies, 1500-1700 Flashcards
Identify the main Spanish American colonial settlements of the 1500s and 1600s
- Santa Fe, New Mexico
2. St. Augustine, Flordia
What was the Spanish motivations behind their attacks on the French Fort Caroline
- Protected Spain from the growing threat of French Privateers
- Protected Spanish land claims from the French
What was the Pueblo revolt?
- 1680, Spanish try to convert Pueblo young
- Pueblo face series of set backs (native attacks, drought) blamed it on Spanish presence
- Led by Popé coordinated attack against Spanish (killing 400 and dispelling the rest)
- Spain regains control in 1692 after Pueblo face more droughts
What was the Pueblo revolt?
- 1680, Spanish try to convert Pueblo young
- Pueblo face series of set backs (native attacks, drought) blamed it on Spanish presence
- Led by Popé coordinated attack against Spanish (killing 400 and dispelling the rest)
- Spain regains control in 1692 after Pueblo face more droughts
large tracts of land and the right to govern the tenants there. in return the the shareholder who gained the patroonship promised to pay for the passage of at least thirty Dutch farmers
Outline Dutch colonial development and characteristics
- Sought land to use as fur trading posts
- Controlled by West Dutch India Co,
- Small pop= labor shortage
- 450 African Slaves and non-Dutch immigrants (diverse)_
- Partoonships
What were the Beaver Wars?
A series of 17th century conflicts which centered around the fur trade in which fighting between native ppls expanded (Algonquian = French, Iroquois =Dutch)
Who were the Jesuits
members of the Society of Jesus, an elite religious order founded in 1540 to spread Catholicism and combat the spread of Protestantism
What was the role of the Jesuits in the colonies
- Like the Spanish Franciscan missionaries, Jesuits labor to convert the natives to Catholicism
- Wrote annual reports about their progress (Jesuit Relations)
Outline the root cause of the cultural differences between the two major regions of English colonization
- Englands domestic problems
- Schism between Charles I and Parliament
- Church of England and Puritans
- Parliamentarians and Puritans behead Charles I
- Domestic problems make if hard for the Crown to govern Colonies (divergent cultural differences)
Indentured Servants
A labor contract that young, impoverished, often illiterate Englishmen signed in England, pledging to work for a number of years growing tobacco in the Chesapeake Bay colonies, in return they got payed passage to the colonies
headlight system
those who paid their own passage to Virginia received fifty plus acres an additional fifty for each servant or family member they brought with them
Anglo-Powhatan War (1609-1614)
- Resulted from British colonization of Algonquin lands, and their refusal to follow customs and give gifts
- English capture Pochoantas and she marries John Rolfe (becomes Christian and chooses to stay with the English)
The Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1620s)
- Resulted from the continuing English territorial expansion
- Powhatan attack in 1622 killing 350 hundred English
- English respond by destroying all Powhatan villages around Jamestown (became more intolerant)
The Third Anglo-Powhatan War (1644-1646)
- Surprise attack on the English killing 500
2. Powhatan finally defeated and had to recognize Charles I as their sovereign
Outline the major facets of Bacon’s rebellion
- Charles Berkely (VA governor) forbade further western expansion
- Pissed of indentured servants who felt gipped out of their earned land
- Nathanial Bacon (rich dude) wanted to expand
- Indian attacks local villages
- Nathanial and his gang respond (going against Governor’s orders)
- Make their way to the Jamestown and burn it to the ground
- Charles II sends troops and commissioners to restore order
- Gain upper hand, execute leaders and Bacon dies of dysentary
- Helps bring about chatted slavery
Explain the role of Bacon’s Rebellion in the rise of chattel slavery in Virginia
- Bacon’s rebellion shows that the limited freedom of intended servants posed a risk (large pop)
- wealthy mitigates their woes by creating another sub class that they can easily control (common enemy)
Who was Roger Williams and what did he believe
- He questioned the Puritans’ taking of Indian land
- Argued for complete separation from the Church of England
- Felt the state could not punish individuals for their beliefs (compel true orthodoxy)
- He was found guilty of spreading dangerous ideas and he went on to found Rhode Island (sheltered dissenting Puritans)
Who was Anne Hutchinson
- Held that Puritan ministers in New England sought shallow version of Protestantism (emphasizing hierarchy and actions rather than grace
- Claimed direct religious revelation (negated the role of ministers)
- Tried and found guilty for holding false beliefs
- 1638 she was excommunicated and banished
- Killed a year later by Algonquian warrior
What was King Philip’s war
- King Philip sought to end further english expansion (which violated peace treaty signed)
- English worked with Mohegan’s and pillaged native villages
- Philip lead vicious attack on English (almost kicking them out of New England)
- English eventually won, but war created new racial tension
Explain the reasons for the rise of slavery in the American Colonies
- Large scale cash crop production
What was the Middle Passage
The transatlantic crossing, which took one to two months
What were Maroon Communities
Slave runaway groups who resisted recaptures and eked out a living from the land, building their communities as best they could
Describe changes to Indian Life, including warfare and hunting
- Change in power dynamics to favor the English
shell beads used in ceremonies and as jewelry and currency
native ppl of Florida, whom the Spanish displaced with the founding of St. Augustine, the first Spanish settlement in North America