Cranial Nerves Flashcards

CN 1- Olfactory
CN II - Optic
CN III - Oculomotor
CN IV - Trochlear
CN V - Trigeminal
CN VI - Abducens
CN VII - Facial
CN VIII - Acoustic
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal
CN X - Vagus
CN XI - Spinal Accessory
CN XII - Hypoglassal
To test the sensory portion of this cranial nerve: with the patient’s eyes closed, a piece of cotton and safety pin are used to alternately touch each side of the patient’s face. The pt is asked to classify each contact as sharp or dull. A positive result is the absence of sensation or inability to differentiate between sharp and dull.
Cranial Nerve V - trigeminal
Your patient’s visual acuity is being tested the a Rosenbaum chart. First the left eye is tested, then the right eye. He is tested with his glasses on so this represents corrected visual acuity. He has 20/70 vision in the left eye and 20/40 vision in the right. His decreased visual acuity is from damage to this CN:
CN II - Optic

Olfactory - sense of smell: identify familiar odors
What function is associated with the oculomotor nerve?
Eye movement and pupil constriction (CN III - responsible for controlling the superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique)
Cranial Nerve VII
Sensory: taste on anterior aspect of tongue (salty, sweet, sour, bitter); sensation from the ear
Motor: facial movements, including those of facial expression, closing the eye, and closing the mouth
When your patient says “ah” there is excessive nasal air escape. The palate elevated more on the left side and the uvula deviates toward the left side becaue the right side is weak. The patient has a deficit of which cranial nerves?
CN IX - Glossopharyngeal and CN X - Vagus
To test the sensory portion of this cranial nerve, lightly touch the forehead, cheeks, and along the jaw with a cotton ball having the patient tell you when they feel the touch
CN V - Trigiminal
Which CN is responsible for sight?
CN II - Optic
Cranial Nerve VIII
Auditory: hearing test (cochlear division)
Balance: balance and coordinator test (vestibular division)
To test for the motor portion of this cranial nerve, ask the patient to move facial muscles: frown, wrinkle the forehead, close eyes tightly, smile, purse lips, puff out cheeks
CN VII - Facial
Cranial Nerve II
Optic - sight: test visual fields (Snellen chart)
What type of nerves are CN III, IV, and VI?
Cranial Nerve V
Sensory: face sensation, sharp or dull
Motor: muscles of mastication; temporal and masseter muscles (jaw clenching), lateral pterygoids (lateral jaw movement)
To test these 3 CNs, have the patient hold their head still and follow your finger through all 6 cardinal fields of vision, then have the patient follow your finger as you move it toward their nose
CN III, IV, and VI - both eyes should track the movement
To test for this cranial nerve, unilaterally test each eye using an eye chart; also, face the pt having them look directly at you, and wiggling your fingers at the edges of your vision field, asking the patient is they can see the motion
CN II - Optic
Cranial Nerve IV
Trochlear - motor: downward and internal rotation of the eye
If you have the patient clench their jaw and palpate for the firmness of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles, you as assessing the motor portion of this cranial nerve:
CN V - Trigeminal
What 2 CNs are tested together?
CN IX and CN X
Cranial Nerve IX
Sensory: posterior portions of the eardrum and ear canal, the pharynx and taste on the posterior aspect of tongue (salty, sweet, sour, bitter)
Motor: pharynx, gag reflex, swallowing
CN XII - motor - tongue movement
CN VI - motor - eye movement
How do you assess the motor portion of CNs IX and X?
Have the pt say ‘ah,’ the uvula and soft palate should move - assessing the gag reflex by using a tongue blade, stroking the palatial arch using the blade, the patient should gag and elevate the arch
When assessing this cranial nerve, have the patient stick out their tongue and move it side to side
CN II - sensory - sight
Asking the patient to smell something testing each nostril separately, with their eyes closed is assessing which CN?
CN I - Olfactory
CN VII - sensory and motor - facial expressions and taste
Cranial Nerve 6
Abducens - motor: lateral deviation of the eye
CN III - motor - eye movement
What type of nerve is CN VII?
sensory and motor
What type of nerve is CN II?
CN V - sensory and motor - taste and muscle of mastication
Which CN is responsible for the patient’s ability to shrug their shoulders?
CN XI - spinal accessory
While assessing extra-occular eye movements, you note that your patient’s eye is slightly adducted when the patient looks straight ahead. The eye abducts sluggishly, and even when abduction is maximal, the lateral sclera is exposed. You suspect the patient is experiencing:
CN 6 palsy
To test this CN, have the pt occlude one ear, then standing one foot away from the pt, whisper words and have them repeat what you said. Do this for both ears. Then have the pt close their eyes and stand on one foot to check for balance.
CN VIII - Acoustic: hearing (cochlear) and balance (vestibular)
CN IX - sensory and motor - swallow and gag reflex
What type of nerve is CN II?
How do you test the CN XI?
have the pt shrug their shoulders to test the trapezius muscle; have the pt tilt head to the left and right to test the sternocleidomastoid muscle
When assessing these CNs, you may observe eye muscle disorders from myasthenia gravis, trauma, thyroid ophthalmopathy, and internuclear opthalmoplegia.
CN III, IV, and VI
What is the responsibility of the hypoglossal nerve?
Controls tongue movement (CN XII)
To assess this CN, cover each eye one at a time and shine a bright light directly into the uncovered eye, assessing to pupillary response
CN II - Optic
CN I - sensory, smell
Cranial Nerve X
Sensory: pharynx and larynx, taste on posterior aspect of tongue
Motor: palate, pharynx and larynx, gag reflex, swallowing
Cranial Nerve 11
Spinal Accessory - motor: sternocleidomastoid and upper portion of the trapezius
CN IV - motor - eye movement
Your patient presents with symptoms of vertigo and tinnitus. During your assessment, you note that the patient is having nystagmus and sensorineural hearing loss. You suspect the patient has damage to which CN?
CN VIII - Acoustic

A middle aged man expresses to you that he is concerned that he cannot taste anything on the anterior portion of his tongue. What nerve innervates this portion of the tongue?
CN VII - Facial
Spinal Accessory
CN XI - motor - movement of neck muscles
When assessing EOM in your patient, you observe pupil dilation and loss of reactivity to light and the inability to observe upward gaze. Because of this, you suspect:
Loss of CN III function
A patient presents with concerns about his vision. He states that he is experiencing double vision. Upon evaluation you conclude that he has lateral rectus palsy, Which cranial nerve is most likely lesioned in this young man?
CN VI - Abducens - remember “LR6 SO4 the rest 3” (lateral rectus innervated by CN VI, superior oblique innervated by CN IV, the rest of the eye muscles are controlled by III)
CN VIII - sensory - hearing and balance
Which cranial nerve is responsible for smell?
Olfactory - CN I
Cranial Nerve XII
Hypoglossal - motor: muscles of the tongue
Uneven pupils, one dilated, one contracted
Which CN is responsible for taste on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
CN VII - Facial
CN X - sensory and motor - movement of throat muscles
A 23 y/o female presents with complains of hearing changes and balance issues. Which cranial nerve is most likely involved with her problems?
CN VIII - Acoustic - the vestibulolcochlear nerve
Cranial Nerve 3
Oculomotor - motor: pupillary constriction, opening the eye (lid elevation), and most extraocular movements
Which CN innervates the muscles involved in shoulder shrugging and in turning the head?
spinal accessory - CN XI innervates the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles

During CN assessment, your patient contract the left sternocleidomastoid muscle easily, but the right muscle contraction is absent. Looking at the back of the patient, the left trapezius muscle is outline and present but the right is atrophic and hard to identify. These findings indicate a lesions of :
The right CN XI
Your patient has weakness of the lower half of the left side of his face including the orbicularis oculi muscle but sparing the forehead. This is consistent the an upper motor neuron lesion or lesion of what CN?
Binocular diplopia occures in neuropathy of what CNs?
CN III, IV, and VI
Loss of smell occurs in sinus conditions, head trauma, smoking, aging, use of cocaine, and Parkinson disease. This is found when assessing of which CN?
CN I - Olfactory
Difficulty clenching the jaw or moving it to the opposie side suggest masseter and lateral pterygoid weakness, respectively, jaw deviation during opening points to weakness on the deviating side. Look for unilateral weakness of this CN (pontine lesions)- Bilateral weakness points to bilateral hemispheric disease - Absent blinking on both sides occurs with lesions of this CN
CN V - trigeminal
The following abnormal finding suggest issues with these two CNs: hoarseness, nasal voice, or difficulty swallowing.
CN IX and X - glossopharyngeal and vagus
When assessing this CN - you may find tongue atrophy and fasciculations due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and past polio or protruded tongue that eviates away from the side of the cortical lesions.