Cranial nerves Flashcards
Cranial nerve IV and its function?
Trochlear Nerve.
Cranial nerve V its composition, function, and diagnostic symptoms?
Trigeminal Nerve:
Both Sensory and Motor
Main Sensory Nerve of face. For Touch, pain and temperature. Motor Component controls masseter muscle
Damage produces loss of sensation to face and impaired chewing causing headaches.
Cranial nerve VI, its composition, function, and diagnostic symptoms?
Abducens Nerve.
Controls Lateral Rectus Muscle
Symptoms: Not tracking movement, double vision
Cranial nerve VII and its function?
Facial Nerve
Both Motor and Sensory
Name the cranial nerves in order.
On, On On they traveled And Found Voldemort Guarding Very Awful Horcruxes.
I) Olfactory II) Optic II) Opticalmotor IV) V) VI) Abducens VII) Facial Nerve VIII) Vestibulocochlear IX) Glossopharygeal X) Vagus XI) Accessory Nerve XII) Hypoglossal Nerve
Where does the facial nerve originate are its five branches?
What number nerve is it?
Originates in the pons. Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical Cranial Nerve 7
Cranial nerve XII and its function?
Hypoglossal Nerve (below the tongue). Mixed nerve. Primary function moving your tongue around.
Cranial nerve XI and its function?
Accessory nerve. Its a motor nerve.
Describe functions the cranial portion of the accessory nerve
effects throat and soft palate. Checked by saying “ah” to see if throat opens evenly. Some role in swallowing
Describe functions the spinal portion of the accessory nerve
control sternocleidomastoid and trapezius. Damage results in head turned toward injured side
Cranial nerve X and its function? How can you diagnose problems with it?
Vagus Nerve. Involved in everything related to parasympathetic nervous system. Involves more invasive diagnostic tests, sometimes indicated by laryngitis without sore throat.
What is the only cranial nerve that you need at least one functioning one to survive.
Vagus Nerve
Cranial nerve IX and its function?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve. It is a mixed nerve.
What does the sensory component of the glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Sensory side is posterior 1/3 of tongue. Involved in bitter receptors and posterior sour receptors. Involved in regulating blood pressure to the brain through carotid sinuses
What does the motor component of the glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Important in swallowing food. Initiates swallowing reflex. Controls secretions from carotid salivary glands.
Cranial nerve VIII and its function?
vestibulocochlear nerve
Which branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve arises from the medula, and what are symptoms of damage?
The cochlear branch Damage to hearing.
Which part of the vestibulocochlear nerve arises from the Pons? What are symptoms of damage?
The vestibular branch. Involved in balance. Can have nausea, vertigo, and Nystagmus (constantly moving eyes from trying to regain balance).
What is complete damage to the facial nerve called?
Bell’s Palsey
What are common signs and test for damage??
Asking someone to smile. Test tear ducts, and asking about damage to sweet and salty taste. The Sensory portion control front 2/3 of the tongue.
How can swallowing be effected by damage to the fascial nerve?
Controls musscus aspect of submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. The causes watery saliva that make it harder to swallow food.