Cranial Meninges Flashcards
What are cranial meninges?
Coverings of the brain that lie immediately internal to the cranium
Purpose of the meninges
Protect the brain and form the supporting framework for arteries, veins, and venous sinuses
The cranial meninges are composed of what membranous layers?
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
Leptomeninx includes the:
And are separated by ____ ___, which contains:
Arachnoid and pia maters
Subarachnoid space
Cerebrospinal fluid
____ provides nutrients to the brain. It is formed by the ___ ___ within:
Choroid plexuses
The 4 ventricles of the brain
A two-layered membrane that is adherent to the internal surface of the cranium
Dura mater
2 laters of the dura mater
Periosteal layer
Meningeal layer
The periosteal layer of the dura mater is formed by the ______ covering the internal surface of the ____.
The meningeal layer of the dura mater is a ___ ____ membrane that is continuous with the:
Strong fibrous
Meningeal layer covering the spinal cord
What forms the dural infoldings (reflections)?
The internal meningeal layer of the dura reflecting away from the external periosteal layer of the dura
Purpose of the dural infoldings
Divides the cranial cavity into compartments and support parts of the brain
What are the dural reflections?
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebelli
Diaphragmatic sellae
The falx cerebri is a _____-shaped partition that lies in the ________ fissure that separates the:
Right and left cerebral hemispheres
The flax cerebri extends from the ___ ___ of the frontal bone and the ___ ___ of the ethmoid bone anteriorly to the ____ ____ ____ posteriorly
Frontal crest
Crista Galli
Internal occipital protuberance
The falx cerebri ends _____ by becoming continuous with the ___ ___.
Tentorium cerebelli
The falx cerebri attaches to the ____ ____ in the _____ and holds it up, giving it a tent-like appearance
Tentorium cerebelli
The tentorium cerebelli is a wide ____ ___ that separates the ___ ___ of the cerebral hemispheres from the cerebellum
Crescentic septum
Occipital lobes
The tentorium cerebelli attaches anteriorly to the ___ ____ of the sphenoid bone, anterolaterally to the ___ ___ of the temporal bone, and posterolateral to the _____ ____ of the occipital bone
Clinoid process
Petrous part
Internal surface
What is the tentorial notch?
The anteromedial concave free border, through which the brain stem extends from the posterior into the middle cranial fossa
The tentorium cerebelli divides the cranial cavity into _______ and _____ compartments
The falx cerebelli is a _____ dural infoldings that lies inf to the ____ ___ and partially separates the:
Tentorium cerebelli
Cerebellar hemispheres
The diaphragma sellae is the ____ and a ___ sheet of dural infolding that is suspended between the ___ ____, forming a partial roof over the ______ fossa.
Clinoid processes
Hypophysial fossa
What are the dural venous sinuses
Endothelial-lined spaces between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura
Dural venous tributaries are the veins from the:
Surface of the brain and from the fipole of the skull
What are the dural venous sinuses?
Superior Sagittal sinus
Inf Sagittal sinus
Straight sinus
Transverse sinuses
Sigmoid sinuses
Occipital sinus
Cavernous sinus
Superior petrosal sinuses
Inf petrosal sinuses
Emissary veins
Where does the superior Sagittal sinus lie?
In the convex attached (superior) border of the falx cerebri
The sup. Sagittal sinus begins at the ___ ___ and ends near the __ ___ ___ at the:
Crista galli
Internal occipital protuberance
Confluence of sinuses
lateral expansions of the sup sagittal sinus
lateral venous lacunae
the sup sagittal sinus receives the ____ ___ veins and communicates on each side through with the ___ ___ ___.
sup cerebral veins
lateral venous lacunae
what are arachnoid granulations
(collections of arachnoid villi)
Tufted prolongations of the arachnoid that protrude through the meningeal layer of the dura mater into the dural venous sinuses and lateral venous lacunae
What transfers the CSF to the venous system?
arachnoid granulations
which is smaller, superior or inferior sagittal sinus?
the inf sagittal sinus runs in the _____ ____ ___ border of the ____ ____ and ends in the ___ ___.
inferior free concave
falx cerebri
straight sinus
The straight sinus is formed by what?
the union of the inf sagittal sinus w/ the great cerebral vein
the straight sinus runs ______ along the line of attachment of the ___ ____ to the ____ ____ to join the:
falx cerebri
tenrorium cerebelli
confluence of sinuses
the trasverse sinuses pass laterally from the ____ ___ ___ in the ____ attached margin of the ____ _____, grooving the:
confluence of sinuses
tentorium cerebelli
occipital bones
The transverse sinuses become the ___ ____ at the posterior aspect of the ___ ____ __
sigmoid sinuses
petrous temporal bone
The sigmoid sinuses follow the __-shaped courses in the __ ___ ___, forming deep grooves where?
post cranial fossa
temporal and occipital bones
after forming deep grooves in the temporal and occipital bones, the sigmoid sinuses turn ____, then continue ___ as the ____ after transversing the _____
jugular foramen
the occipital sinus lies in the attached border of ___ ____ and ends ____ in the:
falx cerebelli
confluence of sinuses
The occipital sinus communicates _____ with the :
internal vertebral venous plexus
the cavernous sinus is located bilaterally on each side of the ___ ____ on the body of the ___ bone
sella turcica
the cavernous sinus consists of (THICK/THIN)-walled veins that extend from the ___ ___ ___ anteriorly to the _________ posteriorly
sup orbital fissure
apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone
contents in the cavernous sinus
internal carotid art
abducent nerve (CN V1)
contents in the lateral wall of each cavernous sinus
oculomotor nerve (CN III)
trochlear nerve (CN IV)
CN V1 and CN V2 divisions of the trigeminal nerve
tributaries to the cavernous sinus
sup and inf ophthalmic veins
superficial middle cerebral vein
sphenoparietal sinus
sup and inf petrosal sinuses
pterygoid venous plexuses (through emissary veins)
intercavernous sinuses
the intercavernous sinuses and and post to the _____ of the ____ gland communicate:
the cavernous sinuses w/ each other
the sup petrosal sinuses run from the post end of the ___ ___ to join the ___ ___, there they curve inferiorly to form the:
cavernous sinuses
transverse sinuses
sigmoid sinuses
each sup petrosal sinus lies in the _____ attached margin of the ____ ____, which attaches to the:
tentorium cerebelli
sup border of the petrous part of the temporal bone
the inf petrosal sinuses begin at the post end of the ____ ___ and drain them directly into the origin of the:
cavernous sinuses
what connects the inf petrosal sinuses w/ the internal vertebral venous plexus?
basilar plexus
what connects the dural venous sinuses w veins outside the cranium
emissary veins
arteries of the dura mater
middle meningeal artery (with anterior and posterior branches)
the middle meningeal art is a branch of:
maxillary artery
the middle meningeal art enders the ____ cranial fossa through the:
foramen spinosum
the ant branch of the middle meningeal art runs superiorly to the _____ then curves ____ to ascend toward the:
vertex of the cranium
the post branch of the middle meningeal art runs ______ and ramifies over the ____ aspect of the cranium
veins of the dura accompany the:
meningeal arteries
innervation of the dura mater
3 divisions of CN V (main innervation)
Vagus (CN X) and hypoglassal (CN XII)
sup 3 cervical nerves
the arachnoid mater and pia mater (___) develop from:
a single layer of mesenchyme surrounding the embryonic brain
what passes between the arachnoid and pia
arachnoid trabeculae
which is an avascular layer– arachnoid or pia?
arachnoid mater
the pia mater is a (THICK/THIN) membrane that is highly _____ by a network of fine ___ ____ and adheres to the surface of the ____ and follows its ___
blood vessels
what are the 3 meningeal spaces
epidural space
subdural space
subarachnoid space
where is the epidural space located
between the cranium and external periosteal layer of the dura
it is not a natural space
when does the epidural space become a space?
pathologically (blood extravasation)
location of the subdural space
between dura and arachnoic (not a potential space)
location of the subarachnoic space
between arachnoid and pia
the subarachnoid is a ___ space that contains:
Trabecular cells
cerebral arteries
review clinical relevance. not sure he will ask theses
head injuries and such