CPHLAB Epidemiology [2026]✓ Flashcards
“Branch of medical services which treatsepidemics.
J.P. Parkin, 1873
“Scientific study of the distribution anddeterminants of health-related states or eventsin specified populations, and the application ofthis study to control health problems.”
John Last, 2001
The study of the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in man
McMahon and Pugh, 1970
ariables which help measure changes
World Health Organization (WHO)
Measures the occurrence of a particular event (disease,disability, birth, death) in a given population during agiven period of time
Rates Formula
are used to indicate the riskassociated with the exposure
monitored everyday
Reproduction rate
Also measure the risks associated with exposures
Also provide information regarding the speed in whichthe disease is developing to make comparison acrossthe population
Portrays a relationship of a part of a whole
Part of a whole
Different variables are beingb compared as a whole
● Measures how fast people are added to the populationthru birth
Crude Birth Rate
Crude Birth Rate
CBR = No. of registered birth in a given year / Midyear population of given year X 100
More specific than crude birth rate since unlike crudebirth rate, the midyear population is specified to womenin reproductive age (15 – 44 years old
General Fertility Rate Formula
No. of total registered birth in a given year / Midyear population of women X 100
●Simplest measure of mortality or death● Measures how fast mortality happens in a
Crude Death Rate
Crude Death Rate Formula
CDR = Total death in a given year / Midyear population in that year X 100
Crude death rate is also affected by adverse ________ and ________ conditions.
Environmental and Occupational
it also affect crude deathrate when the location is not organized or safe.
Peace and Order Conditions
Rates which measure the force of mortality in specificsubgroups of the population
Cause-Specific Death Rate
Cause-Specific Death Rate
CSDR = No. of deaths of specific group in a given year / Midyear population of the same group in a given year X 1000