CPC Review Questions Flashcards
Bronchoscopy: A patient presents for 4 ttransbronchial lung biopsies of 2 separate lobes performed via a bronchoscopy. Two biopsies are taken in one lobe and 2 biopsies in another lobe. Code als services.
A. 31628, 31632 x3
B. 31628
C. 31629, 31632
D. 31628, 31632
D. 31628, 31632
Sinus Endoscopy: A patient presents to the endoscopy suite for a diagnostic maxillary sinusotomy. During the sinusotomy. the physician observes some diseased tissue which needs to be removed. The physician decides to perform a maxillary antrostomy with tissue removal. Code all services.
A. 31267
B. 31231, 31267
C. 31254, 31256
D. 31256
A. 31267
Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery VATS: Patient presents for scheduled for a diagnostic VATS. He has been complaining of difficulty breathing and mid chest pain. Under general anesthesia he was placed in left lateral decubitus position and a thoracoscope was inserted through a port site. The VATS exploration immediately revealed a mass of the left upper lobe. A biopsy was performed and sent to pathology. Code all services.
A. 32601
B. 32608
C. 32408
D. 32096
B. 32608
Postoperative Hemorrhage: A patient is treated for a postoperative hemorrhage following an endoscopic upper lobectomy. The provider performed a major thoracotomy. Code all services.
A. 32100
B. 32310
C. 32120
D. 32110
C. 32120
CABG: A paptient has a four-vessel autogenous (one venous, three arterial) coronary bypass, utilizing the saphenous vein, radial artery and the left and right internal mammary arteries. Code all services.
A. 33535, 33510-51
B. 33533, 33519, 35600
C. 33535, 33517, 35600
D. 33534, 33518-51, 33530
C. 33535, 33517, 35600
Choloecystectomy: Patient present for a cholecystectomy performed laparoscopically. The procedure was performed for recurrent bouts of acute cholecystitis. What is the correct CPT Code?
A. 47570
B. 47600
C. 47562
D. 47605
C. 47562
Colonoscopy: A patient presents for a diagnostic colonoscopy. When performing the service, the physician notes suspicious looking polyps and removes five of these to send to pathology for further testing using a snare technique. Which CPT code(s) is (are) reported?
A. 45378, 45385-51
B. 45378, 45380-51
C. 45380
D. 45385
D. 45385
Exchange of Stents:
Procedure- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram with balloon cholangiogram; stent exchange; antral biopsy
Description of Procedure- The patient was taken to the fluoroscopy suite in GI lab where he was found to be alert and oriented x3. After discussing risks and benefits of the procedure, informed consent was obtained. After that, the patient was kept in the semi prone position. After adequate conscious sedation, an Olympus side-viewing therapeutic scope was inserted through the mouth all the way to the second portion of the duodenum. Then, the common bile duct was cannulated and the cholangiogram was obtained. After the fluoroscopy evaluation of the cholangiogram, the old stent was removed and an 8.5 x 2 cm stent was deployed for biliary drainage. After that, the biopsy from the antrum was obtained. Which CPT code(s) is (are) reported?
A. 43260
B. 43276, 43261-51
C. 43261, 43273
D. 43264, 43261-51
B. 43276, 43261-51
External Hemorrhoid: Patient presents for an external hemorrhoidectomy. The provider performs a single column hemorrhoidectomy. What is the correct CPT code?
A. 46250
B. 46255
C. 46945
D. 46999
D. 46999
Inguinal Hernia:
Performed- Right inguinal hernia repair with mesh.
Operative Findings- Upon entering the right groin, a large inguinal sac was identifieed and was repaired with a large plug-and-patch technique. The male patient is 45-years-old.
Description of Procedure- After undergoing adequate general anesthesia and after DuraPrep prepping tghe left groin and draping with cloth towels and drapes, an oblique incision was made in the right groin through the subcutaneous tissue down to the external oblique. The external oblique was opened in the direction of its fibers and the spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve were placed out of the operagtive field. The spermatic cord was inspected very carefully and a large, inguinal hernia sac was identified and dissected down to the internal ring. The hernia sac was reduced into the abdominal cavity and was secured in place with a large plug, which was placed into the defect. It was sewn in place with #2-0 Vicryl sutures. The on lay patch was placed and was sewn in place with #2-0 Vicryl suture. The wound was irrigated with normal saline and 0.25%. The spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve were placed back in their anatomic position. The external oblique was exposed in a running fashion with #3-0 PDS, the subcutaneous tissues closed with running #4-0 Vicryl, and the skin edges were approximated with a running subcuticular #4-0 Vicryl. What is the correct CPT code?
A. 49550-RT
B. 49507-RT
C. 49505-RT
D. 49520-RT
C. 49505-RT
A patient presents with internal hemorrhoids and has elected to have them removed. The ligator and alligator forceps have been inserted through an anoscope. The physician identifies the most prominent hemorrhoid and ligates it at the base with a rubber band. Which CPT code is reported?
A. 46221
B. 46250
C. 46945
D. 46255
A. 46221
8-year-old female presents to a same day surgery unit for a tonsillectomy. During the surgery, the physician notices the adenoids are very inflamed and must be taken out as well. The adenoids, although not planned for removal, are also removed at the same surgery as the tonsillectomy. What CPT code(s) is/are reported for the procedure?
A. 42820
B. 42821
C. 42825, 42830
D. 42825, 42835
A. 42820
Patient has a recurrent reducible incisional hernia. He undergoes a laparoscopic hernia repair of a defect that is 4 cm. What CPT code is reported?
A. 49591
B. 49593
C. 49615
D. 49616
C. 49615
Bladder Tumor: Transurethral resection of a medium-size (4.0 cm) bladder tumor was performed in an outpatient setting. Code all services.
A. 52224
B. 52234
C. 52235
D. 52240
C. 52235
Circumcision: A clamp circumcision is performed with dorsal block on a new-born baby boy. Code all services.
A. 54150
B. 54160
C. 54161
D. 54150-52
A. 54150
Cystourethroscopy: Patient presents for a cystourethroscopy with ureteroscopy to fulgurate a ureteral lesion.
A. 52325
B. 52354, 52330-51
C. 52354
D. 52330
C. 52354
Orchiopexy: A 6 month-old patient presents for a right orchiopexy for an undescended testis. An inguinal incision was made that was approximately 2.5 to 3 cm in length. This was carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissues. Camper’s and Scarp’s fascia were incised. Once this was completed the testicle was then delievered into the operative field after taking cremasteric muscle down as well as the primitive gubemacular attachment. Once this was done the testicle was examined. The appendix testis was removed and then a tunnel created down through the inguinal area into the scrotum. An incision approximately 1.5 to 2 cm was made down through skin and subcutaneous tissues. A subdartos pouch was then created with a dull mosquito. Once this was done then the testicle was pexed at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock position with a 50 Prolene. Once this was completed the skin was closed with a 3-0 chromic in a continous fashion. The area was then cleansed with normal saline. Then the subcutaneous tissues were approximated with a 3-0 chromic suture and then using a 5-0 Vicryl to dose the skin. Once this was completed then the area was injected with 0.25% Marcaine with an expiration date of 11/11; 2.4 mL were injected into the scrotum as well as the inguinal incision. The patient then had dry sterile dressing, Telfa and Tegaderm applied to the incision along with Steri-Strips. Code all services.
A. 54600-RT
B. 54650-RT
C. 54660-RT
D. 54640-RT
D. 54640-RT
Penile Implant: Patient with erectile dysfunction, presents for penile implant. An inflatable penile prosthesis is inserted. Code all services.
A, 54400
B. 54401
C. 54408
D. 54416
B. 54401
Delivery: A pregnant patient presents to the hospital in active labor. The obstetrician providing her prenatal care is contacted to perform the delievery. The provider delivers twins vaginally. The obstetrician will also provide the postpartum care. What COT code(s) is (are) reported for the delivery?
A. 59510 x 2
B. 59400, 59409-51
C. 59430
D. 59409 x 2
B. 59400, 59409-51
Hysterectomy: A patient with seveere adenomyosis has a vaginal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. After the uterus is removed it is weighed at 310 grams. What is the CPT code reported for this procedure?
A. 58290
B. 58291
C. 58292
D. 58262
B. 58291
Paravaginal Defect: Patient is diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse and cystocele. The paravaginal defect is repaired by entering the vagina and incising the anterior vaginal wall placing sutures in the weakened muscle and fascia, with an incision and plication of the pubocervical fascia. All the sutures placed are tied to close the defect. What procedure code(s) is (are) reported?
A. 57285
B. 57268, 57284
C. 57423
D. 57285, 57240
A. 57285
Twin Delivery: 28-year-old woman delivers twins by her regular obstetrician by cesarean delivery. Both are delivered without complications. Patient had antepartum care with this obstetrician and will have postpartum care in two weeks. What is/are the CPT code(s) reported for this service?
A. 59510
B. 59510, 59514-51
C. 59510, 59510-51
D. 59400
A. 59510
The patient presents with a recurrent infection of the Bartholin’s gland which has previously been treated with antibiotics and I&D. At this visit her gynecologist incises the cyst, draining the material and tacks the edges of the cyst creating an open pouch to prevent recurrence. What is the correct CPT code?
A. 56405
B. 56420
C. 56440
D. 56740
C. 56440
A newborn baby has an elective circumcision before home discharge. The phyisican uses a ring block for the local anesthetic and the foreskin is placed over the glans. A clamp is selected for the size of the glans and a constricting circular ring is placed over the foreskin to compress and devascularize the foreskin. The devascularized foreskin is excised with a scalpel, the rine device is removed, and the penis is dressed. Which CPT code is reported?
A. 54150
B. 54160
C. 54161
D. 54150-52
A. 54150
Patient presents with a 3 cm laceration to the left scrotum. Through this opening the urologist explores the testis for damage and finds some tearing of the testicular tissue that needs suturing. The only other apparent injury is swelling and bruising. The urologist repairs the testicle, ehich requires a layered closure. What CPT code is reported?
A. 12001
B. 12042
C. 54600-LT
D. 54670-LT
D. 54670-LT
Chemodenervation: A 55 year-old male presents with spasmodic torticollis. The decision is made to inject 100 units of Botox in the cervical paraspinal, semispinalis capitis, and trapezius muscles using EMG guidance. What CPT code(s) is (are) reported?
A. 64616, 95874
B. 64617
C. 64615, 95874
D. 64616-50, 95874
A. 64616, 95874
Vertebral Corpectomy: A 50 year-old male patient presents to the OR for a partial corpectomy of three thoracic vertebrae. The surgeon performs the transthoracic approach and performs three vertebral nerve root decompressions. What are the correct CPT codes?
A. 63085, 63086
B. 63087, 63088
C. 63087, 63088 x 2
D. 63085, 63086 x 2
D. 63085, 63086 x 2
A 45 year-old male patient with chronic lumbago is seen by the physician to have an epidural injection at the sacral level. What CPT code is reported for this procedure?
A. 62320
B. 62326
C. 62360
D. 62322
D. 62322
Patient presents for a right thyroid lobectomy. An incision is made two cm above the sternal notch and carried through the platysma. The right thyroid was dissected free from the surrounding tissues. The isthmus was divided from the left thyroid lobe. The left thyroid lobe was explored revealing a single nodule. The right thyroid lobe was completely removed from the trachea and surrounding tissues. It was marked and sent off the table as a specimen. What CPT cide is reported?
A. 60220
B. 60240
C. 60200
D. 60210
A. 60220
A patient presents for the placement of two adjustable sutures during strabismus surgery involving the horizontal muscles. What CPT code(s) is (are) reported?
A. 67316, 67335-51
B. 67318
C. 67312, 67335
D. 67334, 67335-51
C. 67312, 67335
Anesthesia Modifier: 48-year-old patient was undergoing anesthesia in an ASC and began having complications prior to the administration of anesthesia. The surgeon immediately discontinued the planned surgery. What modifier best describes the extenuating circumstances?
A. 23
B. 53
C. 73
D. 74
C. 73
Anesthesia Start and Stop Times: Anesthesia start times is reported as 6:14 am, and the surgery began at 6:26 am. The surgery finished at 7:18 am abd the patient was turned over to PACU at 7:29 am, which was reported as the ending anesthesia time. What is the anesthesia time reported?
A. 6:26 am to 7:18 (52 minutes)
B. 6:26 am to 7:29 (63 minutes)
C. 6:14 am to 7:18 am (64 minutes)
D. 6:14 am to 7:29 am (75 minutes)
D. 6:14 am to 7:29 am (75 minutes)
Lower Abdomen: An infant 11 months old presents for an inguinal hernia repair. The procedure was performed under endotrachel general anesthesia. Report the anesthesia code(s) for this service.
A. 00834, 99100
B. 00834
C. 00832, 99100
D. 00830
B. 00834
Obstetric: What is the correct anesthesia code for an obstetric patient who had a planned general anesthesia for cesarean hysterectomy?
A. 01969
B. 01963
C. 01962
D. 01967
B. 01963
A patient presents for a shoulder arthroscopy, which became an open procedure, on the shoulder joint. What CPT code is reported for the anesthesia?
A. 01680
B. 01622
C. 01630
D. 01638
C. 01630
62 year-old patient is having surgery on the pericardial sac, without use of a pump oxygenator. The perfusionist placed an arterial line. What CPT code is reported for the anesthesiologist?
A. 00561
B. 36620
C. 00562
D. 00560
D. 00560