Counseling, Research, Maternal Health & WIC Flashcards
How far is the distance in the intimate zone, personal zone, social zone, and public zone?
Intimate zone: <18 inches
Personal zone: 18 inches - 4 feet
Social zone: 4 - 12 feet
Public zone: >12 feet
What is consonance?
a fit between the program and the expected outcomes based on objectives
What is the difference between affective learning and psychomotor learning?
Affective learning = acquisition of attitudes and values, growth in feelings/emotions
Psychomotor learning = acquisition of muscular skills, if someone is able to understand and replicate a concept. E.g. cooking after watching a show
What is the ABC framework for behavior modification?
ABC Framework: can focus on Antecedent, Behavior, or Consequences of behavior
- Positive reinforcement
- Avoidance learning = avoid future criticism by improving future performance
- Extinction = absence of reinforcement following undesired behavior (ignore)
What is the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model?
How ready you are for change
“I don’t need education about diet”
Wife wants to eat more healthfully, BUT her husband would not be on board
Later they come back and the wife BOUGHT your recipe book
They’re ABOUT TO do the thing but haven’t done it yet
The husband buys the groceries, prepares the meals
Bought AND used the thing
The couple come back after 6 months and tell you they have kept up with making more nutrient-dense, balanced meals and plan to continue with the recipes
What is the health belief model?
People will engage in healthy behaviors if they value the outcome
- Perceived Susceptibility
- Perceived Impact
- Perceived Advantage of change
- Appraisal of Barriers
- Self-efficacy
What is the diffusion of innovation model?
How an innovation, an idea, or behavior spreads
People fall into categories:
- Innovators - adopt an idea readily without input from others
- Early adopters - opinion leaders in community, well-respected
- Early majority - cautious in adopting a new idea
- Late majority - skeptical, adopt an idea only through peer pressure
- Laggards - tardy to the party
What is the difference between kinesics vs paralinguistic vs proxemics in non-verbal communication?
Kinesics = comes from the work kinesiology → body things → body language
- Mr. Patterson looks at you in your eyes, or his arms are folded across his chest
Paralinguistic = linguistics → language
- Mr. Patterson hesitates to continue or whispers because he is anxious about telling you he ate bad during the weekend
Proxemics = changing proximity to you
- Mr. Patterson moves away from the desk or sits behind another chair
What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
The behavior is learned. How you think influences negative behaviors and feelings
Aim = introduce changes in thought process that maintain a behavior that needs to be changed
What is motivational interviewing? What is the DARES component of it?
Client-centered method to enhance intrinsic motivation. Reduce ambivalence. Give Mr. Patterson autonomy to make his own decisions.
DD - DEVELOP DISCREPANCY between where he is and where he wants to be
AA - AVOID ARGUMENTS and confrontation
RR - ROLL WITH RESISTANCE acknowledge reluctance to change and ambivalence; offer new info or alternatives to consider
EE - EXPRESS EMPATHY (suggests acceptance), evocation (summons feelings)
SS - SUPPORT SELF EFFICACY reinforce hope and optimism
In written communication, what reading level should you keep it to for the general public and for those with lower literacy?
General public = 8th grade
Lower literacy = 6th grade
What is the difference between formative and summative evaluations?
Formative = assessment is done biweekly/weekly quizzes over the course of 6 weeks
- Can change direction
Summative = assessment AFTER a course (final exam)
- Designed at the planning stage but conducted at the end
When evaluating educational outcomes, you can use a formal objective test or a formal performance test. What are they and which one works well in a clinic/community setting?
Objective test = multiple choice. Not good for clinic/community setting
Performance test = complete task based on learning objectives. Works well in clinic/community setting
What is the difference between the legislative, executive and judiciary branch?
Legislative = Congress, senators, representatives
- introduce/enact laws, override vetos from Pres
Executive = president
- veto/sign legislation into law
- Can discard a law if it violates a person’s basic rights and freedoms
What is the difference between the FTC, FDA and FCC?
FTC aka Federal Trade Commission:
Regulates content of food ads, nutrition labeling, product claims
Makes sure food is safe for consumption
FCC aka Federal Communications Commission:
Licenses radio and TV. Censored Eminem by not playing his music on MTV
What is the difference between QUOROM vs PRISMA vs MOOSE vs CONSORT?
QUOROM = proposed quality standards for reviewing/monitoring systematic reviews and meta-analyses
PRISMA = minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews/meta-analyses
MOOSE = meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology
CONSORT = common criteria for clinical trials
What are the 3 types of descriptive epidemiological studies?
A case report = detailed description of the person’s diagnosis, place, time, treatment, and responses to the treatment
A case series is a GROUP of case reports. Can be retrospective or prospective
An incidence/correlational/ecological study describes the number of new cases of a disease or condition during a specific time and in a specific population
A survey is a type of research that describes and quantifies details and characteristics of a population within a certain time frame
What is the difference between a parallel study, crossover study, and 2 period crossover study? They are all sub-categories of which type of epidemiological study?
All 3 are types of RCTs
Parallel study = participants are randomly assigned to a specific treatment and stay there
Crossover study = each participant serves as his own control
2-period crossover study = there is a crossover! Each participant first receives either the intervention or the control and then alternates in the second round.
- Advantage: variability is reduced since each participant is used twice, measured effect is difference in THAT participant’s response TO the intervention and control
- Disadvantage: longer than parallel studies and a higher amount of dropouts
What are the four types of observational studies?
Case control compares and documents exposure
- Case = group with the disease
- Control = group without the disease
Cohort observes if illness occurs in groups with a commonality by following and determining exposure.
Cross-sectional/prevalence defines exposure and disease in a population at a specific time
Quasi-experiemental/time series establishes the cause/effect of an intervention
- Not random
- E.g. before you start a program, you make measurements and then you make another set of measurements after a program is done to assess for changes
- Shows if there’s a continuation of previous patterns or if there’s a NOTEWORTHY CHANGE
What is the difference between validity and reliability? What is the difference between external and internal validity?
Validity aka a device accurately measures something
- If thermometer is not calibrated but shows the same degree every time, the device is reliable but not valid
- Internal validity = tests whether difference between two groups is real
- External validity = tests whether or not you can generalize results to a larger population
Reliability aka 1 test done twice, with the same exact results
- Less random variation in results → greater precision and greater reliability
What is the difference between sensitive and specific?
Sensitive = the test can correctly identify patients WITH the disease.
- How many SICK people are correctly identified as having the disease?
Specific = the test can correctly identify patients WITHOUT the disease.
- How many HEALTHY people are correctly identified as NOT having the disease?
- Relates to the number of negatives that are actually reported as negative. If there are a high number of false positives, then the test is not specific to the condition.