Counseling & Helping Relationships Flashcards
Eric Berne
Transactional Analysis; Child, Adult and Parent; messages learned about self in childhood determine whether a person is good or bad, intervention can change this
Topographical theory
mind is seen as an iceberg; unconscious, preconscious and conscious
Conscious mind
aware of the immediate environment
Preconscious mind
capable of bring ideas, images and thought into awareness with minimal difficulty
Unconscious mind
composed of information that is unknown or hidden
Ego Defense Mechanisms
serve to minimize anxiety and protect self from severe id or superego demands
Reaction formation
a defense mechanisms where the person acts the opposite of the way they actually feel
takes place when a child accepts a parent’s, caretaker’s or significant other’s values as theirs
Constructivist theories
stress that’s it’s imperative that we as helpers understand the client’s view (known as constructs) to explain their problems
Brief therapy
type of constructivist theory; examines what worked for the client in the past
Narrative therapy
type of constructivist theory; looks at the stories in the client’s life and attempt to rewrite or reconstruct the stories when necessary
Paradoxical strategies
client is instructed to intensify or purposely engage in the maladaptive behavior
a primal universal symbol that means the same thing to everyone
Edward Thorndike’s law of effect
asserts that responses accompanied by satisfaction will be repeated while those that produce unpleasantness or discomfort will be stamped out
Experimental Neurosis
occurs when the differentiation process becomes too tough because the stimuli are almost identical, the subject will show signs of emotional disturbance