Counseling and Helping Relationships Flashcards
Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, this is a form of treatment and comprehensive personality theory. According to Freud’s theory, inborn drives (typically sexual) help form the personality. _____and______, who originally worked with Freud, created individual psychology and analytic psychology.
Alfred Adler (Individual); Carl Jung (analytic).
Eric Berne transactional analysis (TA) posits 3 ego states: child, adult, and parent. This roughly coincides with Freud’s structure theory that includes…
Id, ego, and superego
In transactional analysis (TA) ____is the conscience or the ego state concerned with the moral behavior, while Freud’s theory is____
Parent, superego
Freud felt that successful resolution of the Oedipus complex led to the development of The superego. This is done by…
Identification of with the aggressor, the parent of the same sex’s
Freudians refer to the ego as
The executive administrator of the personality and reality principles
Freud’s theory speaks of Eros and Thanatos. A client threatens self destruction is ruled by…
Thanatos (Greek word for death)
Id is present at birth and never matures. It functions out of awareness to satisfy instinctual needs
Pleasure principle, suggesting humans desire instinct gratification such as libido, sex, or thirsty
-Id “pleasure principle”
-ego “reality principle”
-superego “ideal ego”
If you think of the mind like a seesaw the fulcrum would be
The ego
Free association
A therapist says to a patient “say whatever comes to mind.”
Superego contains the ego ideal. Superego strives for ____rather than _____ like the id.
Perfection; pleasure
All these theorist would be associated with the analyst movement
Freud, Jung, and Adler
Systematic desensitization
Joseph Wolpe, developed this this paradigm. It is a form of behavior therapy based on Pavlov’s classical conditioning.
Scholars would assert that Freud’s 1900 “The interpretation of dream”was his most influential. dreams have…
Manifest and latent content
When a client projects unconscious feelings towards the therapist that they originally had toward a significant other is called
Which case is not associated with the psychodynamic movement?
Little Albert was a famous case from the work of John Watson.
In contrast to classical psychoanalysis, psychodynamic counseling…
Utilizes fewer sessions per week, doesn’t utilize the couch, and is performed face to face.
Talking about difficulties in order to purge emotions is a curative process known as
Catharsis or abreaction
Id, ego, superego is to structural theory as _____is to topographical theory
Unconscious, preconscious, and conscious,
The most controversial aspect of Freud’s theory is
The Oedipus complex
What is Subjective Units of Distress scale (SUDS)?
Evidence for the unconscious mind (process of introspection).
Preconcious mind
Capable of bringing ideas, images, and thoughts into awareness.
Unconscious process serve to a minimize anxiety and protect self
From severe id or superego demands
Ego defense mechanisms
According to Freud the most important defense mechanism is Repression…
Suppression (denial) differs from repression
Repression is automatics or involuntary
An aggressive person who becomes a boxer because they are displaying sublimation
An advertising agency imbeds SEX into an ad for center’s chemical dependency
None of the above! Sublimation, represssion, or introjection…
A man who received a nickel raise but wanted a dollar raise goes home and yells at his wife
Sour grape relationalization
A students says they are not upset about a “F” grade that ruined his perfect GPA
Sweet lemon rationalization
A new counselor’s office does not have AC but the counselor insists she likes to sweat to keep her weight in check.
a client who integrated his father’s values into his thought patterns is a product of
interpretation in counseling
allows clients to be aware of their unconscious processes
organ inferiority is related to
Alfred Adler’s individual psychology
insight is when clients
have “aha” moments
C G Jung, the founder of analytic psychology, stated that men have logic, or the ____principle, while women have intuitive operation, or______.
Logos; eros
mandalas used by who?
Jung used mandalas to analyze clients, himself, and dreams.
_____emphasized need for superiority
sibling interaction might have more power than parent-child interaction who believes this?
neo-freudians highlight what in contrast to Freud?
social factors (Adler, Karen Horney, Erikson, Harry Sullivan…)
introversion and extroversion is assoc. with
Carl G. Jung is known for what instrument?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is a widely used personality test. (12+ thru adulthood, 4 letter code. extroversion or introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving.
Rudolph Dreikurs
first to talk about the use of group therapy in private practice
Adler stressed the ppl wish to belong…
this is called social connectedness
Adler first used paradoxical techniques with clients who were afraid to give presentations he said
exaggerate the behavior and shake in fornt of the class
Jung said society caused men to deny their feminine side_____and women to deny their masculine side____.
anima; animus.
what skill is being used when a counselor points out inconsistencies in a client’s body language and what they are talking about
an example of a counselor concerned with symptom substitution
6 y/o client who stops sucking his thumb will resort to nail biting
an eclectic counselor
chooses to use a theory based on the client’s situation
the term electic is closely related to
Frederick Thorne
counselor’s past is projected onto the client
who stressed the importance of birth order, lifestyle, and family constellation?
BF Skinner’s reinforcement theory elaborated on
Edward Thorndike’s law of effect
Who is known for classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
what is an unconditioned stimulus? (UCS)
association that naturally occurs like an animal salivation (unlearned thing)
instrumental learning is
Skinner’s operant condition
respondent behavior
all reinforcers
increase the likelihood that the behavior will occur
true or false: all negative reinforcements are punishment
Pavlov’s experiment using dogs, the bell was ______and the meat was______.
John B. Watson’s name is associated with
Little Albert
difference btw Pavlov and Skinner?
-Skinner is behavior modification, operant, and instrumental.
-Pavlov is behavior therapy, classical and respondent.
what was the significan of the Little Albert experiment by John Watson and Rosalie Rayner?
a phobia can be learned
John B Watson is to cause as Mary Cover Jones is to
cure. learning could serve as a treatment for phobias.
higer-order conditioning
when new stimulus is paired with CS and takes on the power of CS
EMG feedback
electromyogram and is used to measure muscle tension and is great for help with migraines
what is EEG feedback?
electroencephalogram biofeedback, aka neurofeedback, is used to measure brainwaves.
what is the rating on variable to fixed schedules?
(Most effective) VR, VI, FR, & FI (Least effective
Joseph Wolpe est systematic desensitization…what does SUDS stand for?
subjective units of disturbance
systematic desensitization consists of these steps
relaxation training, construction of anxiety hierarchy, desensitization in imagination, and in vivo desensitization.
sensate focus is
behavioral sex therapy, couple is told to engage in touch/caressing to lower anxiety before sex is an option.
implosive therapy
conducted in imagination and sometimes relied on psychoanalytic symbolism
Flooding is
occurs when client is exposed to fear stimulus aka deliberate exposure with a response prevention.
Logotherapy means
“healing through meaning” est. by Viktor Frankl and is existentialist.
existentialist focus on
the here and now.
Matt Buber’s I-Thou statement means
the relationship is horizontal and assumes equality btw ppl.
William Glasser is part of
reality therapy, incorporates control/choice theory.
beliefs of reality therapy
excuses are not accepted, unconcious is avoided, and therapy is focused on the present. When the past is brought up it focuses on successful behaviors
Glasser’s position on mental illness is?
he rejects traditional medical model of disease and believes it gives ppl permission to act sick.
Glasser’s theory became popular in education when he wrote
schools without failure
Willam Glasser is to reality therapy as Albert Ellis is to_______
rational-emotive behavioral therapy (REBT).
REBT therapist is teaching a client to change cognitions…
self-talk or internal verbalization
philospher related to REBT
Epectetus, stoic man who suggested we feel the way we think.
REBT suggests the ABC theory of personality
A. activating event
B. belief system
C. emotional consequence
ABC theory continues with intervent D & E.
D. dispute irrational behavior
E. new emotional consequence