Coun 200 Flashcards
Scope of Competence
What you know how to do
If the scope of competence includes things outside of the scope of practice, you may not practice these things.
Scope of Practice
What your license says you can do. This comes from the law and dictates what practices you can and cannot do.
No Secrets Policy
In family and couples therapy, it is a good idea to inform the clients that you have a no secrets policy.
Van Hoose & Kottler
Protections Provided by the Code of Ethics
From the government
•From other professionals
•From the public
Name given to confidentiality when used in court
The client is the main privilege holder, except for in the case of one or more of the exceptions. The client can sign over privilege in the form of a waiver or release of information.
Privilege exists even after the client has passed away.
Exceptions to Privilege
Evidence Code 1010-1027
•Court order to report
•The court has appointed the therapist to treat the patient
•The client files a petition to have a professional evaluate his or her competence
The client is under the age of 16, is the victim of a crime, or reporting is in the best interest of the client
Exceptions to Confidentiality
Evidence Code 1024
•The client is a danger to him/herself
•The client is a danger to someone else (Tarasoff)
•Child abuse
•Elder and dependent adult abuse or neglect
•Court order
Ethics and the DSM
The DSM is written for medical professionals and insurance companies, not for MFTs.
Be careful when diagnosing clients, especially children, because the diagnosis will stay with that person.
Fiduciary Relationship
A relationship of special trust that starts with the first phone call
The Role of an MFT in the Legal System
- Source of information
- Resource for services
- Expert witness
Assess for: •Ideation •Plan •Method/Mode •Lethality of Method/Mode •Availability of Method/Mode •Access to Method/Mode •Intent •Previous attempts
Dependent Adult
An adult ages 18-64 who is under the care of another person
Duty to Protect & Warn
When the therapist knows of a serious threat of violence against a reasonably identifiable victim, he or she must not only inform the police, but also the intended victim.
A civil wrong or wrongful act, whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs to another.
Informed Consent
Giving the client sufficient information about the therapist and the therapeutic process.
This includes reviewing the limits to confidentiality.
Dual Relationship
When a therapist and client engage in a separate and distinct relationship.
This can include borrowing money, close personal or intimate relationship, etc.
Standard of Care
Referral to a psychiatrist for medication, voluntary hospitalization, involuntary hospitalization
Tender Years Doctrine
Idea that pre-adolescent children belong with their mothers.
Child Abuse Reporting
- Report suspicion of abuse or neglect.
- The pregnancy of a minor does not, constitute a basis for a reasonable suspicion of sexual abuse
- The reporting agency shall be notified and a report shall be made even if the child has died.
- If the client is over 18 and the abuse took place when the client was under 18, reporting is not mandatory UNLESS the perpetrator has access to children
- Must call immediately
- Get the name of the person taking the report
- Fill out and submit form PC11166 within 36 hours
- Report must be made to the county in which the perpetration occurred.
- Reporting emotional abuse is optional
Ethical Decision Making
- Ethical decisions are:
- End-based – greatest good for the greatest number of people
- Rule-based – relies on obligations to a set of codes or principles, regardless of outcome
- Care-based – committed to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Legal Issues
- Confidentiality
- Standard of Care
- Record-keeping