Coun 174 Flashcards
Family Systems Theory
We have less autonomy in our emotional lives than we assume.
Bowen’s Systems Theory describes how the family, as a multigenerational network of relationships, shapes the interplay of individuality and togetherness using eight interlocking concepts: differentiation of self, triangles, nuclear family emotional process, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process, sibling position, emotional cutoff, and societal emotional process.
Psychodynamic Theory
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Nathan Ackerman
Essence of psychoanalytic treatment is uncovering and interpreting unconscious impulses and defenses against them.
Experiential/Humanistic Theory
Carl Whitaker
Virginia Satir
Carl Rogers
Fritz Perls
Experiential family therapy is founded on the premise that the cause and effect of family problems is emotional surpress.
Structural Theory
Salvador Minuchin
Structural family therapy offers a blueprint for analyzing the process of family interactions. Three constructs are essential components of structural family theory: structure, sub-systems, and boundaries.
Strategic Theory
Jay Haley
Cloe Madanes
Steve De Shazer
Strategic Therapy is any type of therapy where the therapist initiates what happens during therapy and designs a particular approach for each problem. Concepts include: first- and second-order change, circular causality, feedback loops, hierarchy, ordeals, and reframing.
Solution-Focused Theory
Matthew Selekman
Steve De Shazer
Insoo Kim Berg
Solution-focused therapy focuses on the future, where problems can be solved. Solution-focused therapists contend that they don’t need to know a great deal about the nature of the problems that bring people to therapy, because a problem’s solution may be totally unrelated to how it developed.
Cognitive/Behavioral Theory
Ivan Pavlov B. F. Skinner John Gottman Albert Bandura Aaron Beck Albert Ellis Donald Meichenbaum
The basic premise of behavior therapy is that behavior is maintained by its consequences. For example, whining is usually reinforced by attention, although the people supplying the reinforcement may not realize it.
Narrative Theory
Michael White
David Epston
Narrative theory, the truth of experience is created, not discovered. The challenge is to construct truths in the service of self-coherence, not a true picture of the past. The therapist is more of a poet or novelist than an archaeologist. As the therapist asks a client about his or her story, they can see how much narrative accounts affect the client’s perceptions and interpretations of those perceptions.